hurting :'(

Triple Lee

Minhee’s POV

Sungmin Oppa took me and drive across the city. We stop near the han river as soon as we parked he immediately get out and scream. I looked around and notice that we were under the bridge so no one is around aside from us.

I was too afraid to go out and approach him. This is the first I saw him like this. When he grabbed my hand and dragged me to his car earlier his eyes are full of anger. I felt so afraid of him that he might do something to me. Then I saw him punching the stone blocks near the river. I immediately get out from the car and stop him.

“Oppa. Stop. Stop.” I told him as I tried to hold his hands. But he just pushed my hands away so hard that made me stumble on the ground.

I wasn’t able to move because that’s first time he actually hurt me physically.

“Minhee-ah. Mianhe. Mianhe.” He said as quickly help me to stand then hug me all of a sudden.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t mean to those things. I’m sorry.” He said while hugging me.

I wanted to hug him back but I stop myself because I know it’s wrong. And for the fact that I’m already married and he is also married. So I pushed him.

He was surprised when I pushed him away.

“Minhee-ah. Wae?”

“Oppa. This isn’t right. You shouldn’t bring me here. I’m married and so were you.”

“I don’t care. I love you. And I know that you love me.” He said then cupped my face.

I pushed him again.

“It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

“No! NO! NO! I love you.” He said then went to hug me again but I stepped back

“NO! STOP! DON’T YOU GO NEAR ME.?” I told him.


“No. Please. I don’t want to hear anything.”

“You have to hear this. You have to hear this.” He said then hugs me again. I tried to break off from his arms but he’s too strong.

“You have to hear me. I love you so much. You’re the only person that I love this much. I’m sorry if left you. I was a fool leaving you back then. But I’m back now. I’m here. We can be together.”

I saved up all my strength to push him away really hard.

“Do you even know what you’re talking about? Lee Sungmin! We can’t be together anymore. We can’t. A lot of people will be hurt. Don’t you care about them? Don’t you care about your parents?”

“NO! I DON’T CARE ABOUT ANYONE. I care only about you. We can be together. We’re going to be happy.” HE said then starts walking closer to me again so I stepped back.

“You’re 3 years late! I waited for you for such a long time. It hurts knowing that waiting for you is such a hopeless thing. You know what when I got married I really really hate myself because I thought that I betrayed you that I betrayed myself I keep telling myself I should’ve go against my parents. I should’ve go to US and looked for you instead of marrying Donghae but now I realized parents only do what’s best for their kids. They saved me from you. You liar! I can’t even look you and you expect me to say that I love you too. You know how much it hurts when you left how much it hurts to wait for someone that you didn’t even know if he’s coming back or not. It hurts so much that I don’t even know if I can love again. That’s how much you hurt me.”


“Don’t try to come near me again. I swear I am going to jump on this river.” I warned him.


“Just leave me alone. I don’t love you anymore.” I said.

He stopped and breathes heavily then looked at me with teary eyed. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I hope I can change everything that happens in the past. If only I could bring back time. I would choose you Minhee. I would choose to be with you.”

Then he goes to his car and left me.

When he left; tears just burst out from my eyes all of sudden. I’m still hurt. It means that I still love him.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Eunhyukshiii called me and told me about Minhee. Now three of us are searching the whole Seoul to find Minhee and Eunhyukshii and Donghaeshii’s older brother Sungmin; I don’t know much about Sungmin. Minhee just told me that he’s the oldest Lee that’s it. I don’t know why would Sungmin took Minhee in the first place.

‘ring. Ring. Ring.’

I looked at my phone and it says: Lee Donghae.


“Kyuhyunshii. Any news?”

“Nothing. I still can’t find her.” I told him.

“I’m just worried about her. Sungmin hyung is so angry when he left. He might do something bad to her.”

“We will find her. Don’t worry.” I just told him.

“I hope that we could find her fast.”

“We will.” I said.

“Thanks Kyuhyunshii. I appreciate it.”

“Anything for you and Minheeshii. Both of you are my friends now.”


“I’ll call you when I got any news.”

“sure. Thanks again.” He said then end the call.

Minhee-ah. Where the hell are you? Your husband is freaking out.

 Then I saw someone walking on the streets that look like Minhee. I pulled up and went to the girl.

“Minhee-ah?” I called her then she looked up.

“Kyu-Kyuhyunshii…” She said then hugs me. She’s crying.

“What happened to you? Donghaeshii is looking for you. He’s so worried. And why are you walking under the sun. It’s too hot to walk outside. Didn’t you know it’s already summer.” I told her then she pulled herself from my arms.

“I didn’t mean to….”

Then she passed out.

I immediately called Donghaeshii and told him about Minhee.

