Brooches and smooches

Club for Two

Suzy's POV

It's already been a few months, and Sandeul and I have been working hard during club period. I told Joongki that someone had joined the club and he was overjoyed, but apologized since he didn't have time to come over to the club anymore. To make up for it, he said we should go to the mall and he'll buy me some books. I love going with him to the mall because he usually buys my stuff. I wore jeans with a cute shirt today, complete with a small shoulder bag. 

I rushed down the stairs.

"Omma! I'm going to the mall!" I yelled as I put on my tennis shoes. 

"Don't forget to bring your cellphone with you!" she answered back from the kitchen.

As I walked to Joongki's and my meet-up place, I looked around. The streets were bustling with people of all kinds. The sky was clear and there were stalls along the side of the road. I don't even have to go to the mall to buy cute stuff, but I wanted to go to the bookstore, which happened to be in the mall. 

"Hey, pretty lady!" an ahjumma called out, seeing me eyeing her stall. She was a bit portly with graying hair. Her stall sold beautiful brooches for a cheap price.

"Hi!" I waved back.  I walked over to her stall.

"Do you want to buy one? Since you're so pretty and nice, I'll give you one for free if you buy one," she advertised. I checked the amount of money I had with me.  Just barely enough to buy one.

Turning my head around, I gazed at the brooches.  I picked out a cupcake shaped one for myself, and a smiley with glasses for Joongki. 

"Thank-you!" I bowed. 

"Come back!" she smiled and nodded. I looked at my watch. CRAP! I'M LATE! 

I ran all the way to the café where I was supposed to meet up with Joongki. Panting, I finally reached the café, but I was a few minutes late. Joongki is a bit OCD and he likes things in precise order. Because of this, I quietly snuck in and poked my head around. There he was, sitting impatiently at a table, alone, with his arms crossed, and checking the time on his watch.

I kept my head down and tried to hide my face with my cap, looking at the floor. Being the stupid clumsy person I am, I accidentally bumped into a table. The people looked at me annoyed.

"Hey! What do you think-" the guy sitting at the table with his friend started to protest. I couldn't really see him because my cap was pulled low, but his voice sounded really familiar...

Unfortunately, the commotion didn't escape Joongki's sharp eyes. He got up and yelled, interrupting the guy complaining, "Yah! Suzy Kim!" 

The complainer just stopped, stunned, and sat back down.

Dang it. I hung my head low and walked up to him. 

"Look at how late you are! Five minutes!" he scolded. Great, now he's never going to stop.

"Mian~" I apologized with a bit of aegyo.  There goes my plan of sneaking up behind him and pretending I had gotten here on time...

"Y-y-yah! D-d-don't try that trick!" he spluttered. 

"And look~ I got you a brooch! Look at how pretty it is! you know how much it cost?"  Psh, the thing was for free. His face softened.

"Aww, you got something for me?" he said excitedly as he reached out to get it. Seriously, sometimes I could bribe him like my 6 year old cousin. I rolled my eyes.

Then he leans forward suddenly and pecked me right on the cheeck. 


"There, now you're forgiven," he cheekily grinned and gave me his famous winks. Some of the girls nearby started to pull out the cameras and fangirl him. That was the price to pay for his winks. Then he ran outside of the café. The jerk. 

I laid the estimated tip on the table and ran out the door.

"WAIT, JOONGKI!" I yelled at Joongki's shrinking back. Why is he so fast? He stopped and turned around and looked at me and smirked.

Then he turned back around and ran. 


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hohos.... sorry i haven't updated...but i'm not updating until school ends. and even after that, it mite be a little bit questionable...


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munyeca #1
Chapter 56: XD great fic♥
Precious421 #2
Chapter 56: Thank you for writing this envigorating story....I loved it from the first word until the last... My heart both hurt
And evoked happiness from the emotions your characters have portrayed... I'm ecstatic I found an amazing story... Looking forward to more works from you!!!
Leritzu #3
Chapter 56: I started reading in the morning, and I was done reading it 12 o'clock in the morning. I loved the story so much that I couldn't stop reading until I was finished. Loved it! Sandeul is just soo cute~ ^^. I know who I'm going to continue reading fanfics about. Thanks for the good story author-nim!
Chapter 56: It's 08:34 and i can't believe that i read all chapter whole night! I had so much fun reading this. Thank you authornim!
Chapter 56: you finish the story :D i'm gonna re-read it tomorrow ~
chibi14 #6
Chapter 56: OMO! YOU FINISHED IT AND AND I READ IT SO LATE NUUUU OTL I'm sorry I didn't support so much ;__; i'm travelling right now and its so hard to find internet OTL LYF WAI! but dsjfasdj they ended up together~~~~ YAY! I just love the way he asked her skdjsk wai, wai so perfect ugh idk what to say now but this was just so perfect! I LOVED IT AND I LOVE YOU~! HAHA ♥
Chapter 56: Thank you so much for this wonderful story!! Had so much fun reading it :)
Chapter 56: cute chapter, really. thanks authornim ^_^