
Once You're Gone

(*hi youare you silent reading?)* :)

You stood there, utterly shocked. “You like me?


He looked away from you. “T-that doesn’t matter now. Just tell me everything you’ve been hiding.”


No. Answer my question first.” You answered with a stern voice.


“____, are you really going to act like a child?” he replied, leaning his face close to yours with a serious expression which frightened you.


But-” You protested as he raised an eyebrow waiting for an excuse. You sighed. You guessed it was time to come clean.


Well, that guy you just punched was Sunggyu.


He heavily sighed before taking your hand and holding it in his letting you know he was listening. You found it hard to talk, your breath caught up in your throat. As you were thinking of what to say next, your heart became heavy. Thinking about what you’ve been through hurt you a lot, reminding you of how he made you happy, how me made your world crumble down.


You found enough strength to continue. “And I was in a long term relationship with him before you and I met.


The more you started to reminisce, the harder it was for you to go on with your story. You slowly looked up to face him and his eyes were shut, pain written across his face.


It was out two year anniversary and I finished work early that day so that I could surprise him at home. I went home but he wasn’t like sitting down in the lounge. So I figured that he would be in our room. I was about to knock when I heard.. voices. Not just of him, but also someone else.”


You took a deep breath in, fixing your gaze to the floor.


I walked in to see him with a girl, obviously. But what made it worse was that he was.. on top of her.”


You stopped talking. Tears started to fall, each tear falling for one reason. For one memory that crushed your heart to millions of pieces, not seeming to come back as one any time soon. You wanted to stop crying, knowing that it was a waste of time. But no matter what you did, it wouldn’t stop.


You felt Dongwoo grab you into his arms and hug you tightly. But it just made you cry harder. You held on to him, a bit to tight that you might of stopped his blood circulation. But you didn’t want to let him go. You felt safe in his arms. You felt that he was your savior, holding you up from falling, keeping you together when you felt like you were going to break.


He cheated on me… I lost all hope in anything. I pretty much lost everything, my job, my happiness.” you murmured into his chest, finally feeling comfort as he rubbed your back causing you to finally settle down.


He pulled you away from his arms and wiped your tears with his sleeve, slightly chuckling on how bad you probably looked right now.


“You see this face?” You looked up at him. He smiled in response. “It will bring you happiness. And you see this heart? It will give you hope.”


You suddenly burst out in laughter. He then had a questioning look, but that just made you laugh more.


“Why are yo-“


Yah, do you hear what your saying? What are you saying?!” You tried to say but broke into laughter after each few words.


He looked at you like a predator observing its prey; it was cute so you decided to run all the way back to where he parked the car. You were still laughing as you were running, listening to him chase after you, crying out your name.


“Yah! ____ -ah come back here!”


No!” you yelled back while looking looking back at him, pocking your tongue out.


Before you knew it, you were tackled to the ground with Dongwoo ending up on top of you stopping you from making a move on him.


H-hi.” you said sheepishly, causing you to blush a bright red.


“Hi. Don’t even think about running away from me again.”




He laughed and smiled that wide smile you love. The way he smiled killed you in the inside. It made your day and it was surely contagious.


“Pabo. get off me now!”


He got off and helped you onto your feet, but he just looked at you. You were going to asked but he suddenly looked at you wide eyed.


“Me… Pabo?!” You laughed at his slow reaction.


Yup! The pabo that supposedly said that he likes me, and won’t answer my question!” you exclaimed now smirking, because this time his face was going red in colour, clearly showing he was blushing. You took a step closer to him, looking at him in the eyes.


Now, you’re going to answer my question because well, there’s no where to go.” You said with a smirk.



A/N Hello, our lovely readers! how are you this fine evening? aha im quite hyper right now :)
hope you enjoyed the chapter! comment? subscribe?
or maybe both ;)

- marianneregina & tmorales


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slushyplushie #1
Chapter 26: I ing love this. Damn.
Chapter 7: Yes I'm reading author
Chapter 26: I love it! Its extremely good!
Littlestarexo #4
Chapter 26: OMG! It was beautiful!! ㅅ_ㅅ I really thought Dongwoo was cheating! >< but in the and I fall in love with him!! the last chapter was soooooo sweet and romantic <3 When I read 'will you marry me?' part I was screaming 'yes yes YES a million yesss!! I will marry you dongwoo!!' in my head :D thank you guys for this story ;)
undeaDuizhang #5
Chapter 25: I really enjoyed reading ur story.. Great!! I thought Dongwoo cheated on her.. What a surprising surprise.. Love it,author-nim.. Keep writing,especially Dongwoo's :)
I love him.. XD
Chapter 13: i read the half of the story >< i plan to recap my comment after i read all the story XD but i cant >< i cant hold my comment >< geezzzz... well well well i love dongwoo in here such a sweet caring lovely guy >< uggghhh!!! i love your story XD i think i will continue it tonight kekekekee XD i gotta go XD
sunfoolfinger #7
Chapter 25: This is so sweet~~
I was hoping she end up with Dongwoo from beginning hehe<3
shea_dort #8
Chapter 26: i love the ending.how i wish im ending up with sunggyu instead~ ㅠㅠ forget it~still,great job author-nim!!
Chapter 26: Omg this story is so dramatic yet soo CUTEEE!! ^.^
Chapter 7: hey she used my name Angel_kissme :)