No, It can't be.

You Changed Me




“Oppa, come on!” Minhee tightened her grip on my hand, dragging me inside COEX.

I tried looking at shops, stalling.


“Oh look, Hee! It’s a panda! Let’s look inside!” I beamed, trying so hard to stall time. I can’t see Yura, I’m a little nervous.

I don’t know if she’s cured!

Minhee pursed her lips as she looked at the small panda plushie displayed on the gift shop.

“Tao Ge is better.” She muttered.

I smiled at that. Oh my piggy, how can you look so cute?

“Oppa, I’m gonna melt any moment now.” She smirked, her brows raising up and down.

I chuckled, pulling her closer to me. “I won’t let that happen.”

She giggled, but then she snapped out of it.

“Ya! We still have to meet L.joe Oppa and Yura!” Her eyes widened as she grabbed my hand again, pulling me. I whined a little. “B..but the panda..”

“I said, Tao ge is much more better. He’s a living human panda.” She giggled at the thought as the both of us made our way to the entrance of a café.


“Hee-hee!” L.joe hollered as soon as we stepped inside. People turned to look at us. Oh my, seriously, L.joe.

Minhee faked a smile and laughed sheepishly as she pulled me towards the couch at the corner of the café. Yura stood up abruptly and held Minhee’s shoulder.

“We meet again, Minhee!” She beamed. I looked at her questioningly. She giggled as she hugged my girl, her eyes meeting mine for a moment. I felt the hair on my neck stand.

“Hello, Baekhyun-sshi.” She sweetly smiled. I gave her a slight nod, maintaining a face.

“Yo Hee, I haven’t seen Kris hyung lately. He’s doing fine?” L.joe asked as the 4 of us took our seats. Minhee slyly smiled as she looked at me knowingly. “Gege… is preparing for his world war 3.”

L.joe’s eyes twitched as he squinted. “With who?”

“My mom.” Both of us burst into loud guffaws, while the couple in front of us looked at us weirdly. But Yura’s look was somehow different. I can’t just pinpoint what it is.

Or maybe I’m just thinking things.






The couple set off to roam around the mall, checking out the mid-year sale going on in different designer brands. L.joe admired your new-found self-control in shopping, congratulating Baekhyun.

“So you don’t shop now?”

“I still do, of course.” You smiled, glancing at Baekhyun walking beside you. “But I’ve learned how to control what I buy.”

L.joe clapped his hands like a little child. “Wow. Our An Ran grew up! All because of one guy!”

You giggled. “Well. Our playboy changed too. Because of one girl.” You sweetly looked at Yura and gave her a slight nod.

L.joe proudly placed his arms around her. “Of course. I’m sure Baekhyun knows the feeling of finding the perfect girl, right?”

Baekhyun chuckled as he secured an arm around your waist. “Of course.” He looked at you and gently kissed your cheek.

Yura’s eyes hardened with what she saw but she forced a fake smile. She gently squirmed out of L.joe’s arm and walked ahead, trying to clear her head. *I’ll get what I want too. Soon.*


“Byunghyun Oppa, look! A gelato store!” You lightly squealed, calling L.joe’s attention.

His eyes were full of joy as he looked at the shop. “Oh golly…” He beamed.

Baekhyun chuckled, looking at you and L.joe racing towards the shop. He knew that you and L.joe shared the same taste in food.



“It’s been a while.”

He his heel, looking at Yura smiling innocently at him.

“You… you remember me, Oppa? You do, right?” She tugged on his cardigan lightly. Baekhyun nodded, unsure of what to do.

*Of course she remembers me.* He thought.


“I missed you, Oppa.”

Baekhyun forced a smile. “Y..Yura. Long time no see.”

“We used to be best friends.” Yura stated, while trying to look around nonchalantly.

Baekhyun chuckled nervously. “Yeah... those times.”


“You even broke into my house right?”

Baekhyun froze in his place with what he heard. He snapped out of his state and looked at Yura briefly. “Yura… you were suffering wi—“

“Don’t worry. I’m fine. I spent a lot of time at that stupid hospital, you know.”

“It was for the best.”

“I gave you love, happiness. And yet you repay me with that?”

“It wasn’t love, Yura. It was an ob—“

“How dare you talk about love when you haven’t felt what I felt? What I still feel.”

Baekhyun couldn’t think properly. He just proved something right.

“Yura, L.joe is..”

“He’s a fool.”


Just when he was about to reply, you and L.joe came jumping with gelato cups.

