Wrong Timing

You Changed Me





“You have to tell meimei. And Byunghyun.” Luhan sat across Baekhyun, his elbows supporting the weight of his head.

Baekhyun rubbed his tempes. “I know. I would.”

“Before anything happens.” Luhan replied, creases forming on his forehead. He didn’t like how Yura brought trouble in the past, then now.


You walked lazily out the room, rubbing your still sleepy eyes.

“Good morning my beautiful sister.” Kris was leaning at the wall, cup in hand. You raised a brow, looking at him questioningly. “What did you eat? Are you sick?”

“No. I just wanted to greet my beloved meimei. Is something wrong with that?” He smiled. He smiled!

Your eye twitched. “You’re weird.”

*I won’t let that Yura hurt you mei.* Kris thought as you brushed past him, dragging your own legs to the kitchen.


“Tao Gege and Lay Gege are coming here?!” You squealed in delight, jumping around with glee. “I miss them so much!”

Sehun rejoiced with you. “We’ll be complete. Yay!” He jumped on the couch, annoying the still sleepy Chanyeol and Kai.

“Oh, I have a date.” Kai fumbled up, shuffling towards his room. You snickered at his back. “Not unusual.” The guys giggled at what you said, but deep inside they were worrying. Kai came back and plopped back at the couch.

“I thought you have a date?”

He yawned. “No. I’m ditching her. Tired.”

“Evil playboy. At least let her know.” You retorted, stalking off. Kai just sighed, he was feeling too lazy to react.



“I.. n..need to tell you something.” Baekhyun fiddled with his fingers, while you looked at him curiously.

“What is it, Oppa?” You smiled. He smiled back for a moment.

“About Yu—“


His phone vibrated violently on his pocket. He sighed, looking at the caller ID.

*Wrong timing.* He mentally slapped himself.

“It’s umma. I’ll take this, okay?” He gave you a peck on the lips before he entered his room.



*What was it he wanted to tell me?* You wondered, walking towards the living room where most of the guys were. Unusually, your heart was heavy for no particular reason.

“Annyeong.” Sehun waved, playing with his Itouch. You plopped beside him and sighed. “Why do I feel like something going to happen, Sehunnie?”

Sehun paused his game and looked at you pointedly. “NOTHING is going to happen. Nothing bad.”

“If you say so…” You mumbled, looking at the television blankly.


“Mei, get dressed. Mama and Papa want us for brunch.” Kris threw a towel straight to your face.

“You didn’t have to throw it, you know.” You muttered. Kris just rolled his eyes and went back to the kitchen.


“I think Yura is still sick.” Xiumin was sitting on the counter top, his legs swinging here and there. D.O mixed something on a bowl, but he slammed it on the table. “She’s getting blinded with negative feelings.” He hissed.

“And now she may be thinking of nasty things.” Chen added, clucking his tongue. It was one of those days when Chen rarely smiled. He was worried, just like the others.

“Poor Baekhyun.” Xiumin sighed.

“Poor Byunghyun. He needs to be warned right away.” Kris entered, joing the conversation. He stared at the fruit basket on the corner, deep in thought.

“That witch, really.” D.O muttered, flipping pancakes on his large pan. Xiumin looked at the food with glee.

“I’m going to talk to him later and leave Minhee to my parents.” Kris drummed his fingers on the table, coming up to a decision.

“Should I check the records at the hospital? If she’s cured?” Suho walked in the kitchen, looking at Kris. The latter nodded in response. “Yeah. Thanks, Joonmyun.”


“Guys, I have to go. My father is looking for me, and he needs me fast.” Baekhyun rushed to the door, hollering over to his friends. Kris stood up from his seat and half-ran to him. “Have you told her?”

“We got cut off by the phone.” Baekhyun answered, putting on his shoes.

“Tell her later then, ara?” Kris chided. Baekhyun nodded. “Yeah, I’ll do that. Take care of Minhee for me. Tell her this is kind of urgent.” Baekhyun smiled, squeezing Kris’ shoulder.

“Of course, I’m the brother, in case you forgot.” Kris replied arrogantly. Baekhyun scoffed and went out hurriedly, the doors sliding close behind him.




Before setting off with Kris ge, I passed by Baekhyun Oppa’s room. I’m still curious with what he was about to tell me. Hmm…

“Oppa?” I called out after knocking several times. But to my dismay, no response. Is he out? Maybe on the living room.

“He went out mei, pretty urgent. His father needed him.” Kris ge appeared in front of me, wearing his normal expressionless face.

I nodded. “Okay…”

“Ugh, love birds. Really.” He snickered, walking off to the door. I made a face and rolled my eyes at my brother. “You're just jealous. Forever alone bastard.” I  muttered, low enough not to be heard. This gege of mine, really.

“I heard that.” Kris’ voice was hard. Oops.

I smiled sheepishly. “Coming, Gege~” I called out sweetly, catching up with him.

