You Changed Me




The 2nd child of the great Wu family walked on the streets of Hongdae with a big smile on her face.

*Waaaaah! Hongdae improved a lot!* She thought happily, her hands unconsciously clapping. People looked at her weirdly, but she just ignored them. Her mind was too preoccupied with happiness.

“Oh! Spicy rice cakes!" She hopped towards the stall, grinning. She cheerfully stuffed herself and went off to find the new club.



As soon as her foot stepped in, the vibe already hit her. People dancing, the loud music, the energetic atmosphere. It fascinated her.  

“Hello Miss.” A guy approached her, reeking with the smell of alcohol. She rolled her eyes, used to the random erts.

“Get lost.” She hissed and walked away, but the guy caught her wrist just in time.

“I want you. Let’s have fun.” He slurred.




You looked at the guy and smiled mockingly. “Fun? Sure.” The guy grinned.

You rolled your eyes and kicked him straight in his little one. He whimpered in pain, curled on the floor. You smirked and stepped on his chest. “I’m here to enjoy myself, so  better get lost you ert.” Yhe walked away, cursing in rapid Chinese.

“I won’t let that ert ruin my mood. I’m here to have the fun I want.” You shook you head to get rid of the negative thoughts and hit the dance floor.


You were having the moment of your life there. Just like in Guangzhou, you enjoyed. Your hair flipped with every movement you made. The little sweat trickling in your forehead doesn’t seem to bother you at all.


That was until all the lights in the club , hurting your eyes. You could hear the people curse and complain. White fluorescent bulbs were all .

“Mwoya?” You muttered, covering your eyes.


The doors burst open, and people started screaming. You squinted your eyes to get a better view of who entered.

Big men in blue uniform carrying guns on their hips entered the place. “Cops..” You muttered, a smile tugging on your lips.

It was one of those moments where you shouldn’t smile, because you’re in trouble. But it’s you, and you love challenges. You love adventure. You saw the danger as fun. It irked you more.

People bumped on to you as they scrambled out the club. You even heard guys scream like girls. You just had to stop and laugh at that.

A cop spotted you from the second floor and approached you calmly. You smiled, with eyes wide opened (Chanyeol derp smile XD) and waved. The cop pursed his lips and raised his eyebrow. You shrugged and waited for him to be a a few meters away. He descended the stairs and continued walking.

In your mind, you were already cheering.

*This is gonna be fun. Hana… dul… set…*


The cop felt relieved that you just stood there, appearing as if you were waiting for him. But he was wrong. Your lips tugged into a smirk and you sprinted to the far end corner of the club.

The cop’s eyes widened as chased you. You swiftly jumped up the tables, kicking chairs as you passed by. The cop had a hard time clearing his trail.

You chuckled. *I’m a fugitive! A fugitive wearing heels!*


The cop smiled as you approached a dead end. You smiled back. The cop was already doubting your sanity as he was slowly walking towards you. You grinned back at him.

But before he could actually get you, you ducked on a table and ran again. The cop was again, on the chase. He was cursing while running.

*There’s always a hidden back door.* Your eyes was searching for the particular door.

You entered a small alley, with crates of beer piled up tgether at the sides. The cop lost you. You smiled victoriously as you exited the club through a back door.

“Whooo! I’ve never had so much fun!” You cheered as you stepped outside. The door banged behind you. You took in a deep breath and grinned.



“I sure made the right decision!” Your fists pumped up in the air.

Sure it was really you. How you loved the fun, the danger, the adventure. Not only the party entertained you, but also the getaway.


 A deep chuckle came from your side. You quickly turned to check if the cop managed to follow you. But you were wrong. It was someone worse than the cop.

“You’re right, hyung. She’s here.” D.O. snapped his phone shut and again, chuckled. You sighed and moved backwards.

“You’re really unique, Minhee.” He clucked his tongue.

You raised your hands in mid-air. “Okay, you got me, Oppa.”

D.O smiled and pulled you with him to the van.


Sehun exhaled in relief as he saw D.O. walking towards the van with you by his side. He immediately called the other guys.

You pouted as you saw all of them approaching the van. Suho was running fast. He checked your face and arms for anything unusual. “Are you hurt?” He asked.

You glumly nodded. “Yes. Because I’m busted.”

Kai snickered. “Brat. You think we won’t know, huh?”

Baekhyun was looking at you, his eyes filled with disappointment. “This is what you call change? For your brother and parents?” He scolded. You looked away guiltily.

Sehun ruffled your hair. “Aish Minhee. We were worried.”

“I talked to the cops. The club is owned by an underground mafia group worldwide, that’s why it was raided. They could be using that club to get women. Illegal trafficking.” Chanyeol explained, panting.

The guys ears perked up at what they heard. Suho exhaled. “Good thing we found you.”

“I escaped.” You blurted out.

“From the mafia?” Chanyeol asked, amazed. You shook your head and smiled.

“No. From the cops.” They looked at you with disappointment in their eyes. Baekhyun pushed you inside the van and everybody squeezed in. The whole ride back was silent. You nervously fiddled with your dress.

*This was supposed t be a secret. Aish, stupid me. Kris Ge will kill me.* You closed your eyes to relax.

Kai lightly poked your cheek. “Kris will kill you.”

You sighed and mumbled. “Thanks a lot. That was comforting.”

“You’re welcome.” He stuck his tongue out at you.




The 7 of you gathered on the living room. You were sitting on the couch, while all of them looked at you with piercing eyes. Baekhyun sighed and walked away.

“I’m sorry…” You managed to say. Baekhyun stopped in his tracks and leaned on the wall, his gaze intense. The other guys didn’t respond.

“Really, I was… itching. I’m sorry..” You explained, but no one answered.

That was until Suho’s phone started ringing.

You fiddled at your dress, again, while waiting for Suho to finish his call. Sure, it was Kris.


You looked up when the call ended.

“Get the Ipad. Kris is calling on Facetime." Suho ordered. You shivered at the thought of your angry brother.

Chanyeol came back with the Ipad on his hands. After a few minutes, Kris was connected.

He was also giving you the glare.


“Dui bu qi(Sorry), Gege.” You muttered. Kris’ face hardened.

The other guys also tensed with what they witnessed. Kris is angry. It would be like Mentos on Coke anytime soon.


“You disappointed me. Not only me, all of us.” He started, his voice unusually deeper. The other guys nodded in agreement. You looked down at your toes.

“I know. I made the wrong choice—“

“I could only think of one solution. Suho, we talked about this.” Kris cut you off. Suho nodded approvingly, while the other guys leaned in to listen. Sehun took your hand and squeezed it.


“No one can guard you at home.” Kris explained. Your brows furrowed in confusion.





“You’re living with them, from now on, Wu An Ran.”



AIGO. :>

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JAGI_880406 #1
Chapter 1: Awhhh...??cute
nadalienv #2
Chapter 71: Omg. This is my favorite fic :D
Beakro77 #3
Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
Beakro77 #4
Chapter 62: Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
madesunrene #5
THis is amazing!
Yay! Same name again! :D hehehe...
Phi_Phi #7
Chapter 71: My my I've been studying recently so I don't really read my subscriptions or stories but this was the one story I was determined to finish and I'm glad I did cx
annxEXO6 #8
Chapter 71: omy DAEBAK!!!!
meHEARTu #9
Chapter 72: Awesome story^^
Chapter 17: This one is funny!