
Once You're Gone


I’m doing the right thing right? I’m done. I’m done with Sunggyu. I should be. I need to be. I’m going to stop running after him, because whenever I do I just seem to get hurt at one point or another. I know I’m going to just get hurt. Right? I should go to the person that’s been there every step of the way since back then. He’s the one that would make me happy, right?

But why does this feel wrong? It’s like I’m using him. I know he’s been willing to be with me, despite his knowing of my feelings for Sunggyu. But he told me to try. And I should, because I know he means good. So I will try. I will make it up to him. After everything he’s done for me, this is the least I could do, right? And besides, it’s for the best, right?

You frustratingly ripped the paper out of your diary, ripping it up into a million pieces, lazily chucking it into the bin. You hated yourself for being such a problem to everyone. Such a burden to everyone. It was hard to make the right decision, knowing that your heart belonged to someone else who seemed to always shatter your heart, yet there was someone there who loved you completely.

An loud knock made you snap out of your thoughts. Your head shot at who was at your doorway. You gave her a small smile.

“Hey, you alright?” Hyorin spoke softly.

You smiled at her. Always looking out for you. But again, another person burdened by you. “Yeah, I’m okay. Why?”

“Well, you’ve been really quiet since Dongwoo’s party. I just wanted to check up on you.” She smiled.

You gave out a little chuckle. “Oh I’m fine. It’s not worth it anyway.” You lied. You felt bad but you didn’t want her to worry about you. She looked at you, not believing you but knew she shouldn’t ask any further. She suddenly turned around and ran to jump on the couch. You laughed at her actions, from a serious to a weird Hyorin.

You looked back at what you were writing, when you heard a faint knock on the front door.

”OI ____!! Someones knocking on the door, get it!” Hyorin called out.

You stepped out of your room, chucking a pillow at her for being so lazy to get the door herself. Peeking through the door you noticed a happy looking Dongwoo.

You smiled to yourself, knowing his smile could change your mood instantly. You slowly opened the door as he quickly stepped in pulling you into a bear hug.

“Can’t- Breathe-” You struggled to say as he squeezed the life out of you.

“Oh sorry hehe. Come on, let’s go get food!” He laughed as he then threw you over his shoulder.

“Yah Jang Dongwoo! Put me down now before I kill you!” You threatened hitting his back with your fists.

After a few minutes of struggling, he finally put you down laughing at how red your face was.

“Bastard.” you mumbled.

“What was that?”

“I said beautiful.”

He smirked. “Yeah, sure. I totally believe you.” He said sarcastically. He suddenly appeared inches away from your face with that smirk still playing on his face, making you gasp in surprise.

“Say it to my face, ____. Or are you afraid?” He said teasingly.

You gulped, but returned the smirk. “Bastard.” You quickly pushed him away from you, as you could feel your face redden.

He awkwardly looked around, clearing his throat loudly. “S-So, ____-ah, I think it’s a great day to go out.” He said, stuttering along the way.

You chuckled at his awkwardness. “You mean like a date?”

“What?! Dateuuu?!” Dongwoo gasped in weird english, causing you to laugh.

“Come on!” You said as you grabbed his arm and dragged him to start walking, making him smile.

He then led you to an empty cafe, where you sat facing one another, making you feel all giddy inside.

“I’ve prepared something for you.”

“Ooo what is it?” You asked curiously clapping your hands like a child.

Suddenly Dongwoo lifted a box from under the table which confused you not knowing where it came from.

“W-where did that come from?”

“I quickly planned this yesterday, I hope you like it. We have the cafe to ourselves, and now this is my real present to you.”

You were surprised yet stunned by his actions and you were visibly blushing, appreciative of what he’s doing for you.

You wanted to cry out in happiness but kept it in. As you opened the large box it revealed a cute dinosaur plush toy with a silver necklace attached around its neck.

You lifted up the necklace which had both your initials engraved on it. It was beautiful, and you truly wondered how long it actually took you to realized he’s loved you for so long.

“Looks like you.” You joked.

He grinned. “That’s the point.”

“Thank you, my lovely dinosaur.”

“Are you talking to me or the toy?”

You laughed. “You, you idiot”

Taking the necklace off the plush toy, you put it on yourself feeling like you’ve finally moved on with your life starting a new chapter in your life. You sighed in content.

Looking out towards the large window at the cafe, you couldn’t help but think of him again.

Sunggyu, it’s time. Time to let you go, completely. I know it will be hard, but I have to. I don’t want to get hurt anymore. I want to be happy. Even if it is without you.

You glanced back at Dongwoo, who smiled at you from ear to ear. Yeah, maybe this is for the best.


A/N We're so sorry for disappearing for 3 weeks, we've been so busy with school and pretty stressed!!
Next update will be soon hopefully!!
++ is this story confusing you? let us know!


- marianneregina & tmorales

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slushyplushie #1
Chapter 26: I ing love this. Damn.
Chapter 7: Yes I'm reading author
Chapter 26: I love it! Its extremely good!
Littlestarexo #4
Chapter 26: OMG! It was beautiful!! ㅅ_ㅅ I really thought Dongwoo was cheating! >< but in the and I fall in love with him!! the last chapter was soooooo sweet and romantic <3 When I read 'will you marry me?' part I was screaming 'yes yes YES a million yesss!! I will marry you dongwoo!!' in my head :D thank you guys for this story ;)
undeaDuizhang #5
Chapter 25: I really enjoyed reading ur story.. Great!! I thought Dongwoo cheated on her.. What a surprising surprise.. Love it,author-nim.. Keep writing,especially Dongwoo's :)
I love him.. XD
Chapter 13: i read the half of the story >< i plan to recap my comment after i read all the story XD but i cant >< i cant hold my comment >< geezzzz... well well well i love dongwoo in here such a sweet caring lovely guy >< uggghhh!!! i love your story XD i think i will continue it tonight kekekekee XD i gotta go XD
sunfoolfinger #7
Chapter 25: This is so sweet~~
I was hoping she end up with Dongwoo from beginning hehe<3
shea_dort #8
Chapter 26: i love the ending.how i wish im ending up with sunggyu instead~ ㅠㅠ forget it~still,great job author-nim!!
Chapter 26: Omg this story is so dramatic yet soo CUTEEE!! ^.^
Chapter 7: hey she used my name Angel_kissme :)