
We got REALLY married!!!


                As soon as Yesung arrives at the parking space, he noticed a lot of reporters waiting by the entrance. Yesung called the main security so have the back of the establishment open for him. Yesung slips in quietly and went towards the room where Leeteuk told him to go.

                Yesung enters the room... the usual room where he and the boys would hang out. The other members were also there... maybe their schedules were cancelled? Yesung enters and was greeted by the boys. DongHae and Siwon were already there... he spotted Leeteuk who was slouched on the couch.

                “Teukie-hyung” Yesung called as he approached him.

                “Sung...” Leeteuk said softly. “It’s over” At his words, the boys looked at Leeteuk.

                “E-eh?” Yesung asked, not understanding what he meant.

                “It’s over” Leeteuk repeated, looking elsewhere, not at Yesung.

                “What’s over?” Yesung asked... then he realized that there’s a contract beside him... Does this mean his termination from the group is going to be official?

                “Is there no way to stop this?” Heechul asked.

                “I’m afraid... not” Leeteuk said. Just then, the door opened revealing two men in law formal tuxedo attires, holding suit cases.

                “Mr. Kim Jong Woon?” One of them asked. Yesung looked at Leeteuk... who was looking at his hands.

                “Neh?” Yesung spoke as he went towards the men.

                “My name’s Lee KiHoon and my assistant, Go Sehyun” Ki hoon said and Yesung bowed at them.

                “We’re here to give a statement from the court, but there is no need to worry about anything violating the laws” Sehyun said. Yesung frowned and looked at him and ushered them to the nearest coffee table and seats.

                “Statement from the court?” Yesung asked, the other boys were interested as well.

                “Neh” Kihoon said and withdraws a paper from his suitcase. “You see, this case was raised to court yesterday and wanted an immediate response to it, and there was not much complications since the approval of both parties were already signed—“

                “I’m sorry, but I don’t get anything what you said” Yesung said.

                “Oh, what I’m talking here, is about your marriage contract with Lee HyeMin-ssi. It states here that both parties will separate after a year or if this contract is submitted to the court for special reasons.” KiHoon said submitting the contract in front of him.

                “Come again?” Yesung frowned; he seemed to not taking the words inside his head.

                “Your marriage is invalid” Kihoon’s statement shocked the boys and Yesung refused to believe it. How can this man show up and tell him that their marriage is invalid?

                “No, I refuse to believe this” Yesung said, voice faltering from the sudden lump on his throat. “I know you’re here to annoy me”

                “It’s officially stated” Kihoon said.

                “How would I know that you’re not just telling me this to threaten me or the like?” Yesung said. KiHoon sighed.

                “This contract... was sent by Lee HyeMin” KiHoon said. The boys’ eyes widened, Yesung stares at KiHoon in disbelief. “I have the papers to confirm it... your marriage with her is invalid and that’s the final decision. I’m afraid we have to leave now, I will leave you the copy of the statement from the court... good morning” With that the men left, leaving Yesung to stare at the contract.

                “Hyung...” DongHae spoke softly.

                “HyeMin... won’t do that...” Yesung said. “She won’t...”

                Silence took place in the whole room, they were just... shocked. Words can’t even describe to what was Yesung feels now... anger? Sadness? Pain? Disappointment? No one can ever describe to what he’s feeling right now, it seemed that all those emotions just mixed in one go. He sat there, staring at the contract in front of him... with a large letter that says: CONFIRMED.

                Tears started to trickle from his eyes as he saw her name and signature... but what hurt him most was to see his name and signature in it. He could recall the very day when they signed the contract... it was all... just nothing to them but now this contract seemed to be everything for them. Yesung turned to Leeteuk...

                “Hyung... did you know about this?” Yesung asked.

                Leeteuk couldn’t answer and continues to look down.



                Umma and Appa weren’t at home at the moment... they said that they’re out of the country... In Thailand perhaps? I don’t know... all I know is that I too am leaving.

                HyeMin was lost in her thoughts as she sits in front of a distressed GrandMother who found out what just happened. She was of course disappointed, but what surprised Hyemin is that she took it too lightly.

                “HyeMin-ah...” Grandma said. “Are you sure about this?” HyeMin bit her lower lip.

                “Neh” HyeMin said.

                “Is there no way I can change your mind?” Grandma said.

                “My flight is in two hours... I mustn’t miss it” HyeMin said.

                “But then... what about Yesung?” Grandma asked, HyeMin felt a pang on her chest as she sees Yesung’s smiling face in her mind. “I expected something like this to happen, though it surprised me that it took this long...”

                “Halmeonie... the truth is... I” HyeMin paused and clenched her hands. “I love him... and because of that, I must set him free for the best of things.”

                “But you’ve hurt yourself, my child” GrandMa said.

                “At least... only few people were hurt... I don’t want to harm the others as well” HyeMin said. “i know he can cope up with this and I hope he’s going to accept it...”

                “Aren’t you afraid to venture abroad all alone?” GrandMa asked. HyeMin broke into a wide, heart-breaking smile.

                “I’m not alone, Halmeonie... I won’t be alone” HyeMin said softly as she carefully grazes on her abdomen... The Grandmother clasped and tears flow down from her eyes...



                Yesung and the boys are speeding their way towards the manse, hoping to at least catch up on Hyemin. Yesung was not mad at Leeteuk for not telling him that HyeMin spoke to him the previous night. He was sure that Leeteuk is as confused as any of them were.

                As soon as they reached the manse... GrandMa SookJoo was standing at the gate, as though she expected them. The boys scrambled to get off the van, Yesung stands before the old lady who was giving him a sorry look... and reached a letter for him. Yesung grabs it and looked at her in confused look.

                “She left...” The grandmother said... “I don’t know when she’ll going to return...”


AiMei: HyeMin.... WAEEEEE????? T___T WAAAEEEYOOO????!!!! 

BTW: To all Shawols I want to reccommend SILENT MOMENT ( a Key and You fanfiction made by chaosprincess.) It's about the life of an artist's fake Girlfriend just to get a better image. It's a nice story and I know you'll enjoy it ^^ And thank you, you for wishing me luck~~~~ I hope I got a good score ^^

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IamCloudyELF #1
random but i want to thank you for this fic. this fic that got me into fanfic and idk how to thank you more :')
Chapter 12: Leeteuk is so chill like "Yo, Chul. You're the best man bc I feel like it. Lol teehe~" *claps* 10/10 leader skills
This story is amazing!!
I was searching for their story and I found this...
Great story author-nim,
I hope you will keep writing a good stories... :)
SujuShineeInfinitExo #4
This story deserves a feature! I read this story when i was in 8th grade but it never failed to make my heart flutter!
2425yy #5
Chapter 70: it's really touched and heartbreaking to read this part... :'(
i like the way you tell their brothership in this story...

and also i like the way yesungie and hyemin to keep their live, to dont separated and let each other hand go...
2425yy #6
Chapter 36: yah i touched withyour story authornim,beside i really like yesung i also really like this story ;-)
2425yy #7
Chapter 22: i hope yesung and hye min family will have baby kim,hehehhe
curious about it ^^
2425yy #8
Chapter 16: still curious to hyemin family doesn't recognize him? and more important how can kim family doesn"t noe their relative...
how if this became trouble to their marriage
2425yy #9
Chapter 14: mingwon still alive??is he hyemin fiance before??
so far i din't see yesung serious character in this story,i hope to find it soon..
about how he's do his married life
2425yy #10
Chapter 13: oh
how old hye min is in thus story??
it,s a bit sad hankyung not come