Minhee's true feelings.

Triple Lee

Next day.

Kyuhyun is waiting for Minhee at the cafe.


"You're late."

"I'm not late."

"You're 1 minute late."

"Since when did you become conscious about time Mr. Cho."

"Since today. Where's your bodyguard?"


"Your husband?"

"ahhhh... He got class today."

"Oh. He's studying now. You really changed him."


"Minhee-ah. Can't you see he actually changes into a better man for you."

"No. He change because he wanted to change and he just bring back his old self. He's a responsible and a great guy eversince."

"But still you can't deny the fact that he started to change when the two of you got married."

"okay. okay. So why did you asks to see me?"

"because you owe me an explanation."

"what explanation?"

"Funny. Last time I saw you. You were crying on the streets. Eunhyukshii called me and told that you're missing. And their older brother took you. And Donghae also called me told me the same thing. So? What's the deal between you and the oldest Lee?"


"I told you everything about Sooyoung and you're keeping a secret from me."

"Are all lawyers like you? Always curious about everything?"

"Ofcourse! So are you going to tell me or not."

Minhee told Kyuhyun everything about Sungmin. From the marriage set up, to the childhood love until they found out that he's already married and also what happened when Sungmin took her.

"That bastard! Do he think he is! Donghaeshii should hit hs face!"


"He didn't deserve you. What he did is wrong? Then he marry someone that he doesn't love he actually used someone."


"That jerk!"


"wae?! Don't tell me you still have feelings for him?"


"You still have! Your such an idiot!"


"And how about Donghae?"

"what about him?"

"He's your husband. Don't you start feeling something about him?"

"I thought you didn't like him. You even told me to divorce him."

"That was before. To tell you the truth Donghae is better than Sungmin. I mean Donghae loves you more than Sungmin does."

"I know."

"You know. But? There's a but in your tone."

"I can't just say that I love him right away. I mean Sungmin still have this effect on me."

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because he's your first love, first crush and all that. But first love doesn't last. True love last."

"So you're on Donghae's side now."

"I am not. I'm just saying. Or rather I am telling you. You love Donghae. You love hime. You just have to realize that. You love him and not Sungmin. Let's just put it this way you were hurt because of Sungmin but you don't love him anymore. Tell me what are you feeling when you're with Donghae?"

"I'm happy. And it feels like I don't want that day to end."

"Do you feel any excitement when you see him?"

"hhhhmmmmm.... sometimes..."


"okay. okay. Lately. I got this feeling of excitement especially after we kissed."

"WHAT?! You kissed him yet you're not sure if you love him. You're such an idiot."


“What? You’re really are bad on this kind of stuffs.”

“Look who’s talking.”

“Listen to me. Right now Donghae is in a situation that I experienced before; loving a person who doesn’t love him back or rather doesn’t know how to love him back.”

“Are you telling me that I’m Sooyoung?”

“What do you think?”


“Listen. You’re not her. She dumped me because she doesn’t love me anymore. But you; You love Donghae.”

“And how did you know that?”

“Tell me how does the kiss taste like?”

“CHO KYUHYUN-AH! That’s a private thing!”

“There’s no private thing for you. Because you don’t know anything about love. You FOOL!”

“Yah! I’m starting to hate you.”

“Hate me now but I’m telling you. You’re going to thank me later. I’m not your usual friend that always sees your good deeds. I’m a kind of friend who sees your flaws and try to change it before it’s too late.”

“And what are you suggesting me to do?”

“Answer me? Do you feel like kissing him again after you kissed?”

Minhee just nods.

“See. You love him. Because that what you feels when you have your first kiss. Is that what you felt when you had your first kiss.”

“eh?!...... The truth is Donghae is my first kiss. He actually kissed me when we’re in grade school and I cried after he stole a kiss from me.”

“hahahahahahahahahahahaha! That’s so memorable. You’re actually so innocent back then. He really likes you eversince. And you’re just so blind to see it because of your undying love to Sungmin.”

“but that doesn’t mean that I really love him. I need some kind of proof.”

“Proof! You’re the living proof. What you’re feeling right now is a proof already.”

“But I’m still not sure if my feelings are right.”

“Okay. Let me tell you something. I read it somewhere. A person who kissed their love ones or a person who is in state of kissing his or her loved one if all he or she thinks about when their kissing is how to make the kiss long or how to kiss him again. That means they love that person. But when you are actually thinking of someone else while you’re kissing a person that means you really don’t love him.

“Should I believe you?”

“I don’t know. You can try it. Kiss Sungmin.”

“And now you’re asking to kiss Sungmin. You’re crazy.”

