You Changed Me




Your eyes were bulging out of its sockets. Kai had a smirk on his face, his arm slung on your shoulders. Baekhyun followed a few steps behind, head spinning. Girls wearing short revealing dresses ogled at him, approached him, eyed him, and he was getting goosebumps.

You didn’t even flinch when Baekhyun shooed Kai and took his place. He comfortably placed his arm protectively around your waist. He glared at the girls that tried to approaching him, wanting them to just get lost.

Kai grinned knowingly from behind. He was glad enough to wink at the girls that swooned over him.


On the first club, it was a pretty crowded, ordinary looking club.

Second club, it was a little high-end with socialites murmuring here and there.

Third club, it was a real party club. With comfortable lounge stations and a big area for dancing.

People danced like there’s no tomorrow. Different genders mingled on the corner. Kai happily accompanied you to the dance floor, for the nth time. Baekhyun sat there, glaring at every girl that tried to approach him.

“They’re almost wearing nothing.” Baekhyun muttered, annoyed. But he had no choice, he wouldn’t let you go alone with Kai.


“Oppa~” You squealed, plopping beside Baekhyun. Beads of sweat rolled down your forehead, your hair in all directions, your smile so big. He chuckled and handed you a non-alcoholic drink. Kai was nowhere to be found.

“You’re not dancing? Come on!” You clung on to his arm and batted your lashes. He was still hesitating.

You noticed his eye twitch a little. Then it clicked, Baekhyun is not the type to be clubbing.

“I’ll accompany you.” You smiled encouragingly. He gave you a weak nod and stood up.

Both of you headed towards the dance floor. A grin plastered on your face, a hesitant smile on Baekhyun’s. You held his hand tight as you squeezed in the middle of the dance floor. People didn’t even bother when you accidentally hit them or something. At last, the middle was a little spacious.

You swayed here and there, Baekhyun’s hands swaying with you. He couldn’t help but admire your enthusiasm and gracefulness. In no time, he was also dancing to the beat. Laughing with you, enjoying the moment.


Suddenly, the music got slower, switching on to a slow-paced love song.

“Why? All of a sudden? I didn’t know they played that here..” You whispered. Baekhyun glanced at you uncomfortably. His hands were itching to hold you too, just like the couples dancing around you.

*Byun Baek, ask her now!* A small voice inside his head kept ringing.

You looked around to see love in the air, Kai nowhere to be seen. Biting your lip, you looked up to meet Baekyun’s eyes staring back at you, soft and happy.

He moved closer and extended his arm. “May I have this dance?” He smiled.

Your heart thumped loudly. *What is happening? Should I? What if I mess up my steps?*

Baekhyun gazed at your face. *Beautiful as always.*

A giggle escaped your mouth as you took his hand willingly. Like a gentleman he is, he gently placed his hands on your waist and intertwined the other with yours. He chuckled, swaying you with the songs slow-paced rhythm.

“You dance like a pro.” You chuckled. He smiled and proudly declared. “I’m a well-rounded man.”





I feel like I’m holding a very delicate treasure with me.

I’m dancing with her.

My heart drummed loudly, its beating sending thrills down my spine. Her hands felt soft against mine, and her smile.. I can’t even.

I swear she’s the only girl I can see right now. The others? Nah, they’re just normal girls. This girl I’m dancing with… she’s different.

Byun Baekhyun, it’s just a dance! Get a hold of yourself.


Minhee giggled and comfortably let go of my hand and placed both of her hands around my neck.

The world slowed down when she did that. My heart stopped for a moment.

“Sorry. M…maybe this is… more comfortable?” She looked down and hid her face. My hands trembled as I placed both gently on her hips.

Breath… inhale, exhale. Heart please don’t abandon me right now.


I don’t know… I feel the urge to protect this girl.

“D..don’t worry. It’.s… fine.” I answered, trying hard to spat the words out. We both looked at each other and laughed.