Donghae’s POV

Kyuhyunshii told me that he found Minhee but he’s taking Minhee to the hospital because she passed out. And I am on my way there. If there anything happened to her. I swear. I’m gonna kill Sungmin. I don’t care if he’s my brother. He just hurt my wife. He hurt her a lot of times. And if anything bad happened to her; I swear.

“Oh you’re here. I’m glad you’re already here. She’s been looking for you. She’s actually calling your name while she’s asleep.” Kyuhyun quickly stand up as I he saw me enter the room.

I saw Minhee sleeping at the hospital bed. I went closer to check on her. She’s sleeping. Her face is very calm.

“What happened to her?”

“She passed out. She’s been walking for hours under the heat of sun that’s why. But the doctor says she’s fine. She just needs to rest for awhile here; she can go home when she wakes up.” He said.

“Thank you. Thank you for bringing her here.”

“It’s fine. I’m just wondering why she is crying when I saw her. Did something happen?”

“Family matters.” I told him.

“I see. Anyways I gotta run now. So I’ll go ahead.” He said.

“Thanks again.”

“It’s nothing. Just take care of her.” He said.

“I will.”

Then he left. I looked at Minhee again. Even though Kyuhyun told me that she’s fine now I’m still worrying about. I don’t know what happened to her. If Sungmin hyung did anything to her.

“Minhee-ah…..” I called her as I touch her face.

“Honey. I’m already here. No one’s gonna hurt you now.”

Minhee’s POV

I woke up and I was in the hospital. The last thing I remember is I met Kyuhyun and I black out. I moved to my right and I saw Donghae sleeping. He must’ve been so worried about me. I removed his bangs that are covering his eyes.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered to him as I brush his hair.

Then he suddenly woke up.

“Minhee-ah. Are you okay? Do you feel any pain? Where? I’ll call the doctor. Wait.” He said then stand up but I was able to held his hands.

“Aniyo. I’m okay. Just stay here.” I told him.

“Okay.” He said then sits beside me.

“Mianhe.” I told him.

“Why are you saying sorry?” He said then cupped my face.

“I just…. It’s just that I made you worried about me.”

“It’s not your fault.” He said.

It is my fault. It’s my fault why Sungmin is acting like this. It’s my fault why the two of you are fighting. It is my fault.


“Minhee-ah. Why are you crying?” He asks then wipes my tears. “shhhh….. Don’t cry. I’m here. No one’s gonna hurt you now. I promise you.” He said.

"Donghae-ah....." I can't help myself I just hug him and cry.

Donghae's POV

I felt someone touch me then I saw Minhee. She's already awake. I asks her if she's okay. If she feel any pain. When i told her I'll call the doctor she grabbed my hand and said:

“Aniyo. I’m okay. Just stay here.” She said.

So I sit beside her.

“Mianhe.” She said.

Tears are starting to form on her eyes. So I asks her why is she saying sorry. I can't bare to see her cry anymore.

“I just…. It’s just that I made you worried about me.”

“It’s not your fault.” I told her

It's not your fault. It will never be your fault. Don't blame yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself. You've suffered enough because of him. I can't bare to see you like this.


Then she starts crying. I wipe her tears and told her not to cry.

“shhhh….. Don’t cry. I’m here. No one’s gonna hurt you now. I promise you.” I told her.

"Donghae-ah....." Then she hugs me and cry harder.

Minhee. I promise I will never do what hyung did. I will never leave you. I know somewhere in your heart you still love him that's why you're still hurting. Even if you love him and you don't love me. I will stay here. I won't leave you. I promise you. I will never leave you. I promise I will stay beside you no matter what happened. I will never hurt you. I love you so much. I love you so much. I know I can anything. I can love you even if you can't love me back.


posting this chapter from my workplace... I'm going home. annyeong! :3

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sjismylife #1
I hope you update soon :) I love the story so much!!!
@yanHae15 I'll try to update this weekend if my trip won't push... Hopefully. Don't wanna go to that trip... T_T
160 streak #3
Aaaah~ finally! An update! :)

I missed this FF! Will u update soon eonni???
I wanna know what will happen next.....
Sorry If I took so long to update.... T_T
160 streak #5
Aish, donghaeya! Why did you listen to her? Wae?? Wae??
You're being pabo! :((
Don't be so immature. U know that minhee loves u! Why do u still have to doubt her or yourself?!?!? :((
Donghae, baboyah!
160 streak #7
Duh!!! Don't listen to her donghae oppa!! She's a big assh*le!!!!!! :((
errr yeah. jiyeon won't do any good, donghae. pfft! just trust your wife.
160 streak #9
Hahaha....funny hae!!!! Why does hae have to be so cute and naughty all the time?!?!? Geez!!! Hahaha :DDD<br />
<br />
Goodluck mr. Lee :)