13-Reflect On Your Actions

If Things Are Meant To Be...


Jonghyun POV

"Jonghyun, why am I doing this again? I hate this man. Do you understand the hate Changmin has towards you now? Just yesterday he got some darts, posted your picture on the wall, and started throwing them like crazy at it. Jonghyun, we have to stop this soon and as a hyung you have to listen to me!" Onew started lecturing me about our little charade.

"Yada, yada, yada~hyung, why don't you go get me some green tea in a bottle? I sight my target with Mr. Long Legs," I yawned, shooing him with my hands.

"Alright, but we better break it off at Jeju! Changmin took the early plane because of this and he said he was going to do things to me! I don't want to know what those things are...Jonghyun, what if he takes away my chicken from me?" I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm the hyung in our friendship.

"Hyung, go won't you? I want to go eavesdrop."

"Fine. You owe me so much at Jeju." I shoo Onew once again, getting closer and closer towards Key and Mr. Long Legs. I sat near them, but kept a distance.

"...I want to feel secure in his arms. I want him to hold me, to tell me that everything's okay, to look me in the eyes and tell me the truth, to promise me promises and actually do them. I miss it so much. I want us to be back together, but I don't know how we can ever go back together. Minho, I don't know what to do. I...I...I love him," I saw Key bury his face into his hands. Was that the key I gave him a year ago?

"Things will be okay. If it's bound to happen, it'll happen, right?" Hey, what is Mr. Long Leg's doing to Key? Let go of him, he's mine!

"I don't want to hear that anymore Minho. I don't want to sit here doing nothing and just wait for him to burst into my house with a bouquet of roses. I want to make the move," Key whispers.

"Then why don't you? He's right there."

"What?" I hear Key quiver, biting his lips as he looked up.

"Hey Key...can we talk?" Key didn't respond. He just kept toying around with the key which I have to add is very adorable, but he wouldn't look at me.

"Key, can you please talk to me? I heard everything you said to Mr. Long-I mean Minho."

"I think you heard everything that I wanted to say," he shivered.

"But Key, I...you don't know how I feel..."

"Oh sure I don't," Key rolled his eyes as his hands clasp together, "I do know that you're with Onew and you love his face off."

"No, that's not true!"

"Why don't you prove it? Huh? Why don't you just call him and end everything to prove it!" I shuffle my feet around and look forward to see Onew coming closer to me. Oh this is going to be perfect. I walk up to Onew and taking my arms around his waist.

"Don't try to fret, be natural. Key's annual Jeju Island getaway is about to be rough."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, just go with the flow, alright? Key wants me to break up with me so I can prove to him that I still have some feelings for him. Don't give me that face! If I break up with you, then you can go back to your lousy man and I can finally know that he's the one for me."

"Jonghyun, you don't have to go through all of this just to know that. You just know the one."

"You know why I'm doing this. And shut up, make a shocked face! This is going to be your best scene yet." I hated doing this act. I knew that it hurt Key's poor heart, but I have to do this. I know he trusts me and I trust him, but I don't want to go over that again. I don't want to be stupid in believing that he's the one and be the one to get hurt. I don't want to it to happen again, I don't want it to happen ever...

"YOU WHAT? YOU'RE BREAKING UP WITH ME? Jonghyun, I thought...I thought we had some connection going on," Onew's eyes were getting all watery as he acted out the charade, "Come one short one, work with me here. You want to make stop this, right? Hurry up," he secretly whispered.

"Onew, I'm sorry. I don't like you anymore." I lightly touch his shoulder's and gently touch his hair, "I'm sorry, we need to let go of each other. I still have feelings for Key and I tried to replace you with him. I realized that I can't replace him with anymore. Onew, I'm sorry."

"I guess I understand. I'll try to get over it some how," Onew spoke loud enough for the two to hear, "Oh hey look at that! It's a text from Changmin!" I saw him skip down the aisle towards his bags and wore the biggest smile he had in the longest day. I feel so sorry for them...I took Onew away from Changmin and I feel horrible. Changmin's probably going to beat me up everyday mentally whenever he sees me. I have to do something for them somehow.

