You Changed Me

You Changed Me





Five Years Later



“Ack!” Kris stumbled on the small porch steps, his long legs staggering.

Tao laughed boisterously behind him. Lay suppressed his laughter, fearing the almighty duizhang’s wrath. The maknae seemed to freely enjoy the moment, caught in his loud guffaw.

Kris balanced himself, sending Tao his death glare on the process. Immediately, the laughter stopped.


“Mei mei!” Tao shouted, repeatedly pressing the doorbell. He was like a kid ignorant on how a doorbell sounds like. “Mei!” He called out again.

The door opened, revealing you in your bed hair still. “Geez, I have neighbors Be considerate.” You muttered. The three guys just entered the house as if it’s their own.

“Good Morning to you too.” You rolled your eyes, looking at them making themselves comfortable without even acknowledging you there.

Lay positioned himself on the couch, flipping a magazine. Kris directly walked to your room. Tao was noisily rummaging your refrigerator.

Walking groggily, you plopped on the couch and just stared at nothing. Early in the morning and your mind is still distorted.

It was as if fairies were still flying round your head.


“Do you know that Baekhyun Oppa’s coming home from LA today?” You smiled cheekily, turning to Lay. He snickered, not even looking up from his magazine. “Dumb question, mei.”

You just had to scrunch your nose at that.

“How can we not know? You’ve been blabbering about it since last week. ‘Baekhyun Oppa’s gonna be home!’ ‘Finally!’ ‘Should we all eat together at Crown’s’?” Tao entered the living room, carrying a tube of ice cream and a spoon. He was copying your voice, ice cream splattered on his lips.


“Hmm-hmm.” Kris walked in, yawning. “By the way, the others are busy. They just told me to meet them there.”

“Busy. Of course they would be busy. Work, work, work.” You muttered. Kris chuckled and plopped beside you. “At least I’m here, right mei?”

“Don’t fool me. Dad gave you a two-day break.” With that, you exited the room and trudged your way to the bathroom.

Kris looked at your back, baffled. “That was supposed to be a secret. How’d she know?”

Tao smiled and dashed towards the nearest room and locked himself up. “I love you, Ge!” He shouted, his muffled voice shaking the house. Lay shook his head, clucking his tongue. “Never trust Tao.” He stated, Kris frowning across him.


Young Master Byun walked fashionably on Incheon airport’s lobby, girls swooning over him. He still had that effect on women, but only now, women didn’t try to get him. They envied you instead.

“Hello South Korea.” He smiled, breathing the fresh air that greeted him as he exited the glass doors. “Minhee…” He muttered, excited as you are.



“Just shut the hell up, Hyung!” Sehun roared, slamming his palms on the table. Chanyeol blinked, looking at him. “Se…se—“

He was cut off by Sehun’s death glare. The maknae pushed his chair back and stalked out. Chanyeol frowned on his seat. “D..Did he just… snap on me?”

“Girl issues?” D.O innocently asked as he played with the golden utensils.

Luhan blinked. “If he was a girl, I’d blame PMS.”


Before anyone could answer, Kai entered the room, a girl trailing behind him. “Yo my men!” He greeted enthusiastically. Xiumin rolled his eyes at Kai. “Show-off.” He muttered.

Kai ignored Xiumin and pulled out a chair for his girl. “You’ve met her, right? Park Yeuli.”

Yeuli smiled and bowed at the boys. “Annyeonghaseyo, Yeuli-imnida.”

“I know you! You were his girlfriend last week! Girlfriend number thr—oh.” Luhan clapped, but then immediately stopped himself. “I mean, you are his girlfriend, duh. Only… girlfriend. Stupid me. Hehe.” He bit his lip, realizing what he just did. The boys shot him glares in a second.

Yeuli giggled. “Don’t worry. I perfectly know how he is.”

D.O’s eyes rounded. “Like what he is… Wait--You do?!”

“She does.” Kai answered him, wanting to get of the topic.

Yeuli sat down and rolled her eyes at Kai. “Ultimate player, heartthrob, stupid jerk and more. Of course, that’s my Kim Jongin.” She muttered, but was really intending for Kai to hear everything. As expected, he heard it and his eyes widened. “Ya, you dare insult me?!”

It was like Yeuli had her own charm on Kai. She blinked, smiling innocently at him. “At least I called you mine, right Oppa?”

