
Once You're Gone


A/N Please do the poll at the end! 

As you walked out of the backyard, you heard nothing but silence. Every sound was blocked out of your head. You felt numb. Your heart felt numb. Each step you took dragged on, contemplating with yourself whether to turn back and explain yourself. Your mind told you to keep moving forward while your heart said otherwise.

Dongwoo quietly followed behind you as you lifelessly sat yourself on a bench outside. The scene would have been calming, but with what just happened nothing could really cheer you up.

”____” Dongwoo called.

“Go. I don’t want to talk.” you replied coldly.

Fast footsteps were slowly coming towards you and Dongwoo. You brightened, hoping that it was Sunggyu ready to choose you over Minhee. You had a good feeling it would be him. It had to be.

In a blink of an eye, Sunggyu appeared next to Dongwoo, slightly panting from running. You shot up, waiting for him to speak. 

He never looked at you at all, which confused you. He spoke briefly to Dongwoo which you listened tried to listen to.

“Are you serious?”

You stood there, puzzled from what they were talking about.

“Take care of ____-ah, please. I trust you.” And with that, his figure slowly turned around, ready to walk off.

Your eyes widened at Sunggyus last words. Take care of me? You quickly ran towards him but Dongwoo grabbed hold of you.

Sunggyu finally made eye contact with you and you noticed his dry tears. As you struggled in Dongwoo’s hold, Sunggyu walked off listening to you call out his name.

“Sunggyu! Kim Sunggyu! G-get back here!” You cried. “Please.. I love you..” you whispered which Dongwoo heard.

Dongwoo shut his eyes tightly, unable to let his heart take what he heard from you.He tugged on to your arm, letting you gently fall into his arms. He encircled his arms around you tightly, making sure he kept you safe.

You felt his arms loosen from his embrace. He grabbed a hold of your wrist and lead you to his house. As he closed the door, you looked around, realising he brought you to his room.

“____. Look at me.” He sternly said.

You were afraid from the tone in his voice, so you slowly looked up to him, your tears still falling.

“Listen to me.” he lifted up your chin made you face him directly.

“Have I not been here for you since the start? You’ve been blind for too long.”

He was suddenly confused when you released your wrist from his grasp, bending over to pull a box from under his bed and handing it towards him.

Curious, he opened it and after one glance he chucked it to the other side of the room. It broke his heart to see the contents inside - the jacket he gave you, handwritten letters and photos. Sure you didn’t want to hurt him on his birthday, but it was for the better.

“Look. I know you’ve been there with me every step of the way, but I know where this conversation is going. That’s why I’m giving you your stuff back.”

“Why can’t you just see that maybe Sunggyu doesn’t want you anymore? And asked me to take care of you for a reason?”

You began tearing up again as you slapped him hard across the face. He ignored your actions and cupped your face in his hands.

“It’s because he’s been by my side for so long.”

“And I haven’t? You’re forgetting the fact that I’m in love with you.”


“This has been going on for too long, ____. And you know it. Even if he’s not here for you, I am. I can make you happy and you know that. This is the second time you’ve cried over him. Not even second. Like millionth. And yet you keep going back to him. Are you really going to spend your life running back after him? After someone who you know is not worth your tears?”

You could see Dongwoo’s tears slowly building up. You listened to his words carefully. Each word made you finally realise what you’re worth. That your not worth going to someone who doesn’t even want to be beside you. That you spent so much time running after someone when there’s someone right in front of you, waiting for you and ready to love you wholeheartedly.

You quickly pulled him into a hug, thankful for his words.

“I’m sorry Dongwoo.” You said between your sobs.

He let out a little chuckle. “Hey, hey. It’s okay.”

You pulled away from his embrace and softly smiled at him.

“Why do you keep coming after me, fighting for me? It’s not worth your time. You just keep getting hurt. You deserve someone better than me.”

He gently flicked your forehead. “Love can’t be helped, ____-ah. Once you set your eyes on someone, no matter how hard it is you want to go after them. Like you. But I know that you’re going to just keep getting hurt. Fighting for you. You’re saying it’s not worth it? But to me it is. I deserve someone better than you? But you are the one for me. I just keep getting hurt? It’s all worth it. As long as your happy, I’m happy. I know that I don’t really have the chance but as long as I see you smile because of me, it means the world to me.”

You grinned from ear to ear, your heart filling with happiness. “I’ll try.”


“I’ll try, Dongwoo. Let’s give this a try, again.”

He picked you up and spun you both around in circles.

“I love you ____ -ah.”


A/N who to choose.. who to choose muahaha :3 torture am i right? haha 
please do the poll guys ~ 

and because im spazzing over dongwoo and sunggyu ... 

tumblr_m6n5d0Q1nz1rqiuouo1_250.gif tumblr_m6n5d0Q1nz1rqiuouo2_250.gif tumblr_m6n5d0Q1nz1rqiuouo3_250.gif

HAHAHAHA best gifs ever!

- marianneregina & tmorales

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slushyplushie #1
Chapter 26: I ing love this. Damn.
Chapter 7: Yes I'm reading author
Chapter 26: I love it! Its extremely good!
Littlestarexo #4
Chapter 26: OMG! It was beautiful!! ㅅ_ㅅ I really thought Dongwoo was cheating! >< but in the and I fall in love with him!! the last chapter was soooooo sweet and romantic <3 When I read 'will you marry me?' part I was screaming 'yes yes YES a million yesss!! I will marry you dongwoo!!' in my head :D thank you guys for this story ;)
undeaDuizhang #5
Chapter 25: I really enjoyed reading ur story.. Great!! I thought Dongwoo cheated on her.. What a surprising surprise.. Love it,author-nim.. Keep writing,especially Dongwoo's :)
I love him.. XD
Chapter 13: i read the half of the story >< i plan to recap my comment after i read all the story XD but i cant >< i cant hold my comment >< geezzzz... well well well i love dongwoo in here such a sweet caring lovely guy >< uggghhh!!! i love your story XD i think i will continue it tonight kekekekee XD i gotta go XD
sunfoolfinger #7
Chapter 25: This is so sweet~~
I was hoping she end up with Dongwoo from beginning hehe<3
shea_dort #8
Chapter 26: i love the ending.how i wish im ending up with sunggyu instead~ ㅠㅠ forget it~still,great job author-nim!!
Chapter 26: Omg this story is so dramatic yet soo CUTEEE!! ^.^
Chapter 7: hey she used my name Angel_kissme :)