“Want some?” You beamed, skipping beside Baekhyun. He blinked, still looking at Yura.

Yura smiled sweetly at you and L.joe. “He’s in a daze. Look at him. I told him how we met.” She batted her lashes at L.joe, who softened.

“The day at the amusement park?” He replied, grinning. Yura nodded like a child. “Our first funny meeting. But if it wasn’t for that, Oppa, I wouldn’t meet you.”

Your eyes sparkled with interest. “Tell me, tell me!” You bugged the couple, while Baekhyun tried to compose himself. He needed to do something. He needed to.

L.joe chuckled and narrated to you the story while walking ahead. Yura smirked at Baekhyun’s direction. She approached him, and whispered. “Don’t worry Oppa. I’m not doing anything.”

“Don’t play with L.joe.” He hissed back.

“I’m enjoying~” She replied, wearing a sly smile. Baekhyun closed his eyes for a brief moment, and regained composure. He was about to answer back but Yura already caught up with you and his ‘boyfriend.’

*What is she planning?* Baekhyun worriedly looked at L.joe, and somehow his eyes landed at your back. *Why do I feel like something going to happen?*


As soon as the both of you arrived home, Baekhyun hurriedly kissed your forehead goodnight and proceeded to his room. Waiting till you finally enter your room, he remained silent there on his small couch, contemplating. When he heard your door close, he stood up abruptly, opening the door to Suho’s room, where all the guys enjoyed themselves with games and food.

“You’re home.” Luhan yawned, sprawling his legs on the bed.

Xiumin scrunched his nose. “Brought any food?”

Kris looked up. “Oh I have news. Tao and Lay are coming on two days.”

The guys nodded, while Kai complained. “Sehun, then Xiumin Hyung. Now, Tao?!”

Xiumin and Sehun shot him death glares.

Baekhyun started. “Guys—“

“Woah! Knock out! I win, Chen! I win!” Chanyeol jumped up, pumping his fists on the air. Chen just smiled as he selected another game.


“Ya! Do Kyungsoo! Give me back the remote control!” Suho commanded while munching on chips. D.O rolled his eyes. “I cook in this house! At least let me take hold of the remote!”

“Baby, baby, baby oooooh~” Sehun sang, cuddling a pillow. Kris shushed him by throwing him the book he was reading. “Stop that!”

Baekhyun closed his eyes in disbelief. “GUYS!” He roared, his fists curled up. All attention diverted to him.

“He was fine a while ago..” Luhan mumbled. Kris motioned him to shut up.


Baekhyun sighed. “Yura. She’s planning something.”

“What?!” Sehun grabbed a pillow. The others listened attentively.

“She’s speaking with anger. She despises me for sending her to the hospital.”

“It was the right thing.” Suho retorted.

“For her it wasn’t.”

“Because she’s retarded.” Chanyeol snickered.

“Obsessed.” Chen clucked his tongue.

“I think she’s cured. But she’s holding a grudge.” Baekhyun continued, disregarding his friends’ comments.

“She’s inconsiderate.” Xiumin added.

“I’m not done.” Baelkyun looked at the guys one by one.


“She’s just fooling around with Byunghyun.”

“Why would she do that?” It was now Kris’ who reacted.

“I don’t know too.”

The guys remained silent after that.



“Revenge?” Sehun whispered, fear in his eyes.



“Why Byunghyun?” Suho asked.

“Because he’s a connection to you.” Chen answered, looking at Baekhyun.

“No, I think she’s done with me.”

“Or not.” D.O muttered.

“If she wants revenge, she wouldn’t use L.joe. He’s far related to me.”


“What if, it’s not you she wants to hurt, Baek.” D.O whispered. The guys looked at him too, listening attentively.



“It’s Minhee.”






hello guys =))

thank you for always waiting patiently.

leave some comments! <3 tell me what you think. i'd love to hear from you guys.



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JAGI_880406 #1
Chapter 1: Awhhh...??cute
nadalienv #2
Chapter 71: Omg. This is my favorite fic :D
Beakro77 #3
Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
Beakro77 #4
Chapter 62: Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
madesunrene #5
THis is amazing!
Yay! Same name again! :D hehehe...
Phi_Phi #7
Chapter 71: My my I've been studying recently so I don't really read my subscriptions or stories but this was the one story I was determined to finish and I'm glad I did cx
annxEXO6 #8
Chapter 71: omy DAEBAK!!!!
meHEARTu #9
Chapter 72: Awesome story^^
Chapter 17: This one is funny!