The Light Has Been Brought Back

Training For World Destruction

Chanyeol's POV

''What are you two doing here?!'' I shouted when Kris carried Tao over with his injured leg. 

''We've figured out how this electric thing works!'' Kris set Tao down on the floor. 

''Ouch!!'' Tao cried. ''It runs on darknss and light! The Matoki's ship harbors darkness in the power source. That's why they need it. Once they connect it to the tower everyone will be turned into slaves of darkness. Basically losing ability of free will. They'll be robots to the center and all the specimans.'' 

''Yeah, unless we figure our how to disable the darkness obsorbers on this bad boy we have no chance in saving anyone.'' Kris told us. 

''So how do we turn off the darkness obsorbers?'' I asked, desperate for a solution.

''We have no idea.'' Tao moaned trying to move his foot to a more comfortable postion. 

''Be careful!'' Sehun ran over to him and examined his injury. ''You've helped us a lot.'' He smiled. 

''What's going on over there?'' Baekhyun asked walking over to the ledge. ''Holy !!!'' He fell backward to the floor, and started crawling back. Over the ledge climbed the ship. It was like a giant spider coming towards us. 

''When did they get so close?!'' I yelled. 

''I don't know...but we need to get those darkness obsorbers disabled. Now!'' Kris shouted.

Kai's POV

I couldn't look at anyone. I couldn't speak. I carried Yoomi's lifeless body in my arms as we approached Namsan Tower. There stood Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Kris, and Tao.

''Oh look more of your friends.'' Yoomi giggled. Hearing her laugh almost made me throw up. It was exactly like my Yoomi's laugh.  

''Oppa!'' The other one ran over to Chanyeol smiling. 

''Chanyeol she isn't-'' It was too late. Suho tried to warn Chanyeol that she was an imposter, but she flipped him on his back before he could understand what was going on. 

''Why did she do that-''

''Yoomi...?'' Tao was the first to notice who I carried in my arms. The person who was growing colder and colder by the second. 

''What happened to her?'' Sehun began to cry. 

''Shes's gone!'' Kahi smiled. ''Thanks to our friend Zelo here.'' 

''Yoomi, prepare the tower for the darkness obsorbtion.'' Jinyoung smiled. 

''Yes father.'' She skipped over to the end of the tower, and flipped a switch. Suddenly the tower shot lightning into the sky and hummed loudly. ''It's ready for the ship.'' 

''This is our ship! You don't have control over it!'' Himchan yelled. ''You have no right to use it for your craziness!'' 

''Of course we know that.'' Jinyoung smiled. ''That's why you're going to connect it for us.'' 

''Like hell we are!'' Jongup yelled. He was grabbed by two doctors and brought over to the tower. 

''Stop!'' Zelo looked at me before stepping out. The words Yongguk whispered to me on our way stuck in my head. I had one chance, and one chance only. 

''I want to be the one to connect the ship to the tower.'' Everyone watched as Zelo stepped over to the tower, and kneeled down. 

''What are you doing?! You traitor!!'' Baekhyun cried. ''How could you do this?!'' 

The ship started levatating toward the tower. Elecric shocks flew in the air as they got closer. 

''Ahh!'' Yongguk yelled as he leaped forward and switched the light obsorber on. 

With all my power I ran toward the tower with a firm grip on Yoomi who was slowly growing cold. The light in her should be enough to save everyone and herself. I would never forget the bright light that glowed through her eyes when she was angry. That light was the only thing that could save everyone. Yoomi was the light that made the world glow. 

The entire world felt silent when I placed her on the tower. The only thing heard was my heart pounding heavily in my ears. Zelo ran back and brought me with him. Lightning shot into the sky, and the cloud cover erased immediately. The heavens opened up and the sun shined brighter than ever, blinding us all.

''Yoomi...?'' I heard Kyungsoo breathe behind me. ''Please, please, please wake up.''

Yoomi's eyes opened wide, and the light showed bright. Like the first time I witnessed this her body started floating. 