Kai’s annoyed face immediately changed. “What do you want to eat, Li?”

Chanyeol chuckled with what he saw. “Finally.”

Luhan shrugged. “A girl that can silence him. That’s a bull’s eye.”


“What happened with… Sehun? He looks like a freaking statue outside.” Chunji walked in with L.joe, who was texting wildly on his phone. He was fully concentrated on what he was doing. Back to the player he is.

The guys all stood up and greeted each other. “Nice to see you here, you two.” Chen smiled. Chanyeol rubbed his hands together. “Where’s Hee-hee by the way?”

“Probably on hell ride with Tao.” Suho snickered at the thought.






Tao stepped on the gas like there was no tomorrow. He was grinning from ear to ear, giggling every now and then. Lay held on tight to his seat, screaming, Chinese curse words flowing. Kris looked bored, but who knows he may be dying inside. You leaned back on your seat, grumbling.

“If I knew I should’ve taken my car.” You muttered, rolling your eyes at your brother who kept on snickering beside you. Lay was already silent on the front seat, probably dying secretly.

“Huang Zi Tao.” Kris seethed, getting enough.

The car slowed down in an instant. At that moment, Lay sighed with relief. “Thanks, duizhang.” He mouthed.

“Dui bu qi, I just love dri-” Tao mumbled while trying to focus back on his driving again, but got cut off by Lay’s exasperated sigh.


Baekhyun smiled to himself as he dusted lint off his coat. He was checking himself out on the mirror, and a silly smile played on his lips. Maybe due to giddiness.

“Back to Seoul~” He chirped, his fingers drumming on the sink.

The door slammed, and he his heel. The other man looked at him, frozen. “Byun Baek?” Chanyeol tilted his head to the side as if to examine the creature in front of him.

Baekhyun chuckled. “Yeol!”

Chanyeol stood frozen while Baekhyun socked his arm endlessly as a sign of greeting. “Why are you here? We’re… supposed to pick you up later at the airport…” He trailed off, eyeing Baekhyun head to toe. Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows. “I wanted to surprise Hee~ Well, I miss her so much!”

“The feeling’s mutual. Got sick of hearing her blabber all week.” Chanyeol muttered, walking towards the sink to wash his hands. “You’re one sly fox, Baek.”

“I know.” He winked, leaning on the wall. “Should I show myself to the boys now?”

Chanyeol shrugged. “No difference. But, maybe later, when Minhee arrives. You can stay with Sehun outside, he’s fuming. Maybe seeing you will cheer him up. Or not. Just… go.” Chanyeol waved him off and strutted back towards the private dining hall. Baekhyun looked at his friend go and rolled his eyes.


You couldn’t hide the excitement anymore. You haven’t seen Baekhyun for months, and it irked you that you still had to wait until after lunch.

“Oh, Jiji and Byunghyun Oppa~ wasseo~” You chimed as you entered the dining hall. L.joe just nodded, not even looking up from his phone. Chunji smiled for a second and went back to chatting with Xiumin animatedly.

Tao pranced inside and looked around. “Where’s Sehun?”

No one answered him. He pouted, taking the seat next to DO. He stabbed the appetizers with his fork and later on devoured everything. Kris took his seat and made himself comfortable. Chanyeol danced beside you and smiled. “Excited?”

Before you could answer, he spoke again. “That was a really lame question. Duh you’re excited.” He chuckled. You giggled and slapped him on the shoulder. “Am I that obvious?”

“Dumb question.” Lay answered. You rolled your eyes at him.

Chanyeol cleared his throat, getting your attention back. “Baekhyun didn’t text me, Hee. He’s supposed to text me before he boards. I think he’ll be delayed.” He finished, wanting to make you long more for Baekhyun. Chanyeol knows you would be stunned if Baekhyun shows up. He wanted to add more to the element of the surprise.

Your shoulders deflated upon hearing those words. “Too bad…” You mumbled. Luhan’s head popped beside you. “Hey Mei!”

“Hey Ge. Why are you not with Sehunnie?”

Luhan shrugged. “He’s PMSing.”

Your eyebrows arched. “Guys don’t PMS, Ge.”

Luhan shrugged again, munching on a biscuit. “Guess he’s not a guy.” He chuckled and walked back to his seat and annoyed Chen who was talking with someone on the phone. Suho heard it all and chortled. “Sehun texted. He’s taking over their company. His father called him and he needed to go.”

