7-Bubble Fight

If Things Are Meant To Be...

Minho POV

"Zico~I woke up the monster,"  Kai walked down the steps and to the bar side of the club, leading me straight to Zico. Unlike yesterday's attire of a nice white dress shirt, black slacks, and those aprons that are tied at the waist, in my opinion they remind me of a skirt, he was dressed casually. Just a plain yellow shirt and blue jeans with an apron colored with pink and white stripes. He really did remind me of an umma. The only thing different was that he was a guy and his hair reminded me of a Jamaican dude who plays the bongos.

"Finally. See, I told you giants think alike," Zico whipped around from his blender and stared at the both of us, "Now, go to the back and wash dishes. Kai, you know where to go."

"But Zico, you're as tall as us," I pointed out.

"Don't even start with this guy, Minho-guy," Kai quickly pushed my shoulders and led me to the back. The back was an ordinary kitchen that you would see in any small Asian restaurant, except cleaner. Sinks were aligned on both sides of the wall, leaving a big wooden table with knives, forks, spoons, and other wacky looking equipment, in the center of the room. The flooring was plain, painted white, along with the walls and ceiling. Three refrigerators took up space at the very far wall. In all honesty, this place looked like crap to me.

"Stop staring and start working! Zico doesn't joke around when it comes to business," Kai threw me a rag from across the room. The sound of water filled the air and bubbles started to fill up his side of the room. With no further ado, I stepped to my side of the room and squirted some detergent onto the dishes.  

The only reason why I'm actually doing dishes isn't because Kai yelled at me, it's because I actually enjoy doing dishes. I mean, you can think about anything when you're doing dishes and finish up work! That's some great stuff right there. Great stuff. Great, just great. No, there aren't any great 'stuff' around me anymore. Taemin's gone and who knows if that were actually from him. Maybe it was from his friend and he was joking around. What if I go home and he isn't there.

What if he was though?

Would he still jump into my arms and give me small kisses on my face and tell me he missed me like he used to when I came home after school? Would he be lying down on the bed taking a nap?

Would he be there when I go home?

My heart raced and my mind pounded and it wasn't because I drank too much yesterday. I mean, it shouldn't matter to me, right? I shouldn't think too much of it or else I'm going to go crazy again. It's not my problem. It's not my problem. If we're meant to be, we'll get back together. It's not my problem. It's not my problem. It's not my pro-


"Pffffttt...That's what you get for not listening to me Minho-guy!" What in the world? What's this in my hair? It was sticky, smelled like soap, looks like soap.

"Soap! Kai...you little..." He's going to get it big time. No one messes with the best athlete who has set foot on Earth.

"Hey Kai, why don't I help you with your dishes? You seem to have your hands full and as  a matter of fact, it'd be nice if you get my load off and dry-oops! Sorry, did my rag just get dryer or what?"

~~Kai POV


"You're the one who ruined my hair."

"But my shirt! My new shirt! Do you know how much I had to save up for this shirt? It's vintage and limited! Come on now bro!"

"It's only a shirt."

"It's only hair!" I squeezed my sponge onto his shirt, "Now how does that feel?"

"I feel refreshed if that's what you're asking," Minho-guy...is he doing that on purpose to get him under my skin? No one, not even my own mother, can ever underestimate me!

"Fine, if that's how you feel, why don't you just take a nice shower?" I dumped a bucket full of cold, soapy water used for cleaning the floors of the club, on him.

Minho-guy didn't scream, shout, or lose his cool. He did the complete opposite. He dropped the rag and slowly took footsteps towards me.

"Kai, thanks for making me feel clean, but I think you need a quick bath too."

"What are you doing? Stop walking this way. Stop. Minho-guy. Stop. Stop stop stop stop stop sto-"


"Hyung~you're my savior! Save me from this pedobear!"

"Pedobear? Don't you mean bears?"

"What?" I questioned and was suddenly attacked by both men into a big, long bear hug. The wetness started to seep into my already-wet shirt, pants, hair, everything. Great.

"You guys are great." I managed to squeak out.

a/n: Sorry if there are any errors, I'll proofread later, like my other chapters (even though I haven't done that yet). I hope that this chapter shows a beginning of a very nice friendship

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Chapter 47: nice ending! loving this story so much~~ <3
hopegrl18 #2
sequel, because I still feel like Taemin has some serious making up to do towards Minho, he got his way too easy!!!!!
jonkey2min #3
Yes this fic does need a sequel. It is far to good not to hav one.
boondoks1 #4
nice ending,,,kekeke and yes for a sequel,,wink wink,,kekeke
Waterdroplet #5
I wouldn't mind a sequel!!!
I seriously think this fic needed more subcribers; I enjoyed it very much! Continue on writing :3
OMG ^\\\\\\^
hopegrl18 #9
Taemin better not dump him again!! If so Minho sweetie come to Noona , I'll take care of you!!
hopegrl18 #10
~snort~ oh brother these two!! Kai sweetie please think with your other brain for a second!!