Once You're Gone



You were pacing back and forth in your room, still annoyed by the fact Sunggyu kissed you. You felt that every negative emotion was felt by you right now. You ran your fingers through your hair in frustration. What was happening?


You’ve been avoiding Sunggyu, knowing how awkward it would be if you two saw each other.


You suddenly stopped walking, hearing a booming voice yelling out to you. You cursed mentally, knowing you were in big trouble with Hyorin.


”_____-AH! Get your out here! Now!”


You grudgingly walked towards the door, contemplating on what to do when you open the door. Knock her over and run, or fall to your knees and beg. What about pretending to faint? Yep, that last one sounded good.


You slowly opened the door, stopping when the door was at least ten centimeters open. You poked your head out, trying not to look at her in the eyes. If eyes could kill, Hyorin would be the one to make that possible. “Y-yes?”


“YAH! Are you ignoring Dongwoo again? What’s wrong with you these days?”


“I can’t-”


“Listen to me.” she spoke getting a good grip on your shoulders. “I’m not going to tell you who’s right for you but you seriously have to sort this out.”


Pulling away out of her hold, you quickly ran out of the apartment getting into your car speeding off to Dongwoo’s place.


Finally arriving you hesitantly knocked a couple of times on his front door, hoping he wouldn’t be home. Next thing you know the door flung open causing your eyes and jaw to widen, probably with drool spilling right out.


Oh hot damn. It was probably the most beautiful sight you’ve come across. Dongwoo shirtless, or most importantly his toned arms and his abs. You were practically drooling, mentally slapping yourself for losing all focus.


”Oh, ____-ah! I thought you’d never come to see me again!” he exclaimed almost in tears.


You couldn’t find the words to say and before you knew it, he picked you up into his arms spinning you around as if it were a reunion. When he finally decided to put you down, you both walked into the house, you probably looking like a weirdo because your legs felt all wobbly.


“D-Dongwoo” you stuttered, still staring at his body. “Please put a goddamn shirt on!” you exclaimed.


He smirked. “You love it.”


“Y-ya! Go put a shirt on now!” pushing him in the other direction.


He couldn’t help but laugh at the way you were reacting while leaving you to go put a shirt on. He quickly came back and you sighed in relief.


“Dongwoo, we need to t-“


“Please ____-ah, if this is about the other day, I didn’t mean to I-“


Stop, it isn’t about that.” you interrupted. “I-I just don’t think we can be anything more than friends..”


“Are you joking. right?” he asked surprised, yet saddened.


“I’m sorry, okay? Please-”


“Please ____. Just think about this.”


“You don’t deserve me, and you know it. If I think about it, you’re going to just get hurt.”


“It’s him, isn’t it?”


“Why are you acting like you don’t know anything? I know what you’ve been doing for him. If you didn’t want this to happen, why’d you help him in the first place?”


You didn’t mean to snap at him. But you couldn’t help it.


“It was clearly all for you. I’ve done nothing but help you get a smile on that face. When I started helping him, I didn’t know this was going to happen. Heck, I didn’t know I was going to fall for you this hard. I can’t help how I feel.”


A feeling suddenly rushed through you. Guilt.


A/N Please don't kill us for being gone this long, we havent had any time to write due to school, exams and work so we've been so tired but yeah now thats all over we promise to never have a chapter this short again HAHA 

but anyway... dongwoos abs jsfdsfsfh



- marianneregina & tmorales

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slushyplushie #1
Chapter 26: I ing love this. Damn.
Chapter 7: Yes I'm reading author
Chapter 26: I love it! Its extremely good!
Littlestarexo #4
Chapter 26: OMG! It was beautiful!! ㅅ_ㅅ I really thought Dongwoo was cheating! >< but in the and I fall in love with him!! the last chapter was soooooo sweet and romantic <3 When I read 'will you marry me?' part I was screaming 'yes yes YES a million yesss!! I will marry you dongwoo!!' in my head :D thank you guys for this story ;)
undeaDuizhang #5
Chapter 25: I really enjoyed reading ur story.. Great!! I thought Dongwoo cheated on her.. What a surprising surprise.. Love it,author-nim.. Keep writing,especially Dongwoo's :)
I love him.. XD
Chapter 13: i read the half of the story >< i plan to recap my comment after i read all the story XD but i cant >< i cant hold my comment >< geezzzz... well well well i love dongwoo in here such a sweet caring lovely guy >< uggghhh!!! i love your story XD i think i will continue it tonight kekekekee XD i gotta go XD
sunfoolfinger #7
Chapter 25: This is so sweet~~
I was hoping she end up with Dongwoo from beginning hehe<3
shea_dort #8
Chapter 26: i love the ending.how i wish im ending up with sunggyu instead~ ㅠㅠ forget it~still,great job author-nim!!
Chapter 26: Omg this story is so dramatic yet soo CUTEEE!! ^.^
Chapter 7: hey she used my name Angel_kissme :)