~~Key POV

"Minho, did he just do what I think he did?"

"Yeah, I think so. Was it just me or did he say that he still has feelings for you?" Minho teased me, poking my side.

"I believe that those words were only for him to hear," I hear Jonghyun's voice overpowering Minho's, "If it's okay with you, can I speak to him alone?"

"Sure, why not," Mr. Long Legs strutted down the aisle like it was his runway. Just because you're tall doesn't mean you have to brag about it. Geez, so egotistic.

"Key," I sat down next to him, "I hope you heard everything I said back there."

"Yeah, I heard the "I'm break up with you," part. That's really harsh, you know?"

"I know sweetie, but I did it for a reason," I nuzzle into the crook of his neck, "I broke up with you to have some sort of charade with Onew to see if you actually still cared about me. I felt so neglected from you. You were so busy,  I couldn't help it."

"Charade? If you felt that way why didn't you come up to me and tell me? You're such a selfish jerk, always thinking about yourself."

"Wait babe, listen to me, I'm not done yet. You were mistaken when you thought that I had with him. We went skinny dipping with some other guys from the soccer team to see who was the manliest, but they took the clothes and we were wet because of the water. I'm sorry for being such an indecisive jerk, I'll change. I promise. I wanted to see if you would come back to me. I wanted to hear you say you wanted me back. Remember you always told me that if things were meant to be, they'll come together? I wanted to see that happen with us to know that we were meant to be. Kibum, I..." words stopped as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"You're such a . Do you know how long I've been yearning for you? Do you know how long I've been waiting? Jonghyun, I hate you."

"Correction you hate to love me, but you love me anyway."

"Jonghyun. I don't know. I'm glad you came all the way to see me off and all but I don't know anymore. I'm confused. What you did was horrible for you, me, and Onew."

"Kibum, Onew understood why I was doing that. Him and Changmin were okay with it and you know I'm not here to see you off. I'm here to go to Jeju too!" I jumped up and down in my seat, grabbing his shoulders and making him jump up and down too!

"Jonghyun calm down, I'm serious. Not only did you hurt the relationship of three people, you hurt an important one between Onew and Changmin. That's wrong. I think you need to stop thinking about getting 'us' back together and think about your actions. You need to reflect on what you did and I hope you understand the pain they went through."

"But...I did it all for us!" I protest.

"I get that, but you didn't think about how other people might think of it. That's exactly what I mean when I say selfish. You always think about you and what you want rather than how people around you might feel. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can do this right now. I need some air," Kibum stood up, facing his back towards me, "and don't even try to get me back."

Ouch, that stings.

a/n: Things seem very rocky with Jongkey...I hope people are okay with the OnewxChangmin pairing, I didn't know anyone else to pair him with>< 2min will come out later in the next few chapters. I feel so bad for making Jongkey act that way (esp Jonghyun!) but I'm just trying to make some drama, I don't hate either one of them~I love them:3 omg, if there are any spelling errors or grammer errors on here I am so sorry. It's like close to 1 in the morning and I'm kind of too lazy to fix it right now>< sorry!

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Chapter 47: nice ending! loving this story so much~~ <3
hopegrl18 #2
sequel, because I still feel like Taemin has some serious making up to do towards Minho, he got his way too easy!!!!!
jonkey2min #3
Yes this fic does need a sequel. It is far to good not to hav one.
boondoks1 #4
nice ending,,,kekeke and yes for a sequel,,wink wink,,kekeke
Waterdroplet #5
I wouldn't mind a sequel!!!
I seriously think this fic needed more subcribers; I enjoyed it very much! Continue on writing :3
OMG ^\\\\\\^
hopegrl18 #9
Taemin better not dump him again!! If so Minho sweetie come to Noona , I'll take care of you!!
hopegrl18 #10
~snort~ oh brother these two!! Kai sweetie please think with your other brain for a second!!