Park Jinyoung: The Boss

Training For World Destruction

This is what she wanted, a fight. Well I was going to give her one. I couldn't remember anything other than 17's death. Fuzzy images of my oppas bounced around in my head, but I couldn't figure it out.

"Yah! We need to stop her from getting to Namsan tower!" Kyungsoo screamed above the noise. I took a look around me and finally analyzed exactly what was going on. Dr. Park was going through the city on Zelo's ship. Somehow it had long metal legs like a robot spider. The city was in chaos. Innocent citizens running for their lives. Children crying for their parents. Male specimens standing like statues. Some female specimens were trying to attack the ship but most of them were getting rid of the doctors on the inside.

"Yoomi! What's your plan?" Suho kneeled in front of me.

"We need to get these people out of here. That's my first priority.''

"Okay! We'll do that!" Bao Zi said pointing at Lu Han, Xi Zing, and Chen oppa.

"We'll follow your lead Yoomi." Kai oppa said. When I looked into his eyes my minds eye flashed to the first night we met. He saved me. I thought I was in love with him. So much of my time on the outside was devoted to loving Kai. The only problem is that I was never in love with him.

"Yoomi...we have to stay together." Zelo grabbed my hand. When I looked into the pool of big brown sweetness that were his eyes I saw couldn't imagine being seperated again. No matter what happened I wanted him to stay but an arm distance away. 

''Let's go!'' Kai, Kyungsoo, and Suho followed Zelo and I towards the ship while Sehun, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol tried to figure out a way to stall her if she reached Namsan tower. 

''Come on!'' Kai pushed us through the entrance of the ship and I felt more lost than the night I escaped the center. The entire thing was made of metal with a few pools of green ooze. It looked like it was a dungeon rather than a ship. 

''Which way do we go Zelo?'' I asked. This was his ship he would know how to reach the top. 

''We need to head down this hallway.'' He pointed to the left. As if on que six specimens came out.  

''Hello Yoomi.'' One of them smirked. How and why he knew to call me Yoomi was a mystery to me. ''I'm glad we've had the chance to meet.'' This specimen's lips were thick. His brown hair was curled in a noodle style like Chanyeol oppa. 

''Who are you?'' Zelo, and Kai stood in front of me protectively, but they needed to learn that I was on my own from now on. 

''I'm N.I.E.L. Not familiar with me huh? Newly. Innovated. Earth. Leader. I'm the next generation of specimen. Once Dr. Park finishes off this sad human race, specimens like me can start a new life. Making this world everything Dr. Park has ever wanted.'' Behind Niel stood five other extremely detailed specimens. One had blue hair, and another wore bright pink. I did not want to run my fingers through it. 

''Why are you guys doing this? Don't you see it's wrong?'' I stepped forward trying to level with the specimans. Maybe they still had some good left. 

''Don't you get it? We have extreme power over these people. We are above them. We shouldn't have to dwell with their kind. We're stronger, faster, better, smarter. We don't get diseases. It's almost impossible to kill us. This world should belong to us.'' Niel grinned. 

''It's not that simple...'' I put my hand on his shoulder and before I knew it I was flipped on my back. 

''Yoomi!'' Suho ran up to me only to be tackled down by the pink haired specimen. 

''I tried to help you. Remember that.'' I smirked before getting to my feet and showing Niel why I was The R-16. I drop kicked him to the floor landing on my side as well. He stumbled back a few steps, and fell on his back. 

''Ahhh!!" Kyungsoo yelled before charging toward the cuter specimen with a boyish grin. Of course Kyungsoo was no match to him, but it was cute watching him try. 

''Yah!'' I let out loud grunts throughout my one on one with Niel. He was an equal match for me and far more trained than I expected. He sent an upper cut to my chin knocking me out momentarily.

That's when I felt it.

My body was beginning to get strong from the pain. I got to my feet and sent non stop kickes his way making him stumble back. 

''W-What's wrong with you?!'' He stuttered noticing the glow in my eyes. 

''Nothing's wrong with me...but you on the on the other hand....'' I had a firm grip on his hand, and forced his entire arm in the opposite direction breaking the joint on his elbow instantly. He fell to the floor screaming from the pain I inflicted on him. 

''Y-Yoomi a little help here!'' Suho stumbled back as another specimen attacked him. The name tag read C.A.P. 

''Yo! Crazy. Arm. Pit! Fight me you jerk!'' I pulled him back by his hair, and sent him to the floor on his back. He was out with one forceful jab to the stomach. 

''Yoomi, we need to get to the top!'' Zelo reached for my hand. 

''But I can't leave them-''

''Go!'' Kai yelled while fighting off a specimen with the name Changjo. He pushed him into the tub of green ooze with ease. Still looking extremely cool while doing it. 

All I could thing of was R-17 dying right before my eyes. I couldn't let anyone else get hurt. ''Ahhhh!!'' I went running to the two specimans fighting with Kyungsoo. The two that seemed to be the wildest in the group with pink, and blue hair. Within seconds I was able to get them tied together by their shirts, and locking them to a pole. They weren't going anywhere soon. 

''I totally had that!!'' Kyungsoo growled. ''You robotic jerk!'' He gave the blue haired one a kick. 

''Yah!'' Kyungsoo jumped back from Mr. Blue's outburst. 

''Come on let's go!'' He ran ahead. 

Up the steps we went, finally reaching the top. Dr. Park's headquarters. Once the door was opened I was slapped from the amount of wind blowing on us. She stood at the edge looking down in triumph. 

''How nice of you to join us...'' Suddenly an unfamiliar voice cackled. Dr. Park turned around and smirked. 

''Yes, sir. I told you they would come to us.'' She laughed. Suddenly a group of male doctors came out and grabbed everyone. Everyone except me. 

''Oppa!! Zelo!'' 

''Yoomi!!!'' They struggled to break free, but were held tight. One name of the doctor's I caught was Ok Taecyeon. 

''R-16, you don't know me...but I've been waiting to meet you.'' A man with an evil looking face smiled. ''My name is Park Jinyoung. I'm sure you don't care about the details right now, but I just wanted to thank you for all you've done for us today.'' 

Another group of doctors came out dragging with them all of Zelo's brothers. The lead doctor Yoon Doojoon held onto an unconcious Jongup.

''W-What are you talking about?'' For the first time I was wondering how I could pull this off? I was completely on my own. This wasn't a first, but this was definitely not a fight I could win on my own. 

''Well? Aren't you going to join us?'' Park Jinyoung smiled holding his hand out for me. 

There has to be something for me to do...

Slowly I made my way closer to Dr. Park, and Park Jinyoung. Whatever they had planned I had to be ready for...


A/N: OH MY GOSH!!!  I'm sorry for the lack of updates. And by lack I mean L.A.C.K!!!! I've been so busy with school, and have also lost my inspiration for writing. Well I still love writing ofc, but chapters don't just come to me easily anymore. I hope you guys will stick with me for the ending of this story :] if you don't I understand....please comment. Subscribe. watevs~~ Ii hope you at least enjoyed this a tiny bit. and hopefully I can update this more often in the future. <33333

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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??