The All Charge Must Be Stopped

Training For World Destruction

''Noooooooo!'' Yoomi's voice was a shriek in the chaos. It rang above all other noise, and it shattered the ear drums of some doctors. ''17!! Wake up!!!!'' 

''Zelo! You have to help me first!'' Yongguk yelled while un doing all the wires keeping Himchan hyung frozen in time. 

''But Yoomi! 17 is d-dead!'' The stillness of her body on the floor was surreal. 

''I know, but we might be dead too!'' Yongguk held my shoulders to get my focus. 

''But Yoomi! They're taking her away!'' I couldn't tear my eyes from the sight of her being dragged into the hallway. 

''ZELO!'' Yongguk roared. ''We'll get her back. I promise!'' He looked into my eyes with anger and worry. I had to trust him for the sake of everyone's lives. 

''O-okay...'' I ran over to Jongup, and Youngjae removing their wires as quickly as possible. 

Kai's POV

''Ouch!'' Tao yelled when Kris tried to elevate his leg. ''It hurts...'' He whimpered. 

''Kai, we have to do something...Yoomi needs to stay away from danger.'' Kyung looked deeply afraid of the unknown. We had no way of knowing whether or not Yoomi was still fighting, or if she took her last breath hours ago. I couldn't think about it.

''Kai!'' Suho yelled. 

''What?! I'm not doing anything because I can't! I'm not thinking about it because it hurts to! Do you think Yoomi is just going to be thrown to us because we want her to?! No she's not so stop-''

''Yoomi!!'' Chanyeol yelled. 

''I know Yoomi is in trouble but-'' 

''No!! Yoomi!'' I was cut off by Chanyeol a second time. Suddenly the cell door opened and a person was thrown into the room. It was Yoomi.

She sat on the floor her hair covering her entire face giving her the scariest look I've ever seen. She was silent. 

''Yoomi...?'' Xiumin put his hand on her shoulder and flinched away. 

''Hyung! What's wrong?'' Sehun gaped.

''She...she's hot.'' Xiumin stared at his scorching hand. 

''Oh no...does that mean she's mad? Like really mad?!'' Chen asked. 

''What did they do to her?!'' Lu Han asked. 

Suddenly everything began to shake. Along with the shaking a loud siren roared throughout the building. 

''What the hell is happening?!'' Baekhyun ran to the tiny window up by the top of the wall. ''Someone help me up.'' He whined.

''Here!'' Xi Xing picked him up on his shoulders and struggled to keep him from falling. ''Well?! What do you see?!''

Baekhyun was completely silent. World Destruction was beginning. 

No One's POV

The streets of Seoul were as cluttered as ever. Everyone was going on with their lives. They had no idea that in a moment's time they would have to run to save that life they take for grantid. Suddenly a heavy buzzing in the ground made everyone stop in their tracks. The first instict is to expect an earthquake. However on this particular day the Earth split open down the middle and hell broke lose. More like a Matoki spaceship. 

''Humans! Citizens! Children! Today is the day you will obey!'' Park Kahi smiled brightly as she rode atop the ship. The boss sat comfortably in the captain's den. ''The World Training Center has been raising the world's perfect humans! They're extremely smart, stronger than any normal human, and have the beauty to carry on the human race!'' The spaceship doors opened, and out came all the male specimans. 

The world seemed to stop at that moment. The streets filled with perfect males with spotless white clothing. Their eyes glowed white, and they stood in a fighting stance.

''Anyone who doesn't believe in the potential of our future human race will be killed immediately.'' Park Kahi shouted with a triumphant look on her face. 

The ships destination was the Namsan tower. Once they got there they could activate the tower with the ship to start their specimen revolution. Their plans were almost ruined when R-16 got the female specimens to rebel. The tricky thing with specimens is that at any moment they can completely switch gears. They do have human insticts for freedom. However if they are trained perfectly without any thoughts of freedom up until the all charge they will forever be puppets to Park Kahi's show. 




''H-hyung...'' Sehun's voice cracked. The world was coming to an end. The doctors succeeded. 

''We have to get Yoomi to snap out of it!'' I ran over to her now shaking body on the floor. She hadn't said a word, her eyes flashed white. 

''Kim Yoomi! It's me Kai...'' I shook her shoulder's but she showed no sign of understanding. Whatever they did to her....they were really going to regret it later. 

''We need to get out of here!'' Lu Han banged on the door. ''Anyone!! Someone help us!!!'' 

Suddenly the door swung open, and a speciman girl smiled at us. ''Are you the boy humans R-16 was looking for?''