“Work is worse than PMS then.” Luhan stated, earning weird looks from the guys.


The table was busy. Different groups formed from th huge group of friends. Chanyeol bombarded the new girl, Yeuli, with questions, and she willingly answered with her genuine smile. Kai sulked on the corner, probably annoyed with Chanyeol. Luhan joined Xiumin and Chunji, conversing about random things, like their random minds. L.joe sat there, indulged in his phone. Suho was talking with Kris, most probably business matters. DO and Tao argued on the corner while Lay annoyed Chen as he ate his appetizer.

"Oh right." Chen looked, twirling the fork on his long slender fingers. "Guess who's our employee of the month in our Seoul branch?" Of course, it isn't Chen if his smile is missing.

Lay his chin in thought. "You?"

"No, silly!" Tao answered, fanning himself. "I think I know!" He giddily screeched. Attention turned to him. He smied, scratching his head. "Me?!"

A piece of table napin landed straight to his face. "You don't even work for Chen's company!" Kai rolled his eyes. Yeuli socked him playfully at his shoulder. "Don't just throw things." She chided.

Chen blew a raspberry. "You guys are so slow." He clucked his tongue.

"Then who is it?" You demanded, clearly getting impatient.

Luhan turned to Chunji and Xiumin with a sly smile. "I thimk mei's PMSing right now." He whispered.

"Why are you so interested with PMS Luhan?" Xiumin retorted.

Before Luhan could defend himself, Chen burst out his calm bubble."Ya! Are you gonna listen or what?" Chen raised a brow. The two guys nodded innocently.

Chen nodded. "It's Yura."

Smiles surrounded the room. "I'm glad she's doing good." Suho commented. Ljoe looked up at the mention of the name. His memories just came back recently, and he learned to forgive the girl. "Great." He muttered.



The food was served after several minutes. The table became quieter than the usual, the people busy on their own plates.

“So, Hee. How’s work?” Suho started, looking at you with interest. You snorted. “Tiring. Sometimes I don’t get why Dad forced me in his company. I think I’m better off with Mom’s.”

Kris snickered. “You hate Mom’s work, mei.”

You nodded. “But I think I’ll have more free time there.”

“Time to be useless.” L.joe muttered, but was heard by everybody. Light laughter started. You sat there, glaring at your bestfriend. “Snobby player.” You retorted.


Chunji heaved a sigh and stood up. “I have an announcement to make.” All attention turned to him in an instant. You raised a brow at him. It was strange for him to be nervous.

“You look like you’re announcing something very important.” Chen pointed out. Chunji laughed nervously, clasping his hands together. “Well…”

“Like you’re getting married, Chanhee.” Kai joked.

Chunji turned light crimson. He looked at everybody with unease, and silence took over. You choked on your drink. L.joe had his weird face on. The other guys looked at him intently, some with suspecting eyes.

“You’re not... getting married, are you?” You spat out, waiting for an answer. Chunji sighed. “Well—“

“What the hell? You’re getting married? You are? Lee Chanhee! You’re getting married without telling your bestfriends?! What are you thinking?!” L.joe burst out, shaking Chunji’s shoulders. Luhan and DO suppressed their laughter with L.joe’s outburst.

Chuni rolled his eyes. “Will you let me finish?!”

L.joe snickered and sank back on his seat. “Good.” Chunji muttered.

“Actually… I’m engaged.” He smiled. “With a Chinese lady. She’s the daughter of my Dad’s close friend, and well… it just happened.”

“What happened?” Xiumin asked.

Chunji touched the nape of his neck as he chortled. “Uh.. love.”

L.joe stood up again. “Dude! Since when did love come up in your dictionary?!”

DO was the one who snickered this time. “Time to write it in your dictionary, Byunghyun. You’re the only one left. Look at Kai. And even Chunji.”

L.joe pouted, avoiding the funny looks on him.

“The food tastes great here.” He stated, turning his attention back to his food. Everybody laughed even more at his lame attempt to divert the attention.


It was a nice meal for everyone. Even if you enjoyed it too, there’s still something missing. For month’s it has been missing. That big part of you: Him.

“Hmm.” You leaned back on your chair, looking around. The guys were engrossed in their own conversations, waiting for the dessert to be served. Bored to death, and also missing Baekhyun so much, you decided the fresh air could somehow take your attention for a while.

