Short But Amazing

Your Maybes Drives Me Crazy (HimDae)


Authors comment: Maa = delicious/ yummy

Daehyun’s POV

I sat down on the couch and looked around the living room. It was very clean and oriental. I then saw some photos on the shelves so I went over to have a look.

‘Oh, Himchan was very chubby back then.’ I giggled.

“What are you laughing at?” Himchan asked as he hugged me from behind.

“At your childhood photos. You were so…”I was finding the right words.

“Fat and ugly?” He said making me shocked.

“Of course not! You were chubby and cute.” I smiled.

“I was close.” He said as if he it was a good thing.

“No it’s not, Fat and ugly is way different than chubby and cute. So where’s the tea?” I turned around and saw that there wasn’t anything on the table.

“I’m still boiling the water. But we can do something as we wait for it.” He backed up and held onto my hand.

“We can work on our homework.” I smiled.

“We can work on our homework later.” He pouted.

“What do you want to do then?” I asked him even though I knew what his answer might be.”

“Can we try the chocolate kiss?” he asked me

“I don’t know.” I looked away shy.

“How about just a kiss as we wait for the tea?” He pulled me in for a hug. I gave him a small nod. We both exchanged smiled before leaning in to share a kiss. His lips touched against mines softly. He moved back and pressed his forehead against mines.

“I’m very nervous right now.” He said softly.

“Why?” I tilt my head up to take a peek at him and saw that he had his eyes closed.

“Because we’re dating now. How should I treat you? Like a girlfriend?” He said worried.

“Just treat me they way you want to. Boyfriend, girlfriend, a really-really close friend with a touch of love. I’ll be happy either way.” I said back before giving him a quick peck on the lips.

“Okay but if there’s any problem or discomfort just tell me. I love you.” He hugged me tightly.

“I love you too.” I said back happily. Just then the  kettle began making a sound meaning the water is ready.

“Let me go get the tea, okay?” he looked into my eyes.

“You don’t have to tell me.” I chuckled.

“I have to, you’re my owner.”

“Ha-ha. Yeah. You’re mine!” I wrinkled my nose.

“You’re mine too!” He said back.

“Here, sit down and I’ll be back with the tea.” He walked me over to the couch.

“Should I get the chocolate out?”

“Yes, it’s in my backpack.” He said before going into the kitchen. I first took out the box of chocolate that Himchan gave me this morning. Afterwards I opened his backpack and took out the box of chocolate that I gave for him. I found it and opened it up to check.

“Aw they’re kind of melted.” I frowned.

“But it’s still okay. It’s still in one piece.” I closed the lid and placed it on the table. I was going to put his backpack away when I saw something else sitting in his back. As curious I was I took out to see what it was. I was surprised that it was another box of chocolate.

‘Did he receive this? I wonder who gave it to him.’ I wondered.

‘Does someone else like him?’ I questioned in my head. I didn’t want to ask him since that will be nosey so I just put it back in his backpack.

‘If anything he’ll tell me later.’ I said in my head as I waited.

“Jasmine tea coming~” Himchan shouted

“Uh, so Himchan have you received any chocolates today?” I asked him.

“Yes, I have.” He answered.

‘Really? I wonder who was it from?’ I said in my head.

“Who was it from?” I asked.

“You silly.” He giggled as he set the tray down on the table.

“Ah~ Himchan.” I pouted.

“It’s true though.” He began pouring some tea into two cups.

“Why did  you ask?” Himchan asked me.

“I was just curious.” I didn’t ask about the other box of chocolate in his bag because I don’t want him thinking badly about me.

“Here try the tea I made.” He handed me a cup.

“Oh thank you.” I smelled it before drinking it. I took a sip of the tea and the aroma was that absolutely amazing.

“Ahhh~ maa” I said happily.

“Try a piece of chocolate too.” Himchan opened the box for me to eat my homemade chocolate

“Okay.” I picked up a piece and put it in my mouth.

“Oh~ maa” I said cutely again.

“Are you trying to copy the drama?” He asked me.

‘Oh he watched My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho?’ I said in my head.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I denied

“Ehhh, don’t lie.” I stared at me.

“I don’t know~” I shook my head. He pulled me in for a kiss. I was a bit surprised but I didn’t back up. This time he slipped his tongue into my mouth and twirled it around my tongue. When we parted away I couldn’t help but to smile.

“He-he~ maa!” I said again.

“Oh you just get cuter and cuter.” He hugged me tightly.

“I feel so happy whenever I’m with you.” I relaxed my head on his shoulder as he embraced me.

