You Changed Me


Author's note: This chapter may be a little... dramatic.





The pleasant morning sun peeked in through Baekhyun’s curtains, hitting straight to his face. He bolted up, his body feeling giddy, his mind filled with questions.

“This is it.” He muttered, looking straight at nothing. Everything seems so blurry to him right now, but inside him something is burning; determination. His doubts were slowly diminishing.

He hurriedly went to the bathroom to wash himself, change into something nice and look at his own reflection.

“Minhee, will you accept me?” He sighed, examining his face in his reflection.

“Am I worthy of you?” He muttered, biting his lip.


He was drowning in his own little world when D.O yanked his door open.

“Byun Baek!” He smiled, seeing his fiend dressed. “Today is it?” He grinned.

Baekhyun nodded, feeling electricity in his body. “Today it is.”

Suho entered the room too and closed the door behind him. “I know she’ll accept you. I can feel it.” He gave Baekhyun an encouraging squeeze on his shoulder. Baekhyun smiled to his friends, but nervousness was eating him.

“I think she’s awake.” Kai ran to the room, slamming the door behind him. “I’m excited for both of you!” He clapped. D.O got Kai’s excitement and jumped on the bed. “Go, Byunbaek!!”

Chanyeol and Sehun’s heads peeked on the door. “Can we come in?” Sehun innocently blinked. Baekhyun nodded at the manknae. The door opened and Chanyeol, Sehun, Xiumin, Chen and Luhan entered. Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “You guys.” He breathed out.

“We heard about what you’re going to do today.” Xiumin skipped to his side and tapped his cheek. Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the bun.

Luhan chuckled. “Good luck.” He mouthed.

Chanyeol pumped his fists on the air. “Go, go!”

Sehun glared at his hyung. “Don’t ever hurt our Minhee. Kris Ge will kill you.” He seethed. The guys nodded. Kris’ name sent shivers through Baekhyun’s spine. He swallowed, lips pressed into a thin line. “Of course, I won’t.”




The guys all wished me luck today. If those wishes really come true.

But no, I really appreciate their concern. I don’t know if Minhee accepts me, but one thing I’m sure, I love her. And here goes nothing.

Despite the fact that I really don’t know anything, if I’ll go home heart broken or happy, I don’t care anymore.

I just want her to know how much I love her.





I woke up with the rapid buzzing of my phone. I don’t know why, but it seems like something good is happening today. Oh right, Baekhyun Oppa’s taking me out. There it goes again, the stupid butterflies on my stomach.

“What?” I hissed.

Byunghyun Oppa laughed on the other line. “Did I wake you up?”


“Sorry, cupcake. But I’m in a great dilemma today!” He cried.

“Gee, what’s the problem?”

“I need you! Just meet me, please!”

“I’m going somewhere today, Oppa.”

I could hear him sigh on the other line. “Well then, can I go there right now? It’ll just be a few minutes.”

“Arraso, you weirdo.”

“Thanks, cupcake!”


Aigo, Byunghyun Oppa. Why does he need me whenever I have something else to do? That boy, really.


“Mei!” Xiumin Ge burst in my room, a wide grin on his face.

“Yes Ge? Need anything?” I yawned.

He jumped on my bed and pinched my cheeks. Sometimes I think I’m older than this bun. He’s just so childish. “Yes, I need you to get ready. Go, go.”

“Arraso, arraso.” I smiled, pushing him out of my room.


“I’m going to wait for you.” A voice behind me made me turn. That voice.

I my heel, looking at Baekhyun Oppa dashing as ever. My stomach danced again, my heart threatening to burst out any second.

“G…good morning, Oppa.” I forced a smile, I swear I think I’m frozen.

“Good morning, my piggy.” He winked, making me feel a thousand soldiers march on my heart's surface all at once. He smiled his signature smile and went out the room.

As soon as he exited, I felt my knees wobble. This is weird, what is he doing to me?

Am I… falling?

