Jiyeon's Step 1

Triple Lee

The next day at Lee Residence.

Minhee is at her dance studio practicing her routine when Jiyeon suddenly came in.

"Ji-Jiyeonshii?" Minhee was surprised to see her.

"Minheeshii. Don't worry I don't mean any harm. I-I just want to apologize about yesterday. I was just worried. You see Sungminshii. He's slipping away every day" Jiyeon said then started crying. "I-I don't know what to do anymore."

"Jiyeonshii." Minhee starts comforting her.

"I'm very sorry. I don't want Sungmin to leave me again. I'm so paranoid that he will leave again."

"I understand...." Minhee said.

"I'm so sorry about what I did yesterday. I hope you can forgive me. You and Donghaeshii."

"It's okay Jiyeon. And I'm sorry about Donghae... He's just..."

"He's concerned about you. I understand he's your husband. He will protect you. I just hope Sungmin is like him too. That he'll do what Donghae did yesterday. Showing his concern for his wife." Jiyeon said then started crying again.

"Jiyeonshii.... Don't worry. Sungmin Oppa is a good person so I'm sure it'll not take long for him to realize that you're his wife and that he should treat you better." 

"Thank you Minhee. You're so kind." Jiyeon said then hug Minhee.

"You're welcome. And we're already a family here."

"Thank you."

"ehem." Eunhyuk suddenly walks in.


Jiyeon let go of Minhee and wipe her tears.

"Is everything okay here?" Eunhyuk ask.

"Neh. Jiyeon is just...."

"I'm just saying how sorry I am for what happened yesterday." Jiyeon said.

"Oh really?" Eunhyuk sarcastically ask.


"I'm sorry... I reall am sorry." Jiyeon said.

Eunhyuk didn't say anything. So Minhee glared at him and notion to say something.

"It's okay." Eunhyuk finally said.

"Thank you." Jiyeon said. "I should go..." Jiyeon said.

"yes." Eunhyuk said.


"No. I should go Minhee. You need to practice.." Jiyeon said.

"Okay." Minhee said.

Then Jiyeon left them.

"You're so mean." Minhee told Eunhyuk.

"I don't like her. You know that."

"She didn't mean...."

"And you believe her..."


"Minhee.... Let me give you a piece of advise. Don't trust her."


"Minhee. We all know who is she talking about yesterday. It's you. So I think you should be extra careful with her. I don't trust her. Gyuri doesn't trust her. And Donghae too."


"I'm just warning you. Don't be too kind to her. Okay?" Eunhyuk said then pat her head.

"okay. okay."

"Now let's start. I may drop out from the competition but you will never drop out. You have to win."

"I know...."


Donghae at the Office

"excuse me sir. Someone is looking for you."

"Okay. Let them in."

"Mr. Lee...."


"Yes. I am."

"what are you doing here? Hyung is not here. And I'm busy. If you're here to ask me to apologize to you..."

"No. Actually I'm here to tell you something."

"I'm not interested."

"well... even if it's about your wife?"

Donghae suddenly stop and look at Jiyeon.

"You know that I don't like you." Donghae said.

"I don't like you either. And especially your wife. Because she's Sungmin's old flame."

Donghae looked at Jiyeon.

"Oh don't look surprise. I knew it all along. I'm not stupid."

"Minhee is my wife now."

"I know. And Sungmin is my husband but we never know if they're still......"

"Minhee loves me." Donghae said.

"Really? How sure are you?"

"Ms. Park. Don't push me to be rude again. I'm trying my best here. Don't compare my wife to your husband. She already got over with it."

"I don't think so."


"I heard you'll take her to France that's a nice plan. She won't see Sungmin anymore and Sungmin too. Is that what you think when you're planning about living in France. Taking away Minhee so that Sungmin won't get her back. Are you afraid that she might still love your brother."

"shut up."

"Oh sorry. I'm just helping you here. You see Donghae I'm not the enemy here. In fact I'm your friend. We both know what we want. You want Minhee I want your brother all by myself."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Take Minhee away from here. Take her to France."

"I will take her."

"Take her immediately. Go to France immediately."

"I can't. Minhee still have to finish her studies here. And I'm still studying here. We have to....."

"Do you want them to get back together?!" Jiyeon shouted at him.

"You see if we just let them like that. If we don't do anything what do you think will happen.... Sungmin is still inlove with Minhee and how sure are you that Minhee loves you more than he loved Sungmin. That she already forgot about him." Jiyeon said.

Which made Donghae still and think about it.

"So if I were you. I will take Minhee far away from here. Far away from Sungmin."


I miss this fanfic too. Thank you for all your support....

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sjismylife #1
I hope you update soon :) I love the story so much!!!
@yanHae15 I'll try to update this weekend if my trip won't push... Hopefully. Don't wanna go to that trip... T_T
160 streak #3
Aaaah~ finally! An update! :)

I missed this FF! Will u update soon eonni???
I wanna know what will happen next.....
Sorry If I took so long to update.... T_T
160 streak #5
Aish, donghaeya! Why did you listen to her? Wae?? Wae??
You're being pabo! :((
Don't be so immature. U know that minhee loves u! Why do u still have to doubt her or yourself?!?!? :((
Donghae, baboyah!
160 streak #7
Duh!!! Don't listen to her donghae oppa!! She's a big assh*le!!!!!! :((
errr yeah. jiyeon won't do any good, donghae. pfft! just trust your wife.
160 streak #9
Hahaha....funny hae!!!! Why does hae have to be so cute and naughty all the time?!?!? Geez!!! Hahaha :DDD<br />
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Goodluck mr. Lee :)