Mother's Tonic Juice

Triple Lee

Sungmin's POV

I went downstairs for breakfast when I saw umma happily singing while making some sort of juice or something.

"Good morning." i greet then gave her a kiss on her cheeks.

"Morning." She said.

"You look so happy to day."

"yes. I am. Ask me why?" she said.


"Your brother; he told me that he wants to go back to school."

"who? Eunhyukshii"

"no. Donghaeshii."

"eh?! really?"

"yes. He woke up early and told me that he's going to check some university he saw last night on the web he didn't even bother to have breakfast before leaving he's excited to go back to school.

"That's... good." I said


"what's that?!" I asks about the black/brown juice that she's preparing.

"Ah this? This the thing that would help me to have a grandchildren soon."

"what?! Grandchildren?!"

"shhhhh......... I bought this yesterday. The old woman told me that if a girl drink this she would bear a child soon. Oh I can't wait for Minhee to bear a child." she said.

"WHAT! That's for Minhee?!"

"Yeah. Wae? Is there any problem with that. She's married to your brother and I think they should have a child. I want to hear little voices on this house."

Then Eunhyuk and Minhee came in.

"Good morning Oemonim."

"Oh Good morning Minheeshii. Sit down. Sit down my dear."

"Kumapsumnida oemonim." Minhee replied before sitting next to me.

"Did Donghaeshii told you that...."

"ah neh.... he send me a message." Minhee replied

"ah okay....." mom said then held the glass to Minhee. "This for you Minheeshii."

"Oh. Thanks. What's this?"

"It's a tonic. It's good for your bones. I heard that dancing students like you should take care of their bones. Because you're prone to getting accident.... You know like breaking a bone and all that. Injuries. It will make your bones stronger."

Eunhyuk just rolled his eyes while our mother is trying to tell a lie.

"Excuse me madam... Phone call." Mrs. Hwang said.

"I'll be there in a minute."

"Excuse me guys." she said then throw a 'don't you dare tell anything to her' look to me.

"Where did Donghaeshii go?" Eunhyuk asks Minhee.

"He went to Myongji University. He said he wants to check the school." she replied.

Then she get the glass and about to drink it.

"Don't drink that!" I yelled.

Both of them looked at me.

"Sungminshii. Are you okay?" she asks.

"Don't drink that." I told her.

"Hyung are you okay?" Eunhyuk asks.

Minhee looks at the glass then looks back at me.

"wae? What's wrong?" She said while looking at the glass.

"Just don't drink that."



They bothe look at me waiting for an answer.

"Because it taste bad and I know you don't like stuff that taste bad. It's bitter."

"really?" She said then about to take a sip.

"don't drink that!" I yelled again.

Then snatched the glass and pour the juice outside the window.

"Hyung. Are you okay?"

"Why did you do that?"

"Just don't drink anything that she will give you. Okay?" I told her.


"Just because..... I can't tell you. Just promise me. Okay."


"Hyung you're weird."

"shut up monkey."


"neh. I promise."

Minhee's POV

That's so weird. What was on that juice anyways?


Donghae's POV

I went home after checking Myongji University. It's not bad at all. There were some pretty ladies but not as pretty as my wife.

I went up to my room and saw Minhee sitting on the bed; looking so down.

"what's with the long face gum gum?" I ask her.

"Oh. You're home. You're early huh?"

"Why? You don't want me to go home early?" I said as I sit next to her.

"No. It's just that. You don't go out with your friends anymore." She said.

"Is that bad?"

"mmmmmm..... no." She said.

"so what's with up?"

"nothing...." She said.

"Nothing?! Tell me!"

"I don't want to."

"Tell me or I'll go out with my friends tonight." I threatened her.

"Then go out as if I care." she said.

"AISH! Why can't you just tell me what is it! Instead of yelling back at me."

"You yell first." She said then turned away.

"okay." I made her face me. "I won't yell again. Now tell me what is it?"

She took a deep breathe then.

"You know the studio that me and Eunyuk oppa rent for us to practice?"


"see..... There's no use of telling you."

I really don't know anything about it. What can I do?

"come on just tell me what is it?"