I shook my head to shake of thoughts and get my mind straight to preparing. But before I could get a dress, a thought hit me.

Or… have I already fallen for him?





The guys gathered on the living room, doing their usual stuff. Bickering, eating, playing whatsoever. But one guys stayed on the couch, deep in thought. His heart wouldn’t beat normally, his mind trying to make himself ready.

“What will I say?” He whispered to himself, thinking of the exact words. Suho, who was sitting beside him heard his light worry. He encouragingly patted his friend’s back.

“Just say what you really feel.” He winked. Baekhyun nodded slowly at his friend and looked at his own fingers.

*What I really feel… Then I would have to say much. I just have to relax.* He exhaled, closing his eyes for a brief second.


Everybody was having a good time until the doorbell buzzed. No one dared to stand up.

“We’re busy here!” Chen laughed, his fingers wildly pressing buttons. Chanyeol his lip as he strategically played.

Suho stood up but he went to the room, on his phone. The door slammed shut behind him.

 The buzzing grew louder, so as the irritation Baekhyun was feeling feeling. *A bunch of lazy idiots.* He thought.

Xiumin and D.O got along in an instant. “Oh, Xiumin, do you want to help me heat the pasta?” D.O and Xiumin got up and ran to kitchen.

Luhan and Sehun shared headphones, pretending not to hear.

“Lazy jerks.” Baekhyun muttered, standing up to get the door. The guys exhaled as he volunteered. “You’re a hardworking kid, Baek.” Chen praised. “Yeah, right.” He scoffed as he reached the door.


“Uh… hello.” L.joe smiled awkwardly at Baekhyun, his hand fiddling with his jacket. Baekhyun felt uneasy at the sight of your best friend.

“C..come in.” He stuttered, making way for L.joe to come in. L.joe bowed and happily skipped inside. The guys looked up at L.joe as he entered the living room.

“Uh, Good Morning. I just have to… talk to Minhee for a while.” He smiled. The guys nodded, glancing uneasily at Baekhyun. He stood frozen there; the feeling of jealousy he was trying to forget for weeks now was creeping back to him. And he hated it. He vowed to himself to never let stupid jealousy get him. And he’s in a tight struggle as of the moment.

“This will not take hours. I’m so sorry. It’s a little urgent.” L.joe bowed again, Luhan stood up and chuckled. “It’s okay, just knock on the room there.”

L.joe grinned and ran off to Minhee’s room.


As soon as he was out of sight, Baekhyun slumped on the couch.

“They’re just best friends, dude.” D.O lightly punched him on his arm. He didn’t even react.

Chanyeol clucked his tongue. “Don’t be childish, Byun Baek.”

“I know, I’m not.” He forced a little smile to his friends.


L.joe didn’t even knock. He barged in your room shouting. “Minhee! Where are you?!" He wailed.

You were on the shower, still applying bath cream. “Don’t enter the bathroom. Wait there.” You called out. You could hear him sigh and protest.

As soon as you’re done, you got out of the bathroom to see L.joe lying on your bed, face first. He was kicking his legs and beating up the poor mattress.

“What the heck?” You snickered. He quickly got up and grinned as he saw you.

“You’re done! Oh my, I’ve been waiting for years.” He jumped like a kid and tackled you. “Help me! I’m in a great dilemma right now!!”He cried, kneeling on the floor, tugging on your dress.

You laughed at how silly and desperate he was. “What’s the problem?”

He snapped up and looked at you with wild eyes. “I’m dying right now.”

You laughed. “Really, when?”

He rolled his eyes and lightly smacked your head. “Your best friend is in a great problem, and you’re joking?!”

“Just shoot, Oppa. What’s the problem?” You crossed your arms, looking intently at him. He nodded eagerly and paced back and forth.

“Okay, so there’s this girl I like. I mean, she’s different. Not just a normal chick! I really need to get her, Hee. But I don’t know how to confess.”

