Deep Shiz

What are you hiding ?

Third Person POV

"Taemin-ah don't cry. It's very unbecoming of you." A young looking man said to a small pre-teen.

"But I don't want to go." Taemin said.

"You will go you ungrateful child. I don't want you here. Your mother doesn't want you here for a while. No one does." the man barked.


"Your brother is going with you. Don't worry. He is just going to make sure you don't do anything foolish. Now give me your arm."

Taemin held out his arm to the man and he gripped it tightly. Clutching the area between Taemin's wrist and elbow the man sent out a burst of some sort of heat. It flowed from his hand to where he was touching Taemin.

Taemin watched as the heat began to swirl around and his arm began to glow a fierce red then an angelic blue.

"Now I have put a seal on your mark so if anyone tries to something rash ...they cannot. But that doesn't mean you go around doing idiotic things." the man said giving him a 'do as I say' look. He then turned around as he felt the presence of a slightly older teen.

"Protect your brother and stay will him." he said and got out the car that they were in.

Another person hopped in the car.


The boys both looked up to see a beautiful black hair women. She had matching color eyes with a small nose, full lips and a strong cheek bone. Over all she was beautiful.

"Yes." the boys said.

"Do as the caretakers say. Tae watch over the brat. Make sure he doesn't do anything rash. Minnie.. don't be a burden."

With that said she got out the car and shut the door. The man and her didn't even give a second glance as the car drove away.

"Umma..Appa.." Taemin mumbled.

Was that all he was to them ? A burden ? Someone they always sadly had to look out for because he caused trouble.

"Hyung." Taemin said. The older boy looked at him.

"You love me right ?" he asked.

The older smiled. "Yes Minnie. I love you very much."

"Then I won't burden you okay. I'll be good. So Appa and Umma can love me as much as you do."

"Burden me ? You never have."

"Yes I do. That's why Appa put a seal on my mark. So I wont burden you with people trying to do something bad."

The older eyes widen. He gripped the younger and made him look into his eyes.

"What people Minnie ? Tell me." he said.

"I-I don't know. Appa said just in case... why ?"

The older's face went passive.

"It's nothing you need to worry about Minnie."


It was silent for a while as they were driven to a different kingdom.

"Taeminnie. How about the first thing we do when we get there is get some ice-cream. Do you want that ?" The older said suddenly. The younger eyes brightened.

"Banana flavored ?!" he asked looked up with innocent eyes.

"Any flavor you want."


Anon POV

"Oh yeah. Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah yeah." 

Man MBLAQ sure is awesome. I thought as I continued singing.

A tap on my shoulder made me instantly pick up my gun and put it right in the person who tap me face. I turned around to see sadly one of my pathetic excuses of a servant.

"What peasant ?" I said. They were interrupting me jamming out alone.

"Sorry ma'am but the young one should be here soon. I think you should get ready and start preparations."

" did you just tell me what to do ??" I asked.

"N-no ma'am I ..I was.."

"Okay get out my face. We will start preparations when they get here. I will get ready when I want to get ready. No one should interrupt me anymore until they get here. Okay ?" I snapped. The servant nodded meekly, bowed and walked out quickly. What a weak .

I went back to listening to some old songs. BEAST Shock suddenly came on.

Life is good with music. And it soon will get better. I'll finally be able to destroy that pathetic excuse of a species.

Minho's POV

"Jonghyun you son of a !" I watched Key shove Jjong-hyung to the wall when we found him.

"Hey. I'll have you know my mother was one nice person." Jonghyun-hyung said.

" that. Where is my baby ?" Key snapped.

"You had a child ? Key you sly fox I thought you were gay." Jonghyun-hyung said in mock shocked. Key suddenly got real angry and pulled his fist back.

Before he could make the punch Jonghyun-hyung grabbed his fist and flipped them so now he was the one against the wall. His hand went around Key's throat choking him.

"Don't pick a fight with someone you don't know how to handle." Jonghyun said.

I pulled him off of Key, punched him in the stomach. Twice. And slammed him into the ground. He let out an oufph sound as he hit the ground.

"Then fight someone who can handle you hyung. Where's the brat ?" I asked.

"Oh Minnie you suddenly like him ? A day ago he wasn't even important enough to mention. Why the sudden change of feelings ?" Jonghyun said.

I just starred at him. Change of feelings ? My feeling were and still are the same. I don't care for him but that doesn't mean I just sit back and watch someone get kidnapped. Plus Key would kill me if I did that. Jonghyun-hyung scoffed.

"You guys think you know everything huh ? That little light weight that you just had isn't who he seems. But I shouldn't be telling you this. If you want him. Go try and catch him. But the time you find him he'll be more than dead. I guaranteed that."

My eyes widen as I looked at Key.

We're in deep .


AN- Konnichiwa STARS*. I am so tired. Woke up at 7 today but I couldn't go to bed last night until past 12. So I probs had like 5 freaking hours of sleep. Life.

Anyways. I hoped you enjoyed. Sorry I didn't put our Ondubu in this chappy. He'll be in the next maybe or the one afterwards. Keep reading and thank you new subscribers. You guys make me so happy and encourage me. I luvs you ! Hearts ! Hearts for everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Aish. As you can see I talk crazy when tired. :3

Update coming soon.

Ja Ne~

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And it is over my lovelys !! So sorry it's over so soon but it had to be done.


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Chapter 29: I'm so sad it is over DD:
It was such an amazing fic, autornim!!
The action was pretty good too ^^
But the best part was that Taemin wasn't the fragile boy we usually see in most of fictions kkk
Event though it is cute, it is always good to have a change, ne?
Thank you so much > 3<
Waterdroplet #2
Chapter 29: I'm sad it's over but i don't think the ending was crappy!
Though you're not making a sequel (right now anyways)I know they'll come back!
Really loved this story!
Chapter 29: It's over? :( well it was great anyway! :D
I know they'll come back in the future even if you don't write a sequel ^^
I loved this! :D <3
SuDarkWind #4
Chapter 28: XD I'm laughing so hard right now holy shiz. Minho is gonna get his whooped in the next chapter. Please update soon I can't wait for the next one.
Chapter 21: ..Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddde... wow. That was pretty freakin' cool. I-I can barely even speak. D*mn You are epic. 0.0
Chapter 21: ..Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddde... wow. That was pretty freakin' cool. I-I can barely even speak. D*mn You are epic. 0.0
Chapter 6: awwwwwwwww
Chapter 4: ... his name is Kevin? But he's Korean? The language part of my brain has become totally off balance.
Chapter 28: Ohhhh, Minho is so dead xD
Can't wait for next update to find out what Taesun will do so you have to update soon please! XD <3<3