''Y-yeah...'' Chanyeol grinned. 

''Omo! You really are good looking!'' 

''Do you know where the aliens are?!'' I was referring to Zelo and his brothers. Only Zelo could help Yoomi. I didn't have that power anymore. 

''No...'' The girl got swept into the crowd around her, and disappeared. 

''Come on! We have to stop that ship before it reaches Namsan Tower. First we need to find Zelo so he can wake up Yoomi.'' Xiumin said.

''Kris you stay here with Tao-''

''Anniya! I want to fight!'' Tao cut Suho off. 

''Don't be a hero!'' Kris sighed. ''I can't have anything happen to you~"' He ruffled his hair. ''You guys go ahead. Maybe we can mess things up in the building while you take care of outside.'' Kris nodded. 

''Up you go...'' I hoisted Yoomi over my shoulder, and ran into the hall with the others. ''We need to find Zelo...'' 

I carried Yoomi through the crowd. The heaviness of her dead weight was making my shoulder ache. ''Kyung..'' I panted.

''Gimme'' He reached out and carried her on his back. ''Where are those kids?'' He sighed as we searched the crowd of female specimens fighting with the few doctors still in the building. Most of them were outside at the main event. 

''Is that them?!'' Yi Xing shouted. Through a giant window in the cafeteria we saw the six aliens in the streets completely stuck in the crowd. 

''How did they get oustide?!'' I yelled. Now we had to carry Yoomi all the way over there. Time was running out. We couldn't let that ship reach Namsan Tower. 




My elders and I didn't know where Yoomi was. We figured she was still with Dr. Park Kahi so we made our way to the space ship. Meanwhile the male specimens stood in the streets unactivated. We didn't have much time. 

''Zelo! I'll go with you up to the ship. Hyungs are going to help the humans evacuate.'' Jongup yelled over the noise. 

''Okay...'' My heart was shaking. Yoomi couldn't be dead. She needed to be alive. 

''Come on!'' I pushed through the humans running in the opposite direction as I. It was like trying to fight the current. With every step I took my legs grew weaker. 

''ZELO!!!!'' Suddenly I heard my name being called. I shifted a bit in the crowd and saw them. Yoomi's brothers. They were at the doors of the center and Yoomi was...dead?!

''J-Jongup! Is Yoomi...?!'' I pointed behind me. Jongup averted his attention back to the center and saw her as well as I did. She was on Kyungsoo's back. Her hair completely covered her face. 

With every force in me I pushed in the crowd and made my way over to them. 

Yoomi's not dead! 

We have to make it through this together.

''Hyung...'' Once I finally made it over to them I got a better look at her. She was shaking violently. Her eyes flashed bright white. 

(lol Yoomi is totally the Avatar right now)

'' need to wake her up! It's the only way.'' Kyungsoo pulled her over his shoulder, and slowly placed her on the ground. 

''How can he wake her up?!'' Jongup panted finally making it through the crowd.

I knew immediatly what I had to do. I didn't question it once. My knees gave in and I fell to the floor next to her. 

''What is he doing?!'' Xiumin flinched when I pulled the hair away from her face. 

''Yah...he's going to wake her with a kiss...'' Chanyeol breathed. He was right.

'' have to wake up now.'' I whispered before lightly placing my lips upon hers. Not even a millisecond after our lips touched I was tossed two feet into the air.

''They're all dead!'' She breathed. The venom in her eyes were terrifying. I knew nothing could stop her. She was ready for war. 

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So I was in the middle of updating, and I lost all my work. Surprisingly I'm not mad...I'm just gonna start on my other fic ^^


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Chapter 29: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????!
xiangqin18 #2
Chapter 29: Im a new reader. I just finished reading this and i'll be waiting for the final chapter. Well done author. Its so good. I just cried. .. Heads up to you author... I got nothing else to say.. this story just left me so speechless... For that im gonna sleep.. i have school tomorrow and its already midnight here. Bye.
Chapter 28: Omggggggg. She died right when I started shipping ChanMi! </3
pointystar #4
Chapter 25: ASDLKFJK! D:
That ending! D:
BerryFany08 #5
Chapter 25: thanks for updating :)
....the story can't end like this!!! omg!! dead?!!!
BerryFany08 #6
thanks for the update!
:(( its nearly finished!!! :( i guess all stories must come to an end!!
wow!! yay!! everyone fighting the doctors!!!
looking forward to the next chapter!! it must be like a dramatic (is that the right word?) fighting scene!!??