“Bye Hee! Bye mei!” The guys called out. I smiled back at them. Bye Oppas and geges! Off to my parents~

An hour later, ws arrived at our Gangnam house, after stopping at many food shops. Our parents were alredy waiting at the living room, anticipating their children, us.



“Hello son.” Mrs. Wu eyed his son knowingly. Kris froze in his place. “M..mama.”

You giggled at the corner with your Dad. It was entertaining to see Kris getting a dose of his own medicine. His own attitude.

“Let’s talk.” Mrs. Wu smiled a little as he dragged his son upstairs to the study.

“Bye Ge~ Come back in one piece. I mean, come back before the food is served!” You hollered, smiling innocently at your brother. He just shot you a death glare.


“So, how’s it going sweet pea?” You Dad handed you a cup of hot chocolate. You smiled in glee and gladly took a sip. “hmmfine.”

“How’s Baekhyun?” He wiggled his eyebrows as he looked at you with his eyes sparkling.

“Papa, he’s fine. He’s with his Dad. Company things, I think.”

Mr. Wu nodded in approval. “He’s a great man.”


Kris and your mother went down after a few minutes. Your mother smiling as she walkeddsown the stairs, followed by a frowning Kris.

“So…?” You skipped beside him, smiling. It was fun teasing Kris, seeing his struggle in emotions.

He glared at you. “Don’t so-so me.”

“Let’s eat, my children! Family time!” Your father pulled the both of you inside the dining room, grinning widely.

The meal was noisy. Topics sprang here and there. It was nice having time with your family again. It felt so magical and touching. Your father would crack his corny jokes, and your mother would shoot him the ‘stop-it’ look. Kris would talk about the company, and your mother would stop him. She hated hearing work related stuff during meal time.

After the meal, all of you gathered at the living room, engrossed in different things. Mrs. Wu was reading a book on the couch; Mr. Wu was playing games with his Ipad, randomly shouting every now and then. Kris enjoyed himself as he scanned through the lists of movies in the television. You slumped there on the couch, checking different websites.

“Oh, I need to go somewhere for a while. Mei, I’ll pick you up here later, ara?” Kris stood up, dusting lint off his pants. Mrs. Wu nodded at him, while Mr. Wu was too engrossed in his game.

“Ma, Pa, I’m leaving for a while.” With that he exited the house, his car speeding off.


Unknown to you, he was meeting L.joe, and he was prepared to explain things.

*I’m doing the right thing.* He thought as he stepped on the pedals harder.


While you continued surfing the net, your phone vibrated. Excited to see if it’s Baekhyun, you dove for your bag at the end of the couch. Mrs. Wu looked at you for a while and went back to reading.

Hey Minhee! It’s Yura. Uh.. are you busy? Can we meet today? – unknown number

You smiled a little after reading the text.

Sure! Where? – Minhee

After a few minutes, she replied.

Café Demitasse. Would that be okay? Maybe an hour from now? This is a little urgent. I need to tell you something. And, please, keep this a secret, will you? I just want to share things to you, my new chingu :) I’m a little troubled right now, and I need someone to talk to. - Yura

Her text made you soften up. Worry filled your being at that moment.

You can tell me anything, Yura. I’ll see you! :) – Minhee


“Dad, Mom. I have a friend who’s in trouble right now. I think she needs comfort. Will it be okay if I meet her?” You asked your engrossed parents. Mrs. Wu placed her book on her lap.

“Sure. Now? Just ask Butler Jang to send you there.”

“Okay! Thanks Mom!”

“Be back here before Kris comes back.” She reminded. You nodded, imagining Kris getting angry finding you out.

You hurriedly fixed yourself and kissed your mom, then your dad. He looked up and paused his game. “You’re going somewhere?” He inquired.

“Yes Papa. That’s what you get for not listening.” You chuckled, and ran off to find Butler Jang.


Yura, already in the café, was smiling to herself.

*Here’s where the real fun starts.*

She laughed, people looking at her weirdly. But for her, she didn’t care anymore. She doing what she wants and she sure is having fun.

“Byun Baekhyun.” She muttered, her fingers drumming against the table.




Yura, what are you doing?!


hello! :) i updated! okay now i'm stating the obvious.lol


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JAGI_880406 #1
Chapter 1: Awhhh...??cute
nadalienv #2
Chapter 71: Omg. This is my favorite fic :D
Beakro77 #3
Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
Beakro77 #4
Chapter 62: Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
madesunrene #5
THis is amazing!
Yay! Same name again! :D hehehe...
Phi_Phi #7
Chapter 71: My my I've been studying recently so I don't really read my subscriptions or stories but this was the one story I was determined to finish and I'm glad I did cx
annxEXO6 #8
Chapter 71: omy DAEBAK!!!!
meHEARTu #9
Chapter 72: Awesome story^^
Chapter 17: This one is funny!