You Changed Me






The condo was peaceful, until all of you came home. You slipped on your house slippers and jumped on the couch. “Tired!” You declared, burying your face in the pillow. Chanyeol yawned and plopped beside you. D.O. shrugged and lazily dragged himself to his room, not bothering to say anything.

“The effect of business parties.” He muttered. You slightly smiled and looked at him. “Are you going to help your parents in your spa-chains soon?”

His face changed. The ususal eye-smile, disappeared in an instant. With a sigh, he raked his hair. “I don’t know. I hope not soon, though.”


Baekhyun came in the room, loosening up his tie. “The sad reality is slowly dawning on us.” He sighed.

“Yeah…” Chanyeol muttered, eyes closed.

You looked at them curiously. Baekhyun sensed what you were feeling and spat out. “Sooner or later, we’ll all be working. We’ll all be running our parents business.” You sighed too. The living room was heavy with tired emotions.

It was true. You know your dad too well, and you know that after you graduate, you’re going straight to the company. Just like Kris.

Just like Kris who gladly accepted his responsibilities and went to work.

You wondered to yourself. *I can't gladly accept it like Gege. I don't like working.*



“Wait, why are you guys living together anyway?” You looked up, your thoughts interrupted. Chanyeol looked at you blankly, clearly tired. His eyes were slowly closing. Kai just shrugged and went to his room, carrying a carton of milk with him.

“We want to at least feel free before our parents get us.” Sehun answered you. Baekhyun nodded in approval.

“Suho hyung’s not coming home tonight, by the way. ” Chanyeol mumbled, half-asleep.


After about half an hour of talking, and listening to Chanyeol snore loudly beside you, all of you went to rest.






“An Ran.” Your mom looked at you sharply. You stopped whining in an instant. Kris inherited his sharp eyes from your mom, and your mom was practically giving you the creeps with her death glare.

“Just follow what I say. Go to Busan, check the clinic there, and come back here. Inform me about the whereabouts there.” She paced back and forth in your room in the condo. She held the curtains and examined it. Her gaze returned to the picture on your bedside.

A portrait of you and Kris, smiling. It was a priceless piece, because Kris was smiling.


“Yi Fan really knows how to discipline you. He let you live here.” She smiled a little. You just scowled at your own mother.

She was examining everything in the room. When she reached the closet, where you stocked you pretty expensive clothes, she chuckled.

“And you didn’t even try to reason out with him. You just let him do whatever he wants with me. And to think of it, you’re the mother.” You raised your index finger, trying to make a point. Your mother sat beside you on the bed, her weight lightly pressing on the soft mattress.

“I know what’s best for you. I can’t guard and protect you every day; I have things to attend to. And besides, I’ve known these boys. They changed your brother. They took care of him. They opened the world to him. And they’re doing that to you, too.” She smiled and gently pulled you on her arms. You leaned on your mother’s shoulder and sighed.

“I’ll… change, if it leads to the better. I’m just enjoying the moment, Mama. I just wish we lived a stable life, you know. Living in one place together. You, Papa, Gege and me. Maybe if we did, I wouldn’t be hooked to partying.”

Your mother caressed your hair and smiled. “Now, don’t blame it on us. We were just taking care of what you and your brother will have in the future. Soon, An Ran. Now, be good and go to Busan, okay?”

Protesting won’t do any good. What your mother decides on, that’s always the right thing. Helpless, you just nodded.



“I’m going to Busan.” You plopped on the couch, pouting. The other guys looked at you curiosity painted on their faces. Except for Chanyeol and Sehun, who was smirking, shooting glances at each other. Sehun was wildly typing on his phone.

Kai and D.O. approached you.  You pat the spaces beside you, and they sat there willingly.

“Wae?” D.O started. You sighed for the nth time. “I’m going to monitor Mama’s clinic there.”

Kai smirked. “Work.” He snickered. “ Soon, you’re gonna handle everything.”

Your eyes widened at what he said. “No. Don’t remind me of that.”


“Busan?!” Suho came bolting on the door in his corporate clothes. He looked tired, and very manly. His hair was drawn towards the back, jet black. Yet, his expression ruined the mood.

Kai and D.O was laughing hysterically on the floor. You gasped upon seeing him.

“How did you…?” Baekhyun, who was also surprised, nodded at your question.