“If that’s all what it takes to make you realize that you don’t love him anymore then by all means.”

“You’re actually crazy.”

“I’m not. I’m just telling what I’ve learned based on my experience. But the only way for you to truly realize what you’re feeling. Try to listen to your heart and not your mind. Be conscious on what you’re feeling right now.”


“And Minhee-ah. I hope you’d realize it fast.”

Minhee just sighed after listening to Kyuhyun. She’s actually realized that Kyuhyun might be right about her feelings about Donghae but ofcourse she can’t just admit it because she knows that she still love Sungmin.


No one's POV

Minhee went home after she talked to Kyuhyun. She's been thinking about what Kyuhyun told him.

"Young Miss. Welcome back." Mrs Hwang welcomed her.

"Thank you. Is Donghae already home?"

"Not yet. Young Miss. Maybe he stayed longer at his new school. I'm really glad the young master is studying again."

"Yeah. Me too. I'm glad that he's back in schoool again."

"It's all because of you Young Miss. Thank you for bringing back our real young master."

"Huh? animida. It's because he wants to change."

Mrs. Hwang shook her head. "Ani. Young master change because of love."

"Mrs. Hwang."

"Young Miss. I know you and young master Donghae very well since you were little. I know how close you were back then. I was disappointed when you started ignoring each other after middle school but now seeing the two of you together. I am so happy and contented. It feels like I can leave this life."

"Mrs. Hwang don't say that."

"Young Miss. I'm already old. Seeing the three young masters happy is the only thing that I want. Now that young master Donghae and Hyukjae finally have their happiness. I am only just waiting for young master Sungmin to find his."

"He's already married."

"I heard that but I'm afraid the young master doesn't love his wife. And it makes me sad to see young master Sungmin like that. Madame is getting more and more worried about him everyday. And until now we don't have any news about him."

"Let's just hope that he's okay. And he'll come back home soon." Minhee said.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Minhee get her phone and it says Donghae:

"I'll leave you now young miss." mrs. hwang said before leaving Minhee

"Donghae-ah..." She answer her phone.

"Are you already home?" Donghae asks.



"and where are you? Are you still in your school?"


"so where are you?"

"can you come out for while?"


"in the garden."


"just go there."


Minhee end the call and went to garden. Then her phone rings again.

"Are you already there?"

"neh. Where are you?"

"I'm here."


"Just right here."


Then Donghae suddenly hugs her from the back and kiss her cheek.

"what the? Yah!" Minhee hits Donghae's arm. "You scared me."

"Sorry. These are for you." Donghae gave Minhee dozens of white roses.

"You're always giving presents. I might be used to your spoiling."

"That's fine. I'll spoil you everyday." Donghae said.

"You're crazy." Minhee said.

"Why is it wrong?"


"Donghae-ah. Your brother is still not here." Minhee told Donghae.


Minhee unclasped Donghae's hand and face him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Donghae said then tried to smile.

"I'm sorry. I just thought that you should know because he's your brother."

"It's okay. I understand. Actually I'm also worried about him. Me and Eunhyuk hyung were actually looking for him. But we can't find him. I guess he went back to US but we still can't confirm it."


"You okay."

"yeah. I am."

"You sure."





"I..... I........"



"excuse me Young master." a maid suddenly appeared. "Madam wants to see you and young miss."

"Okay. Did she says why?"

"Someone came. A young lady named Park Jiyeon came. She's talking to madam right now. Madam says she wants the two of you to meet the young lady."

"Park Jiyeon?!" both of them said unison.


Siwon is super hot!!!!! with his new hair color.

Who's going to KRY Nanjing.... Let's meet. I am going with my sister.... :D

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sjismylife #1
I hope you update soon :) I love the story so much!!!
@yanHae15 I'll try to update this weekend if my trip won't push... Hopefully. Don't wanna go to that trip... T_T
160 streak #3
Aaaah~ finally! An update! :)

I missed this FF! Will u update soon eonni???
I wanna know what will happen next.....
Sorry If I took so long to update.... T_T
160 streak #5
Aish, donghaeya! Why did you listen to her? Wae?? Wae??
You're being pabo! :((
Don't be so immature. U know that minhee loves u! Why do u still have to doubt her or yourself?!?!? :((
Donghae, baboyah!
160 streak #7
Duh!!! Don't listen to her donghae oppa!! She's a big assh*le!!!!!! :((
errr yeah. jiyeon won't do any good, donghae. pfft! just trust your wife.
160 streak #9
Hahaha....funny hae!!!! Why does hae have to be so cute and naughty all the time?!?!? Geez!!! Hahaha :DDD<br />
<br />
Goodluck mr. Lee :)