Ch, 26- The Truth and The Hidden Necklace

Wings of an Angel

Woohyun's POV:

What is taking Sunggyu-hyung so long? He should be here soon because I'm getting very impatient right now! I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack sooner or later too! The three of us are very worried for Sungyeol, and we just can't stand waiting here not being able to do anything. Once we find out how Sungyeol's situation is, the six of us are going to kill that Doojoon guy

" Hyung, I think Sunggyu-hyung is here." Sungjong said as he was trying to get my attention. A car pulled in front of us and it was Sunggyu-hyung.

" Hurry up and get in. We have to get there quickly.", said Sunggyu-hyung who was ushering us into the car.

The car ride felt very long even though it was only 30 minutes away from the hospital. Everything just seemed grey today, and it just made the day worse. I look into the rearview mirror and looked at Sungjong, and I can tell that he is trying not to cry. Then I look over at Hoya who is looking into his lap, almost as if he is lost. I didn't know what to do but just sit there and hope for the best. Then I felt a warmth on my hand, and noticed it was Sunggyu-hyung's hand.

" I'm sure Sungyeol will be alright. He is a fighter, he won't just give up all of a sudden." We all turned their heads towards Sunggyu-hyung, and we nodded knowing that he was right. We shouldn't be worrying right now because we all know that Sungyeol will be okay, no matter the circumstances.


30 minutes later.........


We finally arrived at the hospita, we quickly got out of the car, and we all ran to his room. Dongwoo-hyung texted me earlier what his room was so it was easier to find it. Many of the staff told us to be quiet, but that didn't matter when we were going to see our friend who is in the hospital. Finally we got to his room, and we saw Dongwoo sitting outside with his head in his hands. Hoya slowly walked up to him, and gave him a hug. I can tell that those two really love each other just by looking at them. Dongwoo-hyung started to cry, and I haven't seen him cry since the funeral for him. I led Sungjong to the chair, and made him sit down. I sat next to him, and Sunggyu-hyung sat next to me.

" Sunggyu-hyung."

" Hm?"

" Will he really be alright?"

" I'm sure he will be alright. Just believe me." He placed his hand in mine, intertwined our fingers together, and we just sat there until we got news about Sungyeol.


An hour later.....................


Sunggyu's POV:

The doctor that is attending to Sungyeol was walking towards us. Dongwoo was waking up Hoya and Sungjong, and I decided to wake up Woohyun.

" Woohyun-ah, wake up."

" Hm?"

" The doctor is coming by to tell us the news."

" Really?"

" Yeah, so wake up."

" Okay.

" Are you guys friends of Lee Sungyeol?", said the doctor.

" Yes we are.", we all stood up.

" Well everything about him seems fine, but apparently he gets panic attacks once in a while."

" Yes that's true.", I turned to Hoya who spoke up.

" I see. Well it seems like he doesn't take medication for that, but since it isn't as serious as other patients there is no need to. I think that he will need somebody who is close to him to stay with him sometimes to make sure nothing happens."

" Myungsoo is pretty close with him.", said Sungjong.

" Myungsoo? Ahhhh the boy in there. Okay I will tell him later then. The boy hasn't woke up yet, but you can go see him."

" Thank you very much!", we all bowed to him.

" Let's go in hyung!", Woohyun grabbed my hand as we went in. As we entered I could see Myungsoo holding Sungyeol's hand. I looked at Sungyeol, and he looked a bit pale. It hurted me to see these two in so much pain.

If somebody cause Woohyun to become like this, I would definitely kill him! I mean since he is my friend of course! Still, how could somebody do this to Sungyeol! He never deserved this sort of pain, he didn't do anything wrong to this Doojoon guy- he didn't deserve any of this. We all just want him to see him smiling choding self. That's all we wish for.

" Guys, can I tell you something.", I looked at Myungsoo who was still looking at Sungyeol.

" What is it?", said Dongwoo who was trying to hold back his tears at the sight of Sungyeol.

" The truth. The truth of what happened in our second year of middle school.", said Myungsoo whose tone was starting to change.

" Wait are you sure that Sungyeol wants you to tell this to us?", said Hoya with panic in his eyes.

" Hoya-hyung even you don't know the whole truth either. Also I feel like if everybody knew what happened then a weight will be lifted off his shoulders."

" T-the whole truth? What do you mean Myungsoo?", Hoya was getting impatient and it seemed like he was getting angrier.

" Just listen."


Myungsoo's POV:

Great another day of school. Another boring day of school. Even though it has only been a month since school started, it feels like a century! I might as well get up before my mom comes barging in. Maybe something interesting will happen today- not.


At school............

There is nothing to do at this school. It's annoying how all the girls come up to me and ask me to be their boyfriend. God, can they be even more desperate or what? I just want to get this day over with, and go home and sleep!

"Okay everybody get to your seats! Today we have a new student with us, so welcome him nicely! You may come in!"

