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Your Maybes Drives Me Crazy (HimDae)


Himchan’s POV


“Ugh too tired to go to school, especially this early” I tapped my alarm turning it off. I wasn’t able to sleep very well last night. I was only thinking about Daehyun. If only I moved here earlier I could have been the one dating him instead of Yongguk. Looks like I’m not going to have a chance with him. I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for school. Today I was sure that I would get to school on time. It’s not that I’m a goody boy but I just don’t like being late or others waiting for me, that’s just how I am.

“Goodbye everyone~!” I shouted and was about to leave.

“Wait right there mister!” I heard grandma yell madly.

‘Aish~’ I said under my breath.

“You should have breakfast before leaving!” She said to me.

“But grandma”

“No buts! Go sit and have breakfast.” She demanded me.

“Okay~” I dragged myself back in and to the dining room. Grandma is always like this. She says that you can skip anything except meals because it provides us energy for the body and brain. I finished breakfast quickly and left the house easily now.

“Now today seems right.” I looked around to see workers and students on the streets unlike yesterday. I turned the corner to see Daehyun also walking to school with the student from the other school. Zelo was his name? Just then the two split directions. I took the chance and walked up to him.

“Hey Daehyun.” I said coolly with my hands in my pocket.
“Good morning Himchan, you’re here on time” He giggled.

“It’s not funny, I really didn’t know that school starts earlier out here.” I said.

“I believe you” He said to me. The two of us kept quiet for a while. It was beginning to get awkward so I had to say something.

“So you’re dating Yongguk huh~” I don’t know why I said that but I did.

“Mhh~ kind of” He said back with a smile

“Eh? What does that mean?” I asked him

“He did ask me out but I didn’t say yes nor no.” He said which just made me even more confused.

‘Didn’t say yes nor no? What does he mean?’ I was confused.

“So what did you say to him?” I asked

“I told him that maybe I’ll date him.” He said that smiling.

‘Seriously?’ I said in my head.

“How does that work?”

“I don’t know but it’s been going alright.” He pouted

“And he’s okay with your maybe answer?” I was really confused.

“Yeah he hasn’t say anything about it.”

‘So he’s still available’ I said in my head smiling.

‘Maybe I should ask him out right now.’ I thought. I didn’t realize that I stopped walking and Daehyun was walking back towards me.

“What’s the matter Himchan?” He stood in front of me. I finally snapped out of it and came back to reality.

“Daehyun!” I said loudly making him jump a bit.”


 “Will you go out with me?” I asked him as I bowed my heads over

“Youuu~ serious?” He looked at me innocently.

“Yeah, I know I’ve only met you just yesterday but I have the feeling that you are the one that’s missing in my life.” I said not even knowing myself.

“Maybe I’ll date you then.” He said shyly.

“Really?” I was happy even with just a maybe.

‘It’s okay, at least I’m am moving forward into his heart.’ I said to myself.

“Hurry up before we’re late to school.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me ahead. My heart was pounding so fast. It wasn’t because of the running but because of him holding my hand. After some time he let go of my hand. I just blanked out as stared at my empty hand.

“Yah, Himchan! Stop standing around and get inside the gates before they close!” Daehyun pulled me in by my book-bag this time.

“Ah~ sorry.” I giggled awkwardly.

“Huh~ now to go your first period. Bye” He waved to me before walking away. I walked into the build and to my first period class. Mr. Park was glad that I was able to get to his class today at the right time.

“Just take a seat anywhere available.” He said to me. I looked around the room to see Yongguk off to the side. There was an empty spot in front of him so I sat there.

“Hey Yongguk!” I said which surprised him.

“Oh! Himchan, you’re in this class too? How come you weren’t here yesterday?”

“Uhh~ a small incident happened. Oh almost forgot. You lied to me you jerk!” I playfully shoved him”

“Hey! About what?”

“About you dating Daehyun!”

“Oh you found out?” He smiled.

“Yeah, told me this morning!” I said to him.

“That’s a shame I wanted to play around with you longer.” He chuckled

“And guess what? I asked him out.”

“He said maybe didn’t he?”

“Well yeah”

“Huh~ welcome aboard!” he smirked.

‘That’s right I’m on the same level as Yongguk now.’ I said in my head.

“You don’t have to worry, I won’t beat you up or anything. I know that Daehyun doesn’t like people fighting.” He said calmly.

“That’s good to know.” I gave him a smile.

‘I wonder if Daehyun likes Yongguk? Ore even likes me?’ I wondered.

“H-Himchan~” I heard my name being whispered as I was spacing out.

“Huh~ what?” I saw that it was the student beside me who whispered my name.

“Mr. Park told me to call you.”

“Oh, sorry.” I apologized to him and M. Park

“That’s okay, you’re not the first to space out in class. Example the student behind you.” He pointed. I looked back to see Yongguk sleeping peacefully.

“Someone wake him up please.” Mr. Park sighed.

“May I?” I asked the other students around him.

“Go ahead.”

“Be my guest.” They let me do it. I gave wide smirk before turning around and pulled his desk.

“Ah~! Yah who did that!” He jerked upwards as he opened his tiny sleepy eyes.

“I did! Now stay awake!” I said before turning around.

“Thank you Himchan for you kindness.” Said Mr. Park

“It was my pleasure.” I said back smiling.

“I was having a good dream.” I heard him say to himself.

‘A little prank for having to ask Daehyun out.’ I smirked


Any comments, questions, and or requests you can just state it below or message me. Thank you for reading~! ^-^

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Chapter 26: Omggg this is so cute!!! ♡ My fave part is Himchan wearing the Mr. Bunny costume one >w< I read this the whole day^^ I'm probably late reading this but omo I love it <3
You're story is nice!~ hope you update the other nice stories!!
Chapter 26: Omg sooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ^^

aigoo aigoooooooooooo

thank you so much for ur cute story ^^
Chapter 26: Yayay !!! They got accepted !
Perfect ending !
Thanks for your hard work author-nim :D

I smell sequel~
Chapter 26: kuyrewaxv m,.poiytdvbjklo7rdu876rdefgji87rdhio986rdfhko9876rdvbji876edcvnju76rdcvbnjuytf my feels have been shredded multiple time by this OTP GWAD!!! an't get over on how fluffy this ending was. I'll just let you know I made funny constipated faces in a public plaza while reading this xD I loved this and will love it for the rest of my life. Goodbyeeee!!!~ ^^/
Chapter 26: awwww soooo sweet -- these two going off to college together =] heeh YAY
Rachmi94 #8
Chapter 25: Uwah~~ I'm so curious how uri Daehyunie and Himchanie college life :D I hope they accepted in one college and of course one apartment ^_^
Chapter 25: it was short but sweet =}