Gathering Visual

What are you hiding ?

I washed my hands again before leaving the bathroom. The guy was put inside a locked stall and I cleaned up any finger prints that I might have put on him. Geez they were still after me. Guess moving to a new country doesn't make it harder.

"Oi ! Taemin-ah ! You were in there for a while. What took you so long ?" Onew asked.

"Sorry hyung. It was a long line." I said apologetically. He seemed to understand. Key just smiled while Minho... Minho wasn't even there.

As if I new what I was about to question Key answered, " He told us he was going somewhere with a friend. Nothing new." he said. I nodded not really caring.

"Well the day is almost ending what do you guys want to do ?" Onew asked.

"Well we have school tomorrow and I have a Algebra II test to take so..."Key trailed off.

I faked a yawn. They both looked at me and smiled.

"Is the baby tired ?" Onew cooed.

I stuck my tongue out at him but nodded my head regardless. I actually needed to plant some cameras around the school before nightfall. I also have to hack into the school security cameras and make sure their visual is accurate but not on me.

I walked back to my room with the help of Onew. After giving my thanks I quickly grabbed my flash drive. I would need this and -opening one of my suitcases I pulled out a couple mini cameras- these. I changed my clothes to all black to blend in. Not that I needed to. I'm one of the best. Scratch that I'm THE best. I have to be the best. Or nothing would work out.

It was dark out. Minho-ssi still didn't come back yet. That was good. Easier to sneak out without him in the way. I slipped through the dorms and out the door. On the way I placed the cameras in special places. As I was placing one next to a light I heard talking. Quickly and silently I rolled into a near by bush. Peaking through I couldn't see who it was. I only saw the bottom parts of their bodies. One was a man another a woman.

The man handed her something and she bowed. Her hair covering her face as she did so. Then with the last thank you she walked away. The man did the same after going the opposite direction.

Hmm. Seems like we have some rats in the castle. Great.

But first before getting into that I need visual over the land. I finished placing the camera and then slipped back into the school from one of the vents. Crawling through I ended up above the security room. Pulling out my a screw driver from my handy dangy tool belt, I unscrewed the vent door.  I poked my head in slightly looking around. Four cameras. One on each corner. All on.

Awesome. Now I have to find another way to get inside the room without notice.

But this shouldn't be hard. I'm me after all.



AN- Konnichiwa ! I hopes you guys are enjoying the story so far. I'm trying to update as quickly and often as I can so bare with me please. Quick question though. What do you guys think Taemin is ? And whom could the man and women possibly be ?

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And it is over my lovelys !! So sorry it's over so soon but it had to be done.


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Chapter 29: I'm so sad it is over DD:
It was such an amazing fic, autornim!!
The action was pretty good too ^^
But the best part was that Taemin wasn't the fragile boy we usually see in most of fictions kkk
Event though it is cute, it is always good to have a change, ne?
Thank you so much > 3<
Waterdroplet #2
Chapter 29: I'm sad it's over but i don't think the ending was crappy!
Though you're not making a sequel (right now anyways)I know they'll come back!
Really loved this story!
Chapter 29: It's over? :( well it was great anyway! :D
I know they'll come back in the future even if you don't write a sequel ^^
I loved this! :D <3
SuDarkWind #4
Chapter 28: XD I'm laughing so hard right now holy shiz. Minho is gonna get his whooped in the next chapter. Please update soon I can't wait for the next one.
Chapter 21: ..Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddde... wow. That was pretty freakin' cool. I-I can barely even speak. D*mn You are epic. 0.0
Chapter 21: ..Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddde... wow. That was pretty freakin' cool. I-I can barely even speak. D*mn You are epic. 0.0
Chapter 6: awwwwwwwww
Chapter 4: ... his name is Kevin? But he's Korean? The language part of my brain has become totally off balance.
Chapter 28: Ohhhh, Minho is so dead xD
Can't wait for next update to find out what Taesun will do so you have to update soon please! XD <3<3