"the owner says we can't use it anymore. It's because we haven't been there these past few days. Oppa is so busy helping your appa in the company and for me I become busy because the exhibition hall. The owner says that since we can't take of the studio anymore she should just give it some one that can take care of it."

"Is she serious? You're paying her right? You're renting the place why would she do that?"

"You don't understand. The owner is a professional dancer. Before we rented the place. Eunhyuk oppa and I promise to her that we will take care of her studio. It meant something to her its her studio that's where she used to practices when she's still active."

"So what now? You don't have a place to practice anymore?" I asks.

and she just nod.

"but maybe this room is okay. I can practice here. In front of that mirror." she said as she points to the dresser.

"and Eunhyuk hyung."

"He told me that he won't be able to practice a lot because of his work at your company."

"I see."

"so can I use this room to practice my dance routine?" she asks.

"I'll think about it first." i said then looked at her.

She looks annoyed and disappointed.

"I don't want my room to turn into something. Even though I'm not sleeping here anymore. This is still my room."

"yeah. Of course. It's your room. It's your decision." She said.

knock. knock. knock.

"Who is it?"

"Young Master. Madam asks me bring this to Young Miss."

Minhee went to the door and opened it.

"Young Miss. Madam wants you to drink this." our maid told her then held a glass of ice tea, juice or something to her.

"oh. Thanks." she said then gets the glass.

She close the door then went back to the bed.

"what is that?" I asks her.

"I don't know. But oemonim is making me drink this juice since this morning. She said its good for the bones. You want some?" She said.

"No. Thanks. I'm good."

She took a sip.


"is it bad?!"

"yeah." she replied.

"then don't drink it. If its bad."

"but she'll be disappointed if i don't drink this. Do you know how much this thing cost? I heard it has red ginseng."

"red ginseng? Even though it has a magic potion that would make all the girls fall for me I won't drink."

Then she took another sip.

"ewwww.... yuck." she said.

"is it really bad?" I ask.

she nod while closing her eyes. I bet its really bad because I can tears on her eyes.

She took a gulp. Then close her eyes while trying to swallow it.

"i told you not to drink it anymore." I said.

"But eomonim would be mad....."

"aish!" Then I took the glass out of hand and drank all of it.

"ewwwww..... its really bad."

Then starts to laugh.

"You look so awful."

"and you think you look cute huh?"

This juice is awful I feel like throwing up. I immediately run to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" she asks as i ran to the bathroom.

What's with that juice anyways.... It taste sooo...... 

"Donghae-ah.... Gwenchana?" She said as she looks at me.

She quickly rubbed my back.

"Why did you do that? You shouldn't drink all of it." She said.

"Because you're having a hard time finishing it." i said.

"Then look at you now!" she yelled but brushes some of my hair away from my face.

"Are you okay now?" she said then cupped my face on her hands.


"are you sure?" she asks as she wipes off some sweat from my forehead.


That's the second time I saw her so worried about me. and it feel so great to have her attention all by myself.


Hope you'll like this.... :)

I heard that the tonic or medicinal plant that mothers, and mother's in law used to buy at market in Korea is really effective in terms of making their daughters/ daughter in law pregnant.... wahahahahahahahaha......






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sjismylife #1
I hope you update soon :) I love the story so much!!!
@yanHae15 I'll try to update this weekend if my trip won't push... Hopefully. Don't wanna go to that trip... T_T
160 streak #3
Aaaah~ finally! An update! :)

I missed this FF! Will u update soon eonni???
I wanna know what will happen next.....
Sorry If I took so long to update.... T_T
160 streak #5
Aish, donghaeya! Why did you listen to her? Wae?? Wae??
You're being pabo! :((
Don't be so immature. U know that minhee loves u! Why do u still have to doubt her or yourself?!?!? :((
Donghae, baboyah!
160 streak #7
Duh!!! Don't listen to her donghae oppa!! She's a big assh*le!!!!!! :((
errr yeah. jiyeon won't do any good, donghae. pfft! just trust your wife.
160 streak #9
Hahaha....funny hae!!!! Why does hae have to be so cute and naughty all the time?!?!? Geez!!! Hahaha :DDD<br />
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Goodluck mr. Lee :)