29-These Words

If Things Are Meant To Be...

Minho POV

I looked across the balcony as I sat in one of the chairs, feeling the calm ocean breeze sweep my hair off to the sides. Even though it's such a beautiful place, I can't help but sigh out in exhaustion over what's happened so far. Everyone seems to be getting in a fight and then getting back together. Drama after drama just rises and although I'm not putting myself out there in the open, I can't help but wonder if that'll happen if Taemin and I. We were together and by fate, we met each other here at Jeju, isn't that something to be happy about? Maybe it means that I'm supposed to be with him. All of these dreams I thought were worthless to me now might be coming alive. What if things turn out well and we do get together? Or like I accidentally tell him my feelings and he has to same feelings too. It sounds wonderful, but what about Luhan? He's helped me forget about Taemin and I don't want to make him the rebound guy. I mean he's sweet, adorable, he actually cares for my feelings, he seems so loyal-he's everything I would want in a guy. Taemin's the same, except he can do things out in spite and destroy everything. He's so young in his mind and I want to be able to be the one who helps him find the right path, but I don't want to leave Luhan for that. I have no idea what to do anymore...

"Treat others well and then they'll treat you well also. Even though you might have everything in your life, letting go of one's kindness is like murdering the one who offered it. It is not an act of pity, but an act that states they care about you no matter what happens."

"What? Who is-," I turn around to be caught in Luhan's arms, his lips inches away from me.

"Hey sweetie," he smiles mischievously, "What are you doing out here on your own?"

"I'm just in deep trouble,"


"Yeah, but what are you doing here?"

"I missed you," Luhan pouted, positioning himself onto my lap as he wrapped his arms around my neck while mine were around his waist, "Did you hear what I just said earlier?"

"That quote that sounds like something a teacher would tell a five year old?"

"It's not that much of a formal quote," he muttered under his breath.

"I'm saying it in a good way. What about that quote?"

"My mom used to tell me that all the time, basically it just means to not take things for granted. I saw how you acted with Taemin earlier today at the beach when we were playing volleyball; that wasn't nice Minho."

"I know it wasn't nice, but I ju-"

"If you knew that it wasn't nice, why would you do that?"

"Taemin...I..we have a long history, okay? I don't know how to act around him because of it," my palms started to become sweaty as my eyes glossed over to the ocean, wanting to ignore Luhan's questions. 

"I don't know what type of history it is, but I'm guessing it's something with a relationship, right? Well whatever it is, it's not my place to speak," Luhan stood up to go back inside the room, "Even so, act nicer to that kid, he seems really distraught when you glared at him."

Luhan opened up the window and stepped inside the balcony. I can hear Jonghyun nagging at him to bring him to dinner, talking about how he doesn't have any money and Key's out so he doesn't want to go out on his own. Moments later, I turn around to see Jonghyun's head peeking out from the window. 

"What?" I sneer.

"Luhan and I are going to get some dinner, would you like some?" Jonghyun nervously asked, his eyes ignoring mine for the whole time.

"Yeah, I guess so. Where are you going to go eat?"

"I think at a Chinese restaurant or something, Luhan said that it's his friend's place."

"Well, I'm fine with anything so get me what you think I'd like," I shrug my shoulders, hoping that he'd go away already.



"Minho, is there something wrong? You've been out here ever since we all came back from the volleyball game, sitting there looking out in the open, and I know that's what you do when something's upset you. So, what's up?"

"Jonghyun! Are you ready yet?" Luhan's voice popped out.

"I will be in a minute!" Jonghyun replied back, "So what is it?"
"I'm really messed up, aren't I?"

"Would you like me to answer that question?" He chuckled back, "Look if it's about Taemin, maybe I can help out."


"Yeah! After all, I am a love genius," He spoke out, using his gooey voice.

"Of course you are Jonghyun," I playfully punch him in the shoulder, "You should go; I don't want you to keep Luhan waiting like that."