You sat on the swing, kicking pebbles on the ground. The weather was just great for someone to be sitting outside. The light blue sky was vast on top, and it gave you the feeling of happiness just by looking at it. The birds chirped to an unknown rhythm by the swaying trees. The restaurant’s garden was just too peaceful.

“Wow, five years since I came here.” You talked to yourself, looking around. “Five years since I changed.”

“Five years…” You muttered.


You woke up from your own little word when a voice started singing. A very familiar voice.

Even if the sun refuse to shine,

Even if romance ran out of rhyme.

You would still have my heart, until the end of time.

You’re all I need my love, my valentine.

There he was, standing in front of you with his heart-melting smile. He blinked, looking straight at your eyes.

“Oppa” You breathed out, too stunned at the moment. Baekhyun chuckled and walked towards you. As he reached you, he kneeled in front of you and leveled his face with yours, just like how he usually does it.

His lips tugged into a smile. “I missed you so much, my piggy.” His eyes sparkled as it looked straight to your soul.


Finally, you smiled back. “You pabo. Why didn’t you tell me you’re back?” You poked his nose, giggling. Your laughter made Baekhyun’s heart soar high. “I wanted to surprise you. Ahh~ that laugh.” He closed his eyes, touching his nose with yours. You stomach was turning up and down, your heart racing.

“I missed you too.” You whispered.

Baekhyun your cheek as he spoke. “Can I get my kiss now?”

“No.” You stuck your tongue out, poking his cheek.

Baekhyun’s face fell. “Ya, you playful pig.”

“You sly fox.”

“You… Bad girl!”

“You bad boy.”

“You party girl.”

“Innocent mama’s boy.”

“Ya!” Baekhyun protested, but you immediately pecked his lips.

“There you have it.” You giggled.

 Baekhyun had a silly smile on his face. “I missed that the most.”


Both of you sat on one of the garden’s benches, looking up the clear sky.

“How was America?” You started. Baekhyun shrugged. “My nose bled. Ran out of words.” You chuckled at his cuteness. “I bet there are many pretty ladies?”

Baehyun turned to look at you. “Yup.” He smirked.

You scoffed upon hearing his answer and looked away, rolling your eyes. “Wow, you had fun.” Sarcasm was oozing out your tone.

Baekhyun chuckled and pulled you closer. He s his arms on your waist. “Are you jealous right now?”

“Am not.” You mumbled, avoiding his gaze. Baekhyun laughed and held your face to face him. “Many pretty ladies, but they were all just pretty ladies. Why would I look at them when I have the prettiest angel with me?” He smiled.

You chuckled. “Sweet talk much.”

“Even if that angel’s a pig…” He added, making you glare at him. “Ya!”

Baekhyun wasn’t contented though. “A pig, a party girl, an obsessed shopper… hmmm.”

“I hate you.” You crossed your arms and turned away from him. Baekhyun smiled. “I love you.”

“I don’t care what you were, Hee.” He added, whispering. You looked at him slowly.

Baekhyun held your hands in his. “I don’t care if you shopped big time, if you partied too hard, I love you for who you were, and who you are. And I’m lucky to have you love me too.”

A small but sincere smile tugged on your lips.


“I know. You changed me.”






Awwe, it's the end! oh my golly, I'll miss this fic.

I really enjoyed writing this. Especially the fluff. It's my first time to enjoy writing fluff. Guess it's dawning on me. I have my inner fangirl fantasies


for commenting, subscribing, reading and all!

I love You! Mwah!

Thanks for all the support! mehehehe



here's Byunbaek!




and remember, i'm currently writing another fic, but i haven't uploaded it yet. I f ever I upload it, can I update you guys here? You might wanna check it out. <3

lovelots! xoxox, redforever



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JAGI_880406 #1
Chapter 1: Awhhh...??cute
nadalienv #2
Chapter 71: Omg. This is my favorite fic :D
Beakro77 #3
Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
Beakro77 #4
Chapter 62: Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
madesunrene #5
THis is amazing!
Yay! Same name again! :D hehehe...
Phi_Phi #7
Chapter 71: My my I've been studying recently so I don't really read my subscriptions or stories but this was the one story I was determined to finish and I'm glad I did cx
annxEXO6 #8
Chapter 71: omy DAEBAK!!!!
meHEARTu #9
Chapter 72: Awesome story^^
Chapter 17: This one is funny!