Noona's Big Favor

Your Maybes Drives Me Crazy (HimDae)


Himchan’s POV

For the past few days I’ve been getting to know Daehyun more and more. Not only that but I also found out almost all of the people who asked him out. Now it’s the weekend and I doubt I could spend some time with Daehyun. He’s been booked for the entire weekend and next week.

“Himchan~” I heard my annoying sister called out to me.

“I bet it’ll be better if I didn’t answer back.” I said to myself as I was going to get up from my bed so that I could go hide. Whenever my sister calls out my name, it means trouble. Before I could make my way to my closet she burst into my room and caught me.

“Why didn’t you answer me?!” She shouted.

“Oh, sorry I didn’t hear you.” I lied.

“Umm~ Himchan, can you do your noona a big favor?” She asks soothing her voice down.

‘I knew it!’ I said in my head.

“Sorry, but I’m busy~” I said going back to my bed to lie down.

“What? Are you busy laying on your bed all day?!”

“Yes” I answered truthfully.

“Yah! Umma! Himchan doesn’t want to help me!” She shouted loudly.

“Aish why did you bring her into this?” I yelled at her.

“Himchan, be a good brother and help your sister out!” Umma shouted.

“Aish~ what, what is it that you need MY help?!” I asked annoyed.

“Well you see I have a part time job working at the amusement park and I have to go in today but today is my friend’s birthday.” She said all girly which was so unlike her.

“Just take a day off.” I said

“I can’t. If I miss a day then they’ll fire me. This is a well-paid job so I don’t want to lose it.” she frowned.

This doesn’t sound good…’ I thought

“And?...” I raised an eyebrow.

“So I need a substitute to work for me. You would be perfect, and guess what I’ll let you keep the day’s paycheck.” She smiled. I just let out a giggle. She then giggled with me thinking that I accepted the job.

“Ha-ha~ go find someone else” I said with a straight face.

“Awww~ Himchan~ if I could have found someone then I would have already! Please~ Do your noona a favor.” She whined

“I know what your job is, you’ll have to do a better bargain if you want me to substitute in for you.” I smirked.

‘I’m doing this for the money~’ I said in my head.

“If it’s a bargain you want than okay! I’ll do the laundry for the week.” She said.

“Two weeks” I held up two fingers.

“You’re only walking around in a costume for a few hours in the amusement park, it’s not that hard so why are you bargaining so much?!” He sighed.

“Do you want to get fired?” I asked her smirking.

“Ugh~! Fine! But you better do a good job so that my boss won’t fire you.” She said.

“Okay~” I smiled.

‘I can earn some money now~’ was going in my head.

“You know which amusement park it is right?” She said getting something out of her purse.

“Yeah, the really big one.” I sat up.

“Well go to the main office and ask for Eunhyuk. Once he’s there just tell him that you're my brother and he’ll let you in with a temp. pass. This is the key to my locker where the costume is. Don’t worry, I just got it clean so don’t be complaining. What is there to tell you~.” She began thinking.

“There’s barely anything in the locker so don’t even try messing it up. Oh and when you are working be sure to be all happy and jumpy. You know play with the kids.” She smiled widely.

“It’ll be so embarrassing~” I sighed.

“Not if you friends don’t see you, besides, I know that you have the lively inner-you.” She poked me with her finger.

“Yah, sop poking!” I said snatching the key from her.

“So what time?” I asked lying back down on my comfortable bed.

“It’s the second shift so 12 to 5”

“5 hours?!” I was surprise.

“Don’t worry, you have short breaks every 2 so that you won’t suffocate in the costume.”

“When I’m done I’m just going to just put it back in the locker right?” I asked

“Yeah, and the boss will give you the day’s paycheck since I told him to.”

“What? So you said it to him before hand that I’m going to be working?”

“Oh look at the time, you’ll have to leave soon so that you’re not late! I have to go bye!” She said and ran out of my room.

“Aish~! Did I make the right choice?” I thought as I got up.

“I should have said no and just stayed home to relax.” I said as I looked for some clothes to dress into. When I was changed I grabbed the key to the locker and shoved it into my pocket before leaving the house. Took a long bus trip straight to the amusement park, I almost fell asleep which would have been bad. I tiredly walked around the exterior of the park to find the main office, which was pretty hard to miss with all the balloons. I saw a worker outside so I came up and asked him. He looked kind of funny looking, maybe it’s because of his goofy smile.

“Excuse me, but is Eun-“ I was going to ask but then I saw his name tag which said ‘Eunhyuk’

“Ah you. My noona told me to come tell you that I’m substituting for her today.” I said to him.

“Oh, you must be Himchan. Aish~ what a handsome kid~. Come on I’ll go give to a temp. pass.” He smiled as he placed his arm on my shoulder casually and walked me inside the office.

“Here you go, where this around your neck and you’re all set. Do you have the locker key?” He asked me.

“Yeah.” I said taking it out.

“Oh I should tell you the areas just in case you need anything.” He said before briefly explain the rules and information such as emergency situations.

“If you need anything just ask me.” He said proudly.

“Oh okay. So where’s the locker room?” I asked him.

“Oh forgot about that. Just go in there and then turn left. That’s where the staff area is.” He said pointed to the small house.

“Thanks.” I said making my way towards the house. Once I got inside I went to look for my noona’s locker.

“27~” I looked around. The lockers here were really big, perhaps because the costume is big. When I found it I opened it up to see a big white and pink fluffy bunny costume.

“Aish just looking at it makes me sweat.” I said picking up the headpiece. It did kind of look cute.

“Whatever, let’s just get this over with!” I said taking the costume out and began wearing it.


Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't what else to put in so that the ending wouldn't be too crazy. Anyways thanks for reading~! ^-^

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Chapter 26: Omggg this is so cute!!! ♡ My fave part is Himchan wearing the Mr. Bunny costume one >w< I read this the whole day^^ I'm probably late reading this but omo I love it <3
You're story is nice!~ hope you update the other nice stories!!
Chapter 26: Omg sooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ^^

aigoo aigoooooooooooo

thank you so much for ur cute story ^^
Chapter 26: Yayay !!! They got accepted !
Perfect ending !
Thanks for your hard work author-nim :D

I smell sequel~
Chapter 26: kuyrewaxv m,.poiytdvbjklo7rdu876rdefgji87rdhio986rdfhko9876rdvbji876edcvnju76rdcvbnjuytf my feels have been shredded multiple time by this OTP GWAD!!! an't get over on how fluffy this ending was. I'll just let you know I made funny constipated faces in a public plaza while reading this xD I loved this and will love it for the rest of my life. Goodbyeeee!!!~ ^^/
Chapter 26: awwww soooo sweet -- these two going off to college together =] heeh YAY
Rachmi94 #8
Chapter 25: Uwah~~ I'm so curious how uri Daehyunie and Himchanie college life :D I hope they accepted in one college and of course one apartment ^_^
Chapter 25: it was short but sweet =}