"Right....but we'll talk later, yeah?" I hummed in agreement as he walked out of the balcony. I really need to stop making it look so obvious when I'm in serious thought. How'd they know that I'm troubled? Is it my eyebrows that furry up into one line? Don't blame me about them, blame my stupid brother Siwon for it! Gosh, sometimes I hate looking like him; My expressions are so obvious.


"Minho, I'm home," Luhan sang out as he closed the door with a click, "How are you?"

"Luhan, we need to talk."

"Talk about what?"

"What are these pictures of me doing in your suitcase?"

"'Did you go through my stuff?" He panicked, hurrying to my side to close the suitcase, not caring about the food being flung to the ground.

"No I didn't!"

"Then how do you know about those pictures?"

"Look, I was trying to make some room on the floor and I lifted it up, but a picture slipped out from the suitcase. That picture just happened to be me."

"Well that picture is new, okay? Will you give it back to me?"

"Tell me why there are pictures of me in there and then I'll give it back to you."

"I like the memories."

"What?" I questioned at him. From the looks of the situation, I can swear he looks like a stalker.

"I like having pictures so that all the memories will come rushing back to me one day when I'm old. That's why there's a bunch of pictures of you-it's for the memories."

"Oh," I was stunned. No one's ever done that to me. I handed over the picture, to which he snatched out from my hand.

"Why don't we watch some television? Sorry about the food, I'm sure I still have some stuff in the kitchen!"

"Oh it's okay, I don't think I'm that hungry anyway," I reassure him. We go sit in the couch to watch some T.V.

Something seems so off with Luhan right now. Even though he's snuggling into me and trying to find his comfort position like he always does, it seems weird today. I don't want to say more clingy, but he seems like he's about to burst if I ask him something or try to touch him. He's trying his best to not quiver, but he's shaking really hard. I was about to ask him a question, but my phone started to ring.

To: Minho

From: Key

Minho, stay away from your new boy toy.

What is Key hyung talking about? Why would I stay away from a cute boy like this who I'm obviously starting to like.

To: Key 

From: Minho

Why would I do that?

A message soon replied after mine with a link to a website. Top ten prisoners on the run? What is this? With the link, the text read:

Just read it.


I opened up the link without trying to get Luhan's attention, he seemed too engrossed in the television show going on, but I didn't want to get caught.

A first couple guys on the site seemed rough and crazy. I don't even want to get into the details of what they did, it makes me sick to realize that there are people like that. But one guy caught my attention. My eyes couldn't believe it as I saw the words.

Number 8: Lu Han

Wanted: Drug dealer and . Often seen selling drugs to underage citizens. Countless of attacks are counted and is considered an enemy towards the younger. Those who have seen him please call XXX-XXXX-XXX

What? How can an adorable guy like this do things like that?

"Minho, is something wrong? What are you looking at?" Luhan turned to me in curiosity as he elongated his neck to get a better look whereas I turned my phone to the other side.

"Nothing, I think I'm going to go out...I need some air."

A/N: OH NO! Luhan's a drug dealer?! He went out on the run? *le gasp* Why would he do that?

Well, now all the reader's know the quote that was told by Minho^^ Sorry for not updating for a while, I've been wondering how to continue with this story, but don't fret! I'm back now:3 BUT I would really like it if some readers would message me or write a comment in a comment box on ideas about how Taemin would get his Minho back~I'd really REALLY REALLLY appreciate it c:
I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes!

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Chapter 47: nice ending! loving this story so much~~ <3
hopegrl18 #2
sequel, because I still feel like Taemin has some serious making up to do towards Minho, he got his way too easy!!!!!
jonkey2min #3
Yes this fic does need a sequel. It is far to good not to hav one.
boondoks1 #4
nice ending,,,kekeke and yes for a sequel,,wink wink,,kekeke
Waterdroplet #5
I wouldn't mind a sequel!!!
I seriously think this fic needed more subcribers; I enjoyed it very much! Continue on writing :3
OMG ^\\\\\\^
hopegrl18 #9
Taemin better not dump him again!! If so Minho sweetie come to Noona , I'll take care of you!!
hopegrl18 #10
~snort~ oh brother these two!! Kai sweetie please think with your other brain for a second!!