That Fast

You Changed Me




Your lower lip trembled as you read the letters. Surely, it was filled with emotions, and longing. But your heart was crushed as you read the name of the sender.



“B…byun Baekhyun?” Your voice cracked as your eyes got teary.



Yura bit her lip as she tried to explain. “I believe this is the right thing to do Minhee. I needed to tell you.”


Even if his name was already written there, you tried to reason out with your mind.

*No, it can’t be. He loves me. Baekhyun Oppa loves me.* Unconsciously the tears were already streaming down your face.

Yura’s eyes were filled with sympathy when you looked up to meet her gaze. “ This… this is fake. Baekhyun Oppa would never do this.”

“You have to believe me. I don’t want you to be with a man who’s not sincere with you.” She wiped your tears away with her tissue, and tried to convince you, but instead you firmly shook your head.

“No!” You sobbed, the world crashing down on you. “It… it can’t be!”

Yura looked at the view from the window and hid her smile. “Minhee, the last letter he sent was from a week ago.”

“A week ago…?” *He confessed to me a week ago….*You thought, your vision getting blurry as well as your composure.

Yura blabbered on about how Baekhyun would send gifts to her house endlessly, letters and flowers. She recited everything, deepening the hole forming on your heart. For you, it was getting real. Baekhyun was starting to be distant on your mind. He was starting to be the bad guy, the traitor, the cheater, the liar.

“I need to go.” You whispered, standing up abruptly and leaving Yura smirking behind you. Without the will to walk, you fumbled down the street, people looking at you. Tears rolled down endlessly, but you didn’t even have the initiative to wipe them, you just let them be. You were just letting the pain eat you whole.

“Young Miss?” The driver caught you just in time when you were about to stumble down. He hurriedly brought you inside the car, slipping in the driver’s seat with worry.







He lied? He lied.

I should stop defending him. It’s all clear now. He lied.

Baekhyun Oppa…. loves Yura. Not me.

I want to cling on to the fact that I’m his girlfriend, but I don’t know. I don’t know what’s the truth anymore. I don’t know what to believe in.

I should talk to him. I should let him clear everything… or worst, end everything. But I don’t even have the strength to face him. I should be angry, but instead I’m breaking down.

I should ask him about the truth. Maybe that was all a faux, right?

There's no reason for Yura to lie to me. And, Baekhyun Oppa never mentioned anything about his past, not even once.

Wu An Ran! Aish! 

I need to let him talk. He's my Oppa, and maybe he has some sort of explanation, whatever it is.  But the damage is done. I don't know what to do anymore.


I want to see him and hear him tell me it's all a lie.

But, seeing him would only make me worse, make this stupid feeling worse. Maybe coming here was a bad idea, maybe it was.


He changed me.


But… he broke me into pieces.






“I’m so sorry, Byunghyun.”

Byunghyun stared outside the view with melancholy in his eyes. His lips were pressed into a thin line as he gripped the glass with anger. I know, he’s shocked right now. But I really needed to tell him. It’s for the best.

“I know you’re… feeling cheated right now. I’m sorry.”

He slowly turned his head and met my gaze. “You did the right thing, hyung. Thanks.” He gave me a quick nod, his face couldn’t force positive emotions.

“I’ll go first. Thanks hyung.” He abruptly stood up, his knuckles white as he clenched his hand and walked out the resto. While looking at him driving away, I felt my phone vibrate.

"Young Master, Master Wu requested airline tickets to China as early as possible. He says he can't contact his secretary. He's asking for your assistance." Butler Jang said on the other line.

"He's leaving?"

"No, I think it's for the young miss."








That Yura. I was very considerate with her condition, and now she does that? Maybe I shouldn't have felt symphaty for her. She's getting worse. 

She won't make me happy? 

She can't touch Minhee. She can't interfere with our relationship.

I'll do everything to protect the one I love. And as of now, I don't know why my heart feels heavy.


"Baek!" Chanyeol jumped in fornt of me as soon as I got in the unit. His eyes were unusually a lot bigger.

"What now, Yeol?" I sighed, feeling the problems on my shoulders. I just want to see Minhee right now, she makes me happy.

Chanyeol dragged me towards the hallway. He was gripping my hand really hard.

"Look." He breathed out, opening the door to Minhee's room.


"It's... empty." I muttered, noticing the clean arranged room like no one lived in it. The curtains were opned, the sheets back to its old white sheets, and the room was practically empty.

"Where's Minhee?"

Chanyeol slumped down the bed with deflated shoulders. "Molla. Their family staff just came here to retreive her stuff."



*She left without even a word?* My heart skipped a beat at the thought.



Not now, Hee. Not now when I need you the most.





i'm sorry for the shooooooooooort chap :>


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JAGI_880406 #1
Chapter 1: Awhhh...??cute
nadalienv #2
Chapter 71: Omg. This is my favorite fic :D
Beakro77 #3
Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
Beakro77 #4
Chapter 62: Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
madesunrene #5
THis is amazing!
Yay! Same name again! :D hehehe...
Phi_Phi #7
Chapter 71: My my I've been studying recently so I don't really read my subscriptions or stories but this was the one story I was determined to finish and I'm glad I did cx
annxEXO6 #8
Chapter 71: omy DAEBAK!!!!
meHEARTu #9
Chapter 72: Awesome story^^
Chapter 17: This one is funny!