Laundry Candy

Club for Two

Suzy's POV

I looked around for the soap. Was it behind the machines? Nope. What are these things for anyways? I looked into the cabinets above the machines, and saw multiple cookie jars. Yay!! The soap must be in here! I looked in one cookie jar, and found strange blue pellets. Um....what about the next one? Pellets. What about the next one? 

More stupid blue pellets. 

I sighed and decided to try this last time. I lifted the top off the cookie jar and looked inside. Something different was in I looked at it more closely. 

Yay! I've found the pink pellets!

Big deal....where's the soap?! Hm...maybe this is the soap? I took a blue pellet and a pink pellet, and went into the bathroom, which was connected to this room. The bathroom, wasn't actually a bathroom. It just had a sink, and some clothes were hanging on hangers. There wasn't any soap. I stuck the blue pellet under the water first. 

One would expect soap to be slippery and have that soapy feel, right? Instead, a strange blue dye came off on my hand, and my fingers were sticky. I lifted it to my nose to smell it. Candy?!

I carefully it, prepared to spit it out. It was pretty good candy...but I spit it out, in the case that the blue dye would stain my lips. Passing maids might accuse me of stealing Junghwan's treats.

I did the same procedure too. It turned out that the blue one was blue rasberry, and the pink one was strawberry. I washed the dissolved remains of the candies down the drain. 

I went back into the laundry room in disbelief. Who knew that there was a family that kept a million cookie jars full of candies in their laundry room? 

An old woman was hobbling by with a broom. I called out to her.

"Excuse me, Ahjumma! Do you know how to do the laundry? Can you teach me?" I asked politely, showing her the ruined Armani jacket. She glared at me.

"Aish! People these days! IN MY TIME, we had to use soap and a bucket of water, instead of these fancy machines. Anyways, I don't do the laundry here, much less use these complex machines! Just go the old-fashioned way! Some soap and water is the way!" she lectured, then took off. 

"But-" I tried to protest, but she was gone. Grandma, I would've gone the old-fashioned way...EXCEPT I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE SOAP IS!!!

I muttered as I tried to think of other hiding places in the room. Maybe it's in one of the machines? 

I opened the door and looked inside. that I think about it, I don't really want to do this anymore...

But no pain no gain. So I plunged my head right into that darn hole, and looked around. I could see distorted reflections of myself in the walls of the machine. 

"Well HELLO there, beautiful," I joked around, speaking to my multiple reflections. 

"What are you doing?" I heard Junghwan snort. 

"What the-!" I shouted in surprise, my voice bouncing off the walls. 

Klang!! Klunk!!

I looked up to see the person who had caused the growing two lumps on my head. Junghwan was leaning against the doorway, with a amused smile on his face. His eyes were twinkling, and his arms were crossed on his chest.

"I thought you said you could do this," Junghwan shook his head.


Sadeul's POV

"Young Master, do you have a new maid?" Lee Grandma asked me as she hobbled by. I looked up at her in surprise.

"Yes, Grandma. How did you know?" I asked curiously. Was something wrong?

"Well, she seems to not know how to do her job," she snorted as she hobbled away. I smirked, and put down my homework. I walked over to the laundry room to see how Suzy was doing. The first thing I see is Suzy sticking her head in the washermachine. I leaned against the doorframe, watching the strange spectacle.  

"Well HELLO there, beautiful," I heard Suzy complement herself in the machine. I thought she was talking to me at first, and my heart began to race, but then I realized she was just talking to herself, and it plummeted back down to planet earth. 

"What are you doing?" I held in a laugh, which came out as a snort. 

"What the-" Suzy yelled, then I heard a huge klunk, and she was on the floor nursing her head. She was looking up at me with tears welling up in her huge eyes. She looked like a cute doll in that maid outfit, and I looked down at the floor.

"I thought you said you could do this," I shook my head to show my disappointment.

"Well, actually, I can. I just don't know how to use these fancy machines. At home, there's just a washingmachine, some laundry detergent, and the dryer. Over here, you have one shiny machine, a second shiny machine, and a third one. Not to mention the billions of cookie jars in the cabinet," she huffed. Woah! She found my candies?! I got a blue candy for myself and glanced at Suzy.

"Which color? Blue or pink?" I offered.

"Pink," she answered, sticking her hand out. I gave her a pink candy and walked over to the first machine. The one Suzy was sticking her head in.

"Okay. First of all, you don't stick your head in these. That's really dangerous. The soap for the clothes is built in the machine, so you don't have to worry. Just throw the clothes in," I gestured for her to put my jacket in. She put it in gently, and I showed her how to start the machine. As it was running, I showed her how to use the second one.

"This one is a dryer for expensive stuff, like velvet or in this case, my Armani jacket. And this other machine is for cheap stuff like cotton t-shirts," I explained.

"You wear cheap stuff?" she looked at me in disbelief. It somehow hurt that she looked at me with such a negative light.

"In fact, I do," I replied. The washer machine started beeping, indicating that the coat was washed. Suzy opened the door, took out my jacket, and tossed it into the second machine. Then she pressed the start button, and we waited. 


Suzy's already left, and I pulled out my jacket from the dryer. The stain was still there. Of course it would be. It's not as if these machines would help. I needed to bring it to the cleaners for special treatment, because this was expensive material. The soft jacket was a bit rough now because of the harsh treatment from the machine (even though the machine was supposed to be for delicate stuff, but not for stuff as delicate as this). 

But it was worth it. She had stayed, even if it was just for a few minutes. Before I knew it, the tips of my lips pulled up into a silly grin. 

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hohos.... sorry i haven't updated...but i'm not updating until school ends. and even after that, it mite be a little bit questionable...


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munyeca #1
Chapter 56: XD great fic♥
Precious421 #2
Chapter 56: Thank you for writing this envigorating story....I loved it from the first word until the last... My heart both hurt
And evoked happiness from the emotions your characters have portrayed... I'm ecstatic I found an amazing story... Looking forward to more works from you!!!
Leritzu #3
Chapter 56: I started reading in the morning, and I was done reading it 12 o'clock in the morning. I loved the story so much that I couldn't stop reading until I was finished. Loved it! Sandeul is just soo cute~ ^^. I know who I'm going to continue reading fanfics about. Thanks for the good story author-nim!
Chapter 56: It's 08:34 and i can't believe that i read all chapter whole night! I had so much fun reading this. Thank you authornim!
Chapter 56: you finish the story :D i'm gonna re-read it tomorrow ~
chibi14 #6
Chapter 56: OMO! YOU FINISHED IT AND AND I READ IT SO LATE NUUUU OTL I'm sorry I didn't support so much ;__; i'm travelling right now and its so hard to find internet OTL LYF WAI! but dsjfasdj they ended up together~~~~ YAY! I just love the way he asked her skdjsk wai, wai so perfect ugh idk what to say now but this was just so perfect! I LOVED IT AND I LOVE YOU~! HAHA ♥
Chapter 56: Thank you so much for this wonderful story!! Had so much fun reading it :)
Chapter 56: cute chapter, really. thanks authornim ^_^