My Body's Telling Me Something

Training For World Destruction

''How was your day?'' Yongguk elder asked as Jongup, and I threw our bags on the floor. 

''Fine...'' Yoomi hugged me before leaving. I didn't expect it considering this was our first day being friends. She smelled like my full of boys...why? I expected a human girl to smell sweet like candy, and flowers, but she didn't, and for some reason I found that quite attractive.

''Zelo has a lady human friend!'' Jongup wiggled his eyebrows. 

''Omo! I thought you didn't find any of the humans fitting for your standard?!'' Himchan grinned.

''Theres a new student...'' I smiled at the thought of her.

''There's a new student? How convinient. I thought I was going to cut my ears off from you complaining about the dumb human girls.'' Daehyun elder came down stairs. 

''She's not just some human girl. She's the one we met at the beach.'' Jongup laughed. ''She's really friendly if you haven't noticed that about her yet.''

''Ooooh she goes to your school now? Aren't you glad we made you go?'' Youngjae elder smiled. 

''I guess...'' I still completely detested school. ''Can we go out to play?!''

''Sure just be back before-'' Jongup, and I ran out the door before Yongguk elder got to finish.

''How are we gonna find her house?'' Jongup asked.

''I don't know...she must live by the beach like us. Let's see if we find her.''




As we got closer to the house I saw Kai skateboarding over a ramp thingy. Was skateboarding more important than me?! He's my guardian wasn't he concerned about my first day?! I decided to give him the silent treatment....wait why was I getting so worked up?

''It's so exhausting..'' I sighed to myself.

''What is?'' Chanyeol jumped in front of me, and walked backwards.

''I just...can't explain it. I feel like sparring right now!'' 

''Sparring? Okay! Take your best shot!'' He put fists up.

''Ani...I don't want to hurt you oppa.'' I tugged on Tao's hand, and he unplugged the bug he stuck in his ear to listen to music. It was such a strange device he allowed you to talk to people from really far away, it had games, and something called the world wide web. I wanted nothing to do with it because I really don't like spiders.

''Oppa! Do you want me to teach you some Judo?'' 

''Chincha?! When?'' He grinned.

''Right now!'' I threw my bag to the house, and it 'accidentally' smacked Kai right on the stomach...I didn't mean to do that! Especially since he was shirtless so it would hurt lots more. 

''Ouch Yoomi!'' He said falling to the floor. 

''Mian oppa~'' I shouted while getting in my first fighting stance with Tao. ''Okay a firm way to start out is with your hands sharp, and flat. Pretened their daggers being sliced into your opponents body.''

''Like this?'' He concentrated hard on his structure.

''Yup! Just like that-'' Suddenly my bag came flying at my head, and knocked me over. 

''Yah! Sehun what the hell was that?!?'' Suho rushed over. Suddenly my body heated up, and I felt the light shine out of my eyes. The hit juiced my body up for battle. 

''Gwaenchanha Yoomi?'' Kyungsoo, and Chen helped me up. Not that I needed it.

''Oppa!!'' My body was shaking. 

''I didn't mean to hit you that hard!'' He stuttered. ''Sorry, it was just a joke-''

''Oppa!!!'' There was no controlling me now. I couldn't even control myself anymore. ''That really hurt!!!'' 

''Woah! What's wrong with her eyes?!'' Lu Han gaped.

''What did you do to her?!" Bao zi smacked Sehun. The light completely covered my eyes, and they were pure whiteness.

''She's scaring me!'' Baekhyun shouted.

''Everyone back up!'' Kris ordered. I didn't want to be mad anymore, but I don't know why my body was acting up like I had no control over myself.

The wind around me started swirling, and my hair was blown in my face. ''Yoomi! It's just us! Please calm down!" Yi Xing shouted.

Nothing was stopping me! Wae?! I wasn't even mad!! Suddenly I felt a hand grab my shaking fist. I looked to my left ready to hit something, but when I looked into Kai's eyes everything stopped. I wasn't shaking...the wind stopped blowing, my normal eye color returned...and I could control my actions.

''Kim Yoomi...what's gotten into you?'' He my hair. ''You need to go inside, and rest for a bit.'' He laced his fingers in mine, and dragged me inside. I don't even know what's gotten into me, but all I knew was Kai was the only one who could control me. Why?! This has never happened to me before so why can a mere human control my body more than I can?!


After about an hour nap on Kai's bed I wanted to be alone. He stayed with me while I slept, but now that I was awake I had a lot of thinking to do. Why such little things were making me act up...

''Maybe this means something...'' I tapped my chin in thought. Maybe my body's telling me something...

'' have some visitors.'' Chanyeol stuck his head through the door with a serious face.

''Nugu?!'' If he wasn't smiling this was seriously bad news.

''Go find out for yourself.'' He disappeared behind the door. I jumped off of Kai's bed, and ran downstairs. 

''Buddy!'' Jongup, and Zelo were smiling up at me.

''You guys!!'' I jumped down the last step, and ran to give them hugs. ''How did you find my house?!'' 

''Well there's a lot of people here...and we recognized some of your...friends sitting outside.'' I took a look around me, and twelve eyes were sending daggers into my new buddys' chests. 

''Oh! These are my oppas. Kai, Kris, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Bao zi, Yi Xing, Lu Han, Sehun, Suho, Chen, Tao, and Baekhyun.'' I was out of breath by then...

''Wow...a lot of people..'' Zelo chuckled nervously.

''What's with the hair? Did you stick it in a cotton candy machine?'' Kyungsoo glared.

''Cotton candy...?'' Jongup elbowed Zelo's side. ''I mean! Yeah I love cotton candy..I watch it everyday.'' 

''He means he watches the cotton candy machine everyday. He just loves the way that thing spins around.'' Jongup chuckled. I had no idea what they were talking about, but if my oppas did they had no way of showing it. Their faces all read 'kill'

''Oppa...can I go out, and play with Jongup, and Zelo?'' I pulled at Kai's arm.

''Did you finish your homework?!'' He barked. 

''No...but I promise I'll do it later. Please~'' I begged.

''...Fine.'' Kai growled. ''But be back before-''

''Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!'' I squeezed him tight. ''Annyeong oppadeul!'' I grabbed Jongup, and Zelo's hands. ''Kajja!'' 

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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??