Suho adjusted himself and cleared his throat. “Sehun texted me. They told me we’re having a trip to Busan. I mean, I really need a break~”

You weren’t listening anymore. Instead, you were shooting Sehun death glares. Chanyeol was smiling beside him. A too innocent smile, indeed. Baekhyun was giggling with amusement. Kai was smirking at the thought of Busan. D.O. was there, expressionless, maybe thinking.


“I’m the only on going to Busan, Oppa.” You scoffed, looking at Sehun. “This guy here pranked you.”

Upon hearing you, Suho’s face fell. “I actually thought…”

“Come on, Minhee! I think it’s a great idea! We can actually accompany you, so you won’t get bored!” Chanyeol squeezed in between you and Baekhyun. Unknown to everyone, Baekhyun grunted.

“No.” You firmly said, lips pressed into a thin line. Kai rolled his eyes at you. “Killjoy, really.”

Sehun was nodding at what Kai said. “Minhee, you’re such a bore.”

Chanyeol pouted and looked at you with his too big puppy eyes. Okay, everybody was looking expectantly at you.


D.O stood up and finally, commented. “We’re going to Busan. Whether you…” He pointed his index finger at you. “Like it or not.” He smirked. Everybody cheered, even the calm leader Suho was rejoicing. You slumped there, muttering incoherent words under your brath.

“Who are you to decide?” You ranted, but the guys just ingored you and packed their stuff. Alone in the living room, you were killing them in your thoughts.


Baekhyun peeked and smiled. “Come on, it’s going to be fun~” He chimed. You just sat there, unmoving. He laughed and held both of your arms.

“Don’t be such a bore, look on the brighter side!” He smiled. You, stubborn as ever, had no response, except for your smug face.

He pulled you up and dragged you to your room. He lightly pushed you inside with a big smile on his face.

“Pack your things now, shoo.” He winked before closing the door.

Somehow, his frequent winking was doing something to you. But, you couldn’t really pinpoint what it was. What you know, is that Baekhyun is one great Oppa.

You shook your head from the daze.


You ran to your bed and buried your face on the pillow.

*Aigo, now I doubt if I can actually monitor the clinic, with those guys around. Sheesh.*


But then, Baekhyun's words kept ringing on your head. 

“Don’t be such a bore, look on the brighter side!” 




'Maybe it would be fun after all. But... aish! I still have to monitor the clinic... gah."



On his room, Baekhyun was trying to remove his big smile, his very own derp smile. He hated seeing himself like a derp, though. 

"Aish my cheeks hurt already, but I can't stop smiling." He tapped his cheeks, but to his avail, the smile reappeared.

"Why am I too happy about this trip?!" He hissed to himself, puffing air in his cheeks. His hands felt giddy, eveh his legs. He swayed awkardly there, unable to contain himself. 

The door creaked open.

"Hyung--" Kai mindlessly entered, but he stopped upon seeing Baekhyun's awkward dance. "I'll... come back later." He suppressed his laughter and shut the door. Baekhyun hit himself. "I must be crazy."


He ran in front of the mirror and examined his face. "Why am I still smiling?" He muttered. He looked at the mirror sternly and tried posing a y pose, just to remove his big smile. *I'm manly, I'm not a derp like chanyeol.*

The door creaked open, and now it was you. But, Baekhyun didn't notice. He was busy posing in the mirror, attempting to remove his derp smile. He his lip and winked at his own reflection.

You stood there, confused to his actions.

"Oppa?" You called out.


He jerked fast and looked at you. "N...Ne?"

"That was.... pretty cool." You muttered before closing the door shut.


Baekhyun hit himself hard. "Now, not only Kai thinks I'm crazy. Minhee too. Aish Byun Baek, you're such a paboooo!" He buried his face in his pillow, his legs kicking in the air.



sorry if it was...  boring.

meheheheheehehe. :>

Busan, where the 'mighty' guys


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JAGI_880406 #1
Chapter 1: Awhhh...??cute
nadalienv #2
Chapter 71: Omg. This is my favorite fic :D
Beakro77 #3
Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
Beakro77 #4
Chapter 62: Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
madesunrene #5
THis is amazing!
Yay! Same name again! :D hehehe...
Phi_Phi #7
Chapter 71: My my I've been studying recently so I don't really read my subscriptions or stories but this was the one story I was determined to finish and I'm glad I did cx
annxEXO6 #8
Chapter 71: omy DAEBAK!!!!
meHEARTu #9
Chapter 72: Awesome story^^
Chapter 17: This one is funny!