“You make it sound like she’s the latest Diablo game. Get her?” You laughed, but immediately stopped when L.joe shot you his death glare.

“Okay, so… uhm, just say whatever you feel. I mean, it doesn’t need to be scripted. That . Tell the girl how much she means to you.”

L.joe nodded in understanding and his chin. “B..but, I’m nervous.”

You approached him and lightly hugged him. “You can do it, Oppa. Use me for practice.” You winked. He chuckled and kneeled down in front of you. “Okay, Let’s pretend you’re her.”






It seems like Minhee’s taking forever. I mean, I have nothing against her best friend, but I’m really nervous. I should really get a hold of myself right now.

My friends told me to just say everything I want to say, and I’m so giddy to just spill it all out to Minhee.

“You can do it. I know you.” Chen sat beside me, patting my back. I smiled back at him. “Thanks, dude.”

I don’t know what happened, how I fell in love with her. She’s unique, different, special. She targeted my soft spots, opened my eyes to things I ignored. She was there at times when I needed her, and here mere presence makes me feel that weird feeling I now recognize as love.

With slightly unstable legs, I stood up from my slouching position and walked towards her door. Maybe I can just listen if they’re almost done talking.

Carefully, I leaned on the wall beside her door frame, picking up the words.

“Ever since I met you, everything changed. You changed me, and now it’s my time to show you how happy I am you came in my life. You brighten up my day, your smile never leaves my mind. I know it may be hard for you, but I need to ask this. W…Will you be my girlfriend?” L.joe, her bestfriend, spoke, his words filled with sincerity, his voice filled with love.

My heart dropped with what I heard. Those were supposed to be my words. My lines.

So, I was right. Their friendship… was more than that.

I was stupid to assume.


At the back of my stupid brain, a little voice kept defending.

She still didn’t answer. Oh please, please say no. I know it may be selfish…

Ugh, if you love him, then I’ll let you go Minhee. But I’m still hoping.

My legs want to run away, but there’s something inside me that glued me to the wall, making me hear everything. My stomach was having somersaults. I can’t expect anything from her, she doesn’t evn know I feel something for her.

The urge to open the door and stop whatever was happening inside was just on the ege of my mind. But, I’m glued. Hearing these things stabbed me, slowly piercing through my feelings.

Please. Please. Please. I also need the chance to tell you...


“Yes, I will be your girlfriend.” She breathed out.

It’s just like my heart crushed to a thousand pieces. My vision started to blur. I’m crying? Hell.

I feel like puking. I feel like my heart wants to explode with pain. No, it already exploded.

Wu An Ran, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for loving you.

I’m a fool. Why did I listen? But… even if I didn’t listen it won’t erase the fact that she accepted him. And I didn’t even have the chance to confess. I lost. L.joe got her.

Their laughter made it even worse. Inside, I can hear them rejoice. While here I am, dying.

Slowly, I made my way to my room.


Why did I fall in love with the wrong person?






Inside your room, both of you laughed after the acting stunt. L.joe stood up from his kneeling position and hugged you.

“Thanks, cupcake. Now I’m ready.”

“See? I’m a good actress. You could use me anytime.” You winked.

Little did you know, someone already lost hope. Someone already misunderstood.



uhm, so, hello.

comments are loved <3

don't worry, love conquers anything.

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JAGI_880406 #1
Chapter 1: Awhhh...??cute
nadalienv #2
Chapter 71: Omg. This is my favorite fic :D
Beakro77 #3
Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
Beakro77 #4
Chapter 62: Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
madesunrene #5
THis is amazing!
Yay! Same name again! :D hehehe...
Phi_Phi #7
Chapter 71: My my I've been studying recently so I don't really read my subscriptions or stories but this was the one story I was determined to finish and I'm glad I did cx
annxEXO6 #8
Chapter 71: omy DAEBAK!!!!
meHEARTu #9
Chapter 72: Awesome story^^
Chapter 17: This one is funny!