“We’re weird.” She giggled.

“I know. We both stammered.” I winked.





Kai chuckled and pulled of his phone from his pocket. As soon as the music slowed down, some people exited the dance floor, only couples remained. A sly grin appeared on his face seeing you and Baekhyun remained.

*Kyungsoo hyung will love this.* He smiled inwardly and took a picture of Baekhyun and you slow dancing. He didn’t even hesitate to push the send button to D.O.


“I hate to interrupt. But I’m getting really bored.” Kai appeared beside both of you. You immediately jerked your hand away from Baekhyun’s neck. He did the same.

Kai chuckled. “As if I haven’t seen it..” He muttered.

“What did you say, Jong in?” Baekhyun lightly nudged his side.

“Nothing, hyung. Let’s go to the next club.” He grinned.



The three of you happily skipped down the road of Hongdae, searching for the next club.

“This is really fun!” You breathed out, grinning. The two guys smiled back and nodded.

“It’s because we’re here.” Kai cooed. You shrugged. “I can’t deny that. I love your company.”

Kai smiled and pulled you and Baekhyun for a quick taste of spicy rice cakes. The ahjumma smiled brightly upon meeting you three. Kai attacked his food immediately. Baekhyun ate slowly. You blew the hot slices and happily swallowed.

“Hyung! I’m thirsty.” Kai complained.

Baekhyun slung his arm around Kai playfully. “Is that so? There’s a mini mart there.” He pointed.

Kai protested in an instant.

“I’m tired!” He stomped around like a little chld.

Baekhyun shook his head. “I’m the hyung! You should buy.”

“Please.” Kai batted his lashes.

“Jong in, you should get aegyo lessons from Tao.” He laughed.

Kai pouted at the corner. He shot you a ‘’help-me’ look.


“I’m thirsty too.” You blurted. Baekhyun sighed and ruffled both Kai and your hair.

“You two. Ugh. Wait here.” He rolled his eyes and walked away.

Kai hi-fived you. “That was easy!”


Baekhyun walked mindlessly towards the mini mart. He was smiling to himself.

*Hmm, what drink should I get?* He scanned the rows of different beverages.


After purchasing banana milk and sodas, he walked back towards the stall. When he passed by an alley, he heard a blood-curling scream, followed by dirty chuckling and slurring.

“Please, don’t!” A girl’s muffled voice pleaded. Then he heard a slapping sound.

“You’re all mine, miss.” A deep obviously intoxicated man’s voice slurred.


Fear crept up his spine in an instant. He hurriedly ran back to the stall to be met by Kai still stuffing himself with food.

“Where’s Minhee?” He panicked, gasping for air.

Kai shrugged. “She told me she needed to use the restroom.”

“You didn’t accompany her?!” Baekhyun roared.

Kai flinched and blinked at his hyung. “To the restroom…?” He muttered.

Baekhyun dropped the drinks and raked his hair in panic.

Kai looked at him questioningly. He just shot him a look and ran towards the alley he passed by.


His heart was hammering, threatening to explode in fear. His hands trembled but he remained calm, running fast. Thoughts flocked his mind.


But what was evident was the loud voice pleading inside him, along with the fast beating in his heart.

*Minhee, be safe. Please. Wait for me.*              





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JAGI_880406 #1
Chapter 1: Awhhh...??cute
nadalienv #2
Chapter 71: Omg. This is my favorite fic :D
Beakro77 #3
Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
Beakro77 #4
Chapter 62: Can I translate this Fanfic ? please ?.
madesunrene #5
THis is amazing!
Yay! Same name again! :D hehehe...
Phi_Phi #7
Chapter 71: My my I've been studying recently so I don't really read my subscriptions or stories but this was the one story I was determined to finish and I'm glad I did cx
annxEXO6 #8
Chapter 71: omy DAEBAK!!!!
meHEARTu #9
Chapter 72: Awesome story^^
Chapter 17: This one is funny!