Ch. 20- Is It That Time Already?

Wings of an Angel

Dongwoo's POV:

Today was just another ordinary day, but of course that ordinary day turns into some spectcular because of a certain someone! Today has to be one of the most greatest days of all! It is sunny, no clouds, and the fresh air just feels sooooooooo good! I feel like nothing can go wrong today! I mean nothing can go wrong right? Right?


In class.......


" Good morning Hoya!" Hoya didn't look at me, or didn't even move when I called out his name. He usually greets me back, but today he seems to be in great thought. I nudged his side, he didn't move, I shook him, he didn't move, I blew into his ear, he fell off his chair.

" Hoya! I'm sorry! Are you okay?!"

" Yeah hyung I'm okay, but next time don't blow into my ear okay?"

" Hahahaha sorry..........Anyways, what is wrong Hoya? I called out your name, I even nudged you too, but you didn't even budge."

" I was thinking of something. Something that makes me really like this time of year."

" Like what?"

" Hyung, you don't remember?"

" Remember? Remember what?" Hoya turned around, and didn't reply back to me. I asked him again, but nothing came out of his mouth. I mean, what did I do? I don't remember something? What am I supposed to remember? I gave up on him, and paid attention to class.


Hoya's POV:

Pabo hyung, he doesn't even remember that tomorrow was the first day we met. The first day I transferred into the school we met. The day we practically became friends, well actually he made become friends with him, but whatever. When I first came here I was so nervous and scared, but when I saw Dongwoo-hyung's face, everything just disappeared. All the feelings of being alone, nervousness, scared, they were washed away by that smile of his. I felt like that I would be able to adjust to the new school, and new town, and actually make some friends. Dongwoo-hyung was like and angel who saved me from being lonely, and gave something to live on: friendship. I hope he does remember though, but knowing him, he won't remember until like the week after.

Class finally ended, and I headed out as quickly as I can, that way I won't have to talk to Dongwoo-hyung. While I was walking to my next class, Sungyeol came walking up to me.

" Hoya-hyung!"

" Oh, Sungyeol-ah, how was gym?"

" It was sooooooo tiring! I barely got to rest! I hate running around, playing sports, and whatever else we have to do!"

" Well it is good for you."

" Yeah, someone like you who is built."

" Whatever you say." We made it to class, and took our seats next to each other.

" Hyung, I have a question."

" What is it?"

" When are you going to confess to Dongwoo-hyung?"

" W-WHAT?! What are you saying Sungyeol!"

" Aigo, hyung, you are such an idiot. It's quite obvious that you like Dongwoo-hyung, well not quite obvious to Dongwoo-hyung, since he is a bit dense. Still I think you should confess to him soon."

" No, I don't want to! What about you?"

" Me?"

" Myungsoo and you."

"Hyung....................even though we have known each other since we were kids, but then you had to move away, which I'm still mad about, I just can't do that yet. I have already told you the problem. We kept in contact after you moved, I have told you what happened. He doesn't remember, he doesn't remember. I have waited a long time already, and yet he still doesn't remember. What if he never remembers hyung?"

" I'm sure he will remember. It will just take a while for him to remember, you just have to be patient for a little bit longer."

*sigh* " I guess a little bit longer won't hurt." I felt sorry for Sungyeol because he can't do much, and he doesn't know what to do. He tries his best, to the point where he is exhausted. It pains for me, for all of us to see him like that, but we all know why he is doing it for. We all believe that he can do it also.

Fighting Sungyeol!


Dongwoo's POV:

Now why was Hoya mad at me? I mean I didn't do anything wrong.......right? Great my day was going just fine, but now this has to happen! Why me?! Why me?! I don't deserve this! Did I offend him in some way? Did I take something of his, but never returned it? Hmmmmmmmmm. Maybe I forgot to pay him back for something. Or maybe I ate something of his, and never said anything about it. AISH! I will just think of it later!

I rested my head on the desk staring out at the window, but then somebody interrupted my string of thought.

" Wow, this is like the first time I have seen you this down since the day you left for the States."

" Woohyun don't bother me. I don't feel like talking to you right now."

" Awwwwww come on now! Don't be like that to me! Come on, tell me what your problem is!"

" Aish! Fine, but you have to shut your mouth so I can explain." Woohyun did the motion of zippering his mouth, signaling he won't talk, or won't TRY to talk. I explained everything that happened to me this moring when I felt when nothing could have gone wrong today, to Hoya being mad at me, to now me feeling all depressed because I don't know what the problem is.

"........Hyung you are a big idiot."

" WHAT?!"

" You don't remember what tomorrow is?"

"........No....." I looked guiltly at Woohyun, and he facepalmed himself.

" Tomorrow is the day you, well we, met Hoya." I let everything that he just said register into my brain.

"..........................................OH MY GOD!"

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695 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
695 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~