''W-what's going on?'' The other Yoomi stuttered. ''Ahhh!'' She started shaking, and suddnely lost control of her body. With one snap from the real Yoomi, her evil clone was sent flying over the edge. Next were the Park doctors who were more than defiant when being torchured by her. Their bodies shook, and after much fight they laid on the floor. Blood spilled out of their ears. 

A loud shrieking noise filled the atmosphere. Yoomi's shrieks were at such a frequency that the Matoki's ship started pealing to nothing, until it was a mess of metal, and fire on the rooftop. The tower that was once going to be used for world destruction withered away to rotted metal, and stood as a broken beam.

''Kai!'' Daehyun shouted to me as Yoomi's body starting dropping from the sky.

''Zelo!'' I shouted. He was right below her, and caught her just in time before she hit the building. They both fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Zelo's POV 

I had to catch her. I almost lost her once, it wasn't happening again. When I caught her I felt a bone in my wrist snap as I fell to the floor with her. The pain didn't even matter to me, I couldn't feel it. My heart was racing, she needed to wake up, I needed to see the life in her. 

''Kim Yoomi, wake up!'' I leaned forward and kissed her lips. Unlike before she didn't wake up. I sat with her waiting for her eyes to open but they wouldn't. ''Yoomi! I know you hear me in there....please come back! Wake up!!'' My tears stained her face as they dripped off of my cheeks. 

''Ouch....'' I heard a small mumble. It was a sweet voice. It was Yoomi's. Suddenly her eyes squinted barely revealing the white of her eyes. 

''Yoomi?'' I brushed my fingers over her cheeks wiping away my tears. 

''Zelo...?'' She sat up, and began to cough. ''Did I win?'' She looked around, and saw everyone staring at her with unsure glances. 

I expected to be so happy to see her alive that I would give her kisses forever, and apologize a million times, and never stop telling her how much I loved her, but when she sat before me we started crying. She crawled over to me, and held me tight. Our bodies shook from our sobs. In a way these tears were saying everything that we needed to say to each other. 

I love you.

I'm sorry.

We're alive.

I was scared.

I need you.

Everything in my heart was leaking through my eyes as I held onto Yoomi, and thought of how life was without her. Suddenly I felt more arms around me and noticed that my hyungs, and Yoomi's oppas joined our hug. 

''Yoomi! You did saved us all!'' Sehun cried. 

''Oppa, can we go home now? Back to the beach?'' She sniffed. 

''Of course we can Yoomi.'' Kai tried to hide it, but I saw the small tear that fell from his eye as he smiled. 

''Aren't you forgetting a few people?'' BaoZi smiled as him, Chen, Lu Han, and Yi Xing came up the steps. On Chen's back was a girl. She had short brown hair, and big round blue eyes.

''...17!'' Yoomi pushed through us all, and Chen let 17 down. ''You're alive!'' Yoomi sobbed. ''I thought you were...I thought-''

''Me too! But...I felt this bright light inside of my body spread through me, finally I was able to open my eyes, and when I woke up everyone was gone except for these boys.'' She smiled. It was Yoomi's light that saved her. It saved everyone. 

''Well, you're never going to be left alone again, arasso? I'm never leaving your side!'' 


Finally the war was over between Yoomi, and the doctors. My hyung's and I no longer had to fight for our safety, and we could live a happy life as humans with Yoomi and her oppas, and now R-17. 

A/N: Yay!!!! Final's next guys~~ thanks so much for reading and commenting. I love reading all of your responses so much. They really make me happy!! I'm sorry I didn't update often for some parts of the story, but thnx for sticking with me anyway <3 I hope you liked how I came up with the ending, and OMG I WANTED TO TELL YOU ALL SO MUCH THAT I WAS NEVER PLANNING ON LEAVING R-17 DEAD XDDD I PLANNED ON KILLING HER AND BRINGING HER BACK SINCE I STARTED THIS FIC LOLOL :DDD <3 <3 <3 I LOVE YOU ALL *hugs and kisses*




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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??