I look away from the window to the front of the room. A boy a little bit taller than me walked in. He was lean, chubby cheeks, and big, brown eyes that it looks like it can hold anything in it.

The new kid is pretty cute and handsome. Wait Kim Myungsoo, did you just call a guy cute and handsome? What has gone wrong with you? Maybe it's because I'm sleep deprived. Yep that's it, I'm sleep deprived!

" Hello, my name is Lee Sungyeol. I hope we can get along with each other." The boy looked at me when he said that. I felt a shiver go through me, and for an odd reason I felt like I have seen him somewhere before.

" Lee Sungyeol you can go sit by Kim Myungsoo over there." He started to walk closer to me, and sat next to me.

" Let's get along with each other Myungsoo-sshi!" He smiled! His smile is pure and innocent, almost like somebody elses.


Three months later.................

Sungyeol and I became friends with each other after a while. Well to be more exact he kept on bothering me, and if I didn't accept his proposal to be friends, he will keep annoying me. So I just accepted it, and it didn't really matter to me since it's nice to have company once in a while. We were on the rooftop during lunch break.

" Myungsoo."

" What?"

" Why did you accept the proposal to become friends?"

" Why? It's obvious isn't it? It's because I was bored, and you are entertaining to me."

" Oh I see. So that means you don't really see me as a true friend?"

" No not really. You are just here to pass time."

" Hahahahahahaha, you are right. I shouldn't have thought that we were true friends." I looked over to him. He was looking down into his lap, but then I notice something fall. He was crying. He was crying- because of me. Because of me he was crying.

" I'm sorry Myungsoo, but can we stop being friends then?"

" W-what? You wanted to become friends with me, now you want to stop being friends!? What's wrong with you?!" I grabbed onto his writst, but he just pulled away.

" You won't even remember anyways. SO WHAT IS THE POINT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH ME!?" He ran away and I was left there by myself. That was the first time I have seen him like that, and that is the first time he has yelled at me.

What have I done?


Two weeks later.....................


Sungyeol will still not talk to me. I try to get his attention since first period, but he would just ignore me. I was getting very irritated, and I just gave up. If he was going to be like that then he can stay mad at me FOREVER!

Lunchbreak came but I didn't see Sungyeol anywhere, and that has been happening for two weeks too. It was raining and he had gym third period, and I haven't seen him since then. I was starting to worry, so I decided to go look for him. But this will be the last time! I ran around the school but I couldn't find him anywhere. He wasn't in any of the classrooms- he wasn't anywhere.  The last place I thought of was the storage room that was outside.

He better be over there or else! I can't believe I'm going out into the rain just for him!

" Myungsoo-sshi!" I saw somebody come over to me.

" What?"

" If you are looking for Sungyeol-sshi, then the last time I saw him was when he was helping put away stuff with Doojoon's gang."

" Doojoon's gang!? Okay thanks for the info!"

Crap! Doojoon's gang better not have done anything to Sungyeol or I will beat those guys up! Doojoon's gang aren't people you want to mess around with, and if Sungyeol got involved with them somehow- he is in deep trouble! Why am I feeling like this? Why am I worrying over somebody who means nothing to me! Why!?

I finally got outside, but then there was a pain in my head. My mind to start white out, but there were these images that keep coming into my head. There was two boys on a hospital bed. They were sleeping on the bed, and holding hands. One of the boys seemed familiar, but I couldn't see his face. The pain started to disappear, and I ran over to the storage room. I got to the storage room, and luckily it wasn't locked.

" Sungyeol are you there?" Nobody answered so I decided to open the door, and there I saw him. Sungyeol was laying on the floor with bruises, scratches, and there was some blood around him.


" M-Myungsoo?"

" S-Sungyeol! What happened?! How did this happen to you!?"

" Y-you came for me."

" Of course I came for you! I was worried for you!" He smiled at me. That smile held so many meanings, but that didn't matter right now. I picked him up and carried him bridal style. Then Sungyeol started to cry.

" I-I'm sorry for being a b-burden for y-you. T-thank y-you."

" Idiot, you aren't a burden for me! You are my friend you got it! You are an important friend!"

" Important friend? Hahahahaha. You are also an important friend too." I don't know why I started to cry, but I just started to cry. I quickly carried him to the nurses office.

" Please help my friend here!"

" Oh my god! What happened?!"

" I don't know, but please take care of him!"

" Okay, let me tend to his injuries, and I think it will be best that you go back to class."

" A-alright." I look at Sungyeol once more to make sure that he was alright.

" Don't worry, your friend is in good hands here."

" Thank you." I shut the door as I went out. The next thing on my mind was to find Doojoon and his gang. Luckily where I was heading to I came by Doojoon and his gang. They were laughing as if they had the time of their lives. I walked up to them, and gave a punch to Doojoon.

" That's what you get for injuring Sungyeol!"

" What the? We didn't even do anything!"

