Welcome to B1A4

Club for Two

Suzy's POV 

After the bell for lunch rang, I immediately ran up to the library, clutching the cute box securely in my arms as I raced to meet Joongki. I burst through th door and spied Joongki sorting out and placing the books back where they belonged. 

"Yah! Joongki!" I called out across the library to him. Some library volunteers looked at me disapprovingly, but I didn't care. There was no one and there will never be anyone who'll come into the library except for me during lunch.

"SHHH!!!" Joongki shushed dramaticly as he beckoned me towards him. 

"Guess what I got!" I said as I plopped down on a chair at the table he was working at. He didn't even look up, and buried his head into his work.

"What?" he asked, with a raised eyebrow, eyes on a book.

"Well...look at what Sandeul gave me during club period," I teased, placing the box carefully on the table. 

"Sandeul? Who's that?" Joongki finally looked up. That was a surprise. Joongki knew everyone in this school, despite the fact he barely talked to people here.

"The other person in Operation Toy Box, remember?" I nudged. 

"There's another person?" he asked, surprised.

"Yah! Joongki! Don't tell me you don't listen to me when I talk to you!" I accused. He grinned and gave his famous wink.

"Just kidding! How could I forget? But really, I don't think that there's a person named Sandeul in this school.." Joongki muttered, barely loud enough for me to hear him. Deciding to ignore him, I opened the box and took out the shirt.

"Look! Do you recognize it!?" I asked excitedly. Joongki's eyed widened in surprise.

"Wait...Isn't that the really expensive designer shirt that you wanted to buy that was way overpriced?" Joongki exclaimed, pretending to be inpressed. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, pabo," I huffed as I put it back into the box. Holding onto the box tightly, Joongki and I started to chat lightly about school matters. I heard someone enter the library, but it's probably some other volunteer. I looked up at the clock as gasped.

"HOLY CRAP!!! I ONLY HAVE TEN MINUTES LEFT BEFORE LUNCH ENDS!" I panicked. I hadn't done my homework last night because the season finale of my favorite show was on. AW CRAP!!!!

I got up hurridly and started to run out of the library room. I passed the last table and tripped over a foot. Shocked, I glared up at the perpatrator or shall I say perpatrators. A spark of anger lit and threatened to burn down the whole building.  

Sitting around the round table as if they were the kings of the world were four members of B1A4, except for their leader, who I didn't know the name of. I just recognized their faces and ranks, just like I recognized the ahjummas who owned stands on the sides of the streets. 

"Oh! Looky at what we've got here!" said the one with huge glasses. Despite the nerdy glasses, he still looked cute. 

"Yah! My girlfriend whines about how dirty you are in class al the time!" said another guy with cute eyes that squinted down at me. 

I glared at them, annoyed. What right did these princes have? 

Wait. Since when did B1A4 start to notice me? The guy sitting at the farthest edge of the table reading a book looked up. He looked pretty young. Then a guy from behind me yelled, "Yah! What are you do-" 

He stopped when he saw me. The guy reading a book looked at me interested.

"Hey, Junghwan- hyung! Isn't that the girl that we-" he started, when the guy behind me covered the bookworm's mouth. My eyed widened.

His skin was smooth and pale, but not as pale as Joongki's. His sculptural nose and soft lips reminded me of a painting. His eyes were wide with a mischievious glint in them, just like someone else I knew. I racked my brain, but I couldn't think of anyone in my maddened condition. 

Curious, but still mad, I asked, "Do I know you?" 

Junghwan's eyes widened. His eyes roamed around the room, and stopped at where Joongki (who wasn't paying attention to the commotion in the library) was. The snapped back to me and landed on the box. 

"Of course he wouldn't know you!" said Glasses. 

"Dongwoo's right! How could Junghwan know a low-life like you? Much less talk to your dirty face?" smirked a guy with a hawk nose.

"But-" said Bookworm.

"Gongchan! Let's go!" Junghwan's eyes turned into slits, as he turned around to leave the library. Hawknose bent down to look at me, and reached his hands out to take the box Sandeul had given me from my hands.

"How could a-" he began. Suddenly a hand shot out and grabbed Hawknose's hands. I followed the hands and saw that it belonged to Junghwan.

"Sunwoo! Stop it. Don't touch her. She's filthy," he whispered. Then he jerked Sunwoo up and pushed him out of the library. Shocked by their language and actions, all I could do was stare at the kingkas of the school as they retreated. Before Junghwan left though, he turned around and looked at me.

When they had gone I picked myself up and dusted myself off.

Was it me, or did Junghwan looked apologetic when he gave me that last glance? 

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hohos.... sorry i haven't updated...but i'm not updating until school ends. and even after that, it mite be a little bit questionable...


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munyeca #1
Chapter 56: XD great fic♥
Precious421 #2
Chapter 56: Thank you for writing this envigorating story....I loved it from the first word until the last... My heart both hurt
And evoked happiness from the emotions your characters have portrayed... I'm ecstatic I found an amazing story... Looking forward to more works from you!!!
Leritzu #3
Chapter 56: I started reading in the morning, and I was done reading it 12 o'clock in the morning. I loved the story so much that I couldn't stop reading until I was finished. Loved it! Sandeul is just soo cute~ ^^. I know who I'm going to continue reading fanfics about. Thanks for the good story author-nim!
Chapter 56: It's 08:34 and i can't believe that i read all chapter whole night! I had so much fun reading this. Thank you authornim!
Chapter 56: you finish the story :D i'm gonna re-read it tomorrow ~
chibi14 #6
Chapter 56: OMO! YOU FINISHED IT AND AND I READ IT SO LATE NUUUU OTL I'm sorry I didn't support so much ;__; i'm travelling right now and its so hard to find internet OTL LYF WAI! but dsjfasdj they ended up together~~~~ YAY! I just love the way he asked her skdjsk wai, wai so perfect ugh idk what to say now but this was just so perfect! I LOVED IT AND I LOVE YOU~! HAHA ♥
Chapter 56: Thank you so much for this wonderful story!! Had so much fun reading it :)
Chapter 56: cute chapter, really. thanks authornim ^_^