“Me too. Daehyun, let’s try the chocolate kiss.” He said to me.

“How do we do that?” I ask softly.

“Well I’ll start off by having a piece of chocolate in my mouth. We then kiss and I pass the chocolate over to your mouth.” He explained. After having the brief explanation we finally tried it out. He placed the piece of chocolate in his mouth and moved in for the kiss. I could help but to giggle nervously. I tilted my head and put our lips together as if our lips were puzzle pieces. He parted his lips and I felt the warm gooey chocolate pushed passed my lips and landed in my mouth.

‘This feels weird but I don’t want to stop though.’ I said in my head. The chocolate slowly melted on my tongue before Himchan’s tongue joined in my mouth. I passed the chocolate back to him. As we continued the piece of chocolate got smaller and smaller and our kiss got more intense. After a moment the piece of chocolate was gone but we still continued kissing deeply.

‘This feels good. I like it.’ I said in my head subconsciously. Himchan saliva was mixed with mines as his tongue explored the walls inside my mouth.

“Mhh” I groaned out loud when he on my bottom lip. Before I could even realize it I was already laying down on my back as Himchan hovered over me. I didn’t know what else to do but to kiss so I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in closer. It was the longest kiss I’ve ever gotten and the best. Himchan’s hand however began rubbing my chest.

‘What is he doing?’ I was nervous again.  His hand slid down my chest and down to my waist where he sneaked his hand under my shirt. I had no intention of stopping him since he was the one leading through this so I just let it flow his way. He then stopped all of sudden and laid down on top of me, hugging me. He snuggled his head next to mine as he let out a deep sigh.

“I’m sorry.” He said in my ear.

“Why? What’s wrong?” I patted his back.

“I was moving a bit too fast. We’ll just stick to kissing for now.” He said sitting up.

“Why? I don’t mind.” I pouted as I refused to let go of him.

“Really? Well your brother does. And I don’t want to take advantage of you when we just started dating.” He said smiling softly.

“Huh~ okay. You’re very thoughtful.” I said back as we sat up.

“I have to be, for you.” He held my hand tightly.

“Thank you. Oh and thanks for the kiss. It was short but… amazing.” I leaning in said it to him shyly.

“We can do it again whenever you want to.” He held onto my waist.

“Okay, we have plenty of chocolate left.” I giggled.

“I never knew you were a kiss-a-holic.”

“That’s because of you. After my first kiss with you it began getting addicting.” I pouted quietly.

“Okay, I’m sorry. As for now let’s work on our homework as we finish the tea before it gets cold.” He reach over and grabbed his backpack.

“Do you have a lot? I only need to finish the rest of the math homework and I’m done.” I said to him.

“I haven’t started anything.” He said as he pulled out the things from his bag. I saw that he had pulled out the box of chocolate out as well.

‘Maybe I should ask him since it’s out.’ I said in my head. I first looked at his expression to see his reaction.

‘He seems.. normal.’ I was confused.

“Uhh, Himchan so who did you got that from?” I asked.

“What, this box? I bought it this morning as I bought yours.” He explained.

‘Is he lying? Why would he buy another one? He wouldn’t have bought it for himself. Possibly for someone else? Who did he buy it for?’ My head was full of questions.

“Really? Who’s it for?” I continued asking.

“You're jealous aren’t you?” He smirked.

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Chapter 26: Omggg this is so cute!!! ♡ My fave part is Himchan wearing the Mr. Bunny costume one >w< I read this the whole day^^ I'm probably late reading this but omo I love it <3
You're story is nice!~ hope you update the other nice stories!!
Chapter 26: Omg sooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ^^

aigoo aigoooooooooooo

thank you so much for ur cute story ^^
Chapter 26: Yayay !!! They got accepted !
Perfect ending !
Thanks for your hard work author-nim :D

I smell sequel~
Chapter 26: kuyrewaxv m,.poiytdvbjklo7rdu876rdefgji87rdhio986rdfhko9876rdvbji876edcvnju76rdcvbnjuytf my feels have been shredded multiple time by this OTP GWAD!!! an't get over on how fluffy this ending was. I'll just let you know I made funny constipated faces in a public plaza while reading this xD I loved this and will love it for the rest of my life. Goodbyeeee!!!~ ^^/
Chapter 26: awwww soooo sweet -- these two going off to college together =] heeh YAY
Rachmi94 #8
Chapter 25: Uwah~~ I'm so curious how uri Daehyunie and Himchanie college life :D I hope they accepted in one college and of course one apartment ^_^
Chapter 25: it was short but sweet =}