" Don't you dare lie! Somebody said they sae you walking with Sungyeol to the storage room, which is where I saw him!"

" Hyung, we have been find out."

" Shut up Kikwang! Like I said we may have done the physical damages, but we weren't the ones who planned it out."

" Then who was it!?"

" Hyuna is her name."

" Hyuna? As in that Hyuna?"

" Yeah and she has a thing for you. But she told me if that I get rid of Sungyeol then she said she would become my girlfriend."

" Are you stupid Doojon!? She is only using you! She doesn't care about you at all!"

" Shut up what do you know?"

" Well I'm going to find her then!" I left with Doojoon lying on the floor holding the place where I hit him in the face.

That Hyuna girl is going to get it! I'm so going to make her leave the school! Just you wait! I finally got to where that Hyuna's classroom was, and I walked up to her, and hit her straight in the face.

" Myungsoo-oppa what was that for?!"

" For hurting my friend! Now if you don't want me to hurt you anymore then you better leave this school. Wait let me do that for you now." I took out my phone and called my mom. " Oh hey mom. Can you expel this girl whose name is Hyuna. Why? She hurt somebody who is important to me. Alright! Thanks mom! 

" How is your mom able to do that?"

" How? She owns the schools around the district of course. So you better leave now or else." She gathered her stuff, and left the school. I look out the window, and I saw her running out the school grounds.

Hah! That's what you get! I better never to see you again! Now I better go check up on Sungyeol.

I walked into the nurses room again, and I saw him there sleeping peacefully. I sat next to him, and my hand went to his face. I started to caress his face, almost as if he was a porcelain doll.

" I'm sorry Sungyeol that I wasn't there for you. It was my fault that you got hurt, it was my fault that I left you in this sort of state, and it's my fault that you are in this situation. I-I'm sorry." I started to cry. I don't cry at all, but for him I cried. Then I felt somebody wipe away my tears away.

" M-Myungsoo don't cry."

" S-Sungyeol you are awake. Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?"

" Hahahahaha don't worry, I'm fine now that you are here."

" Why didn't you tell me?"

" What?"

" That you were getting constantly beat up by them?"

" Oh. I didn't want to trouble you."

" You idiot, you aren't a burden to me at all."

" I'm sorry. Since the day we had our arguement I have been getting beat up."

" You really are an idiot."

" Yeah, but I'm an idiot for you." I leaned my forehead against Sungyeol's forehead. " Don't ever make me worry like that again. Promise that you will stay in my sight no matter what."

" I promise. Promise me that you will always be by my side?"

" I promise."




" That's what happened." Hoya-hyung fell into the chair that Dongwo-hyung pushed towards him. Then Hoya-hyung spoke up.

" I knew that Doojoon beated him up, but I never knew that's what happened."

" I'm sorry Hoya-hyung. It was my fault both times that he got hurt. I don't know what to do anymore."

" Just stay by his side, and continue on loving him.", said Woohyun-hyung who place his hand on my shoulder for comfort.

" Yeah I will do that. Thanks hyung."

" No problem."

" Hoya and Sungjong let me take you home.", said Dongwoo-hyung who was by the door.

" B-but what about Sungyeol?", said Sungjong who didn't want to leave yet. Hoya-hyung agreed with him too.

" Hoya and Sungjong come. We can see Sungyeol tomorrow. Sunggyu-hyung and Woohyun can you stay with Myungsoo and switch off at times so that Myungsoo can get some sleep." 

" Don't worry we will. You guys can go now.", said Sunggyu-hyung.

" Alright then. See you guys tomorrow. Bye Sungyeol-hyung.", said Sungjong.

" Bye.", said Hoya-hyung.

" Bye.", said Sunggyu-hyung, Woohyun-hyung, and I.


Woohyun's POV:

" Sunggyu-hyung can you come with me to get something from the vending machines?"

" Yeah sure."

" Myungsoo do you want anything?"

" Can you give me water."

" Yeah no problem. Let's go hyung."

" Hyung, I can't believe that happened to Sungyeol."

" I can't believe it either, but he has Myungsoo to protect him."

" Yeah you are right."

" Now what do you want Woohyun?"

" I want some juice."

" Okay." Sunggyu-hyung took out some coins from his pocket and put them into the vending machine. He gave me my juice, and then he bought the water, but this time I noticed something sticking out of his shirt. It looked like a necklace, but the chain was leather and not metal. I reached my hand to see what it was, but then Sunggyu-hyung pushed my hand away.

" I-I'm sorry."

" No, I should be sorry. Its that this necklace is important, and I don't want to lose it."

" Oh I see."

" Let's get to Myungsoo and Sungyeol shall we?" He took my hand, and led me to the room.

The chain of the necklace is almost like........wait that isn't possible. Right? There is no way because our necklaces are unique. There is no way. It's not possible.




(A/N: Dang this chapter took like 3 hours! Well enjoy and please comment!)

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697 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
697 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~