Ch. 16- Rain, Thunder, and Lightning

Wings of an Angel

(A/N: Today will be a double update because I REACHED 50 SUSCRIBERS! THANK YOU EVERYBODY! ENJOY!)


Woohyun's POV:

Ahhhhhhhhh I'm soooooo bored. There isn't anything to do. My parents already left for a business trip, so I'm home by myself. Maybe I'll call Dongwoo-hyung to see if he wants to do anything.

I get up from by bed, and went over to grab my phone that was on my desk. I dialed his number, and waited for him to answer.

" Hello?"

" Hyunggggggg, I'm bored."


" We should hang out together today!"

" Hyung, who is that?"

" Oh, it's just Woohyun. He says he wants to hang out with me today."

Thats weird. Dongwoo-hyung is actually out with somebody right now. On the weekends he usually doesn't get up until late.

" Hyung who are you with right now?"

" Huh? Oh I'm with Hoya."

" Wait so if you are with Hoya, then that means you are on"

" W-what? W-what are you saying W-Woohyun?"

" Well I guess I won't disturb your DATE then. Have fun on your DATE!"


Tch. Since Dongwoo-hyung is out with Hoya maybe I will call somebody else. Lets call Myungsoo!

" Why are you calling me?"

" Yah! I'm your hyung! You shouldn't be speaking like that to me! Aish whatever. Anyways what are you doing right now?"

" Me? I'm with Sungyeol right now."

" So you must be on a DATE with Sungyeol then right?"


" Hello? Are you still there?"

" Beep beep beep beep beep..."

What the? He just hung up on me! Myungsoo you are soooo going to get it when I see you at school! You better be more respectful when I see you next time! Seriously, whenever he is with Sungyeol he is like so sweet and childish. Then with others he is just expressionless. Whenever I see him sweet and childish, lets just say it makes me want to gag. It would be a waste of my time to call Sungjong. He is probably with his other friend, Dongjun is his name if I recall. Whatever, I will just go out myself!

I threw my phone onto my bed, and went to go get dressed. The weather looked nice so I settled for a black jacket, white v-neck shirt, and skinny jeans. As I headed downstairs I grabbed a granola bar to satisfy my stomach for now. Once I was out of the house, I could feel the fresh air just hit me. The weather was nice, the wind felt nice against my skin, and overall the weather was just perfect. I walked around the shops, but I couldn't find anything to my liking, so I just kept on looking to see if anything catches my eye. Then I saw an ice cream store, and decided to get some ice cream! I got chocolate ice cream which is my favorite ice cream of all! Ice cream can always make the day better.

I decided to go to the park since I didn't find anything that I wanted to buy. I tell girls were checking me out and whispering about me, but I just ignored them. I put my headphones on to, and walked around the park. Listening to music and walking at the same time just feels so calming, don't ask why, it just does.Looking at all these people walking peacefully together feels nice. It's like this place is the place where people can forget their troubles for a little bit, and enjoy some peace and quiet. As I was walking I looked up to the sky and noticed that there were some big, grey clouds, but I just shrugged it off. Then I changed my mind, and decided to head back before it starts raining. Before I can even make a move, I can fell rain drops. Then it started pouring, and everybody were running off to different places to get cover. I ran to the nearest tree and hid under there for now.

Then all of a sudden I heard thunder which startled me. Then lightning came, and I had to close my eyes to block the brightness of it. I started to shake but it wasn't because of the coldness, it was something else. It was coming back again.

I don't want to remember! Please just let me forget! Leave me alone! I don't want to remember anymore!

The sound of thunder grew louder and louder so I put my headphones on to block the loudness of the thunder. I started to shake badly as the coldness finally got to me. The lightning was still intimidating so I shut my eyes tightly. I can't stand the sound of thunder, and flash of lightning- it's just too much for me to handle. I can feel a lump in my throat, my eyes were beginning to water, but I held it in.

I don't want to listen anymore. P-please somebody find me. H-help me. I-I can't stand being here by myself. A-anybody.

" Woohyun. Woohyun. Woohyun is that you? Woohyun are you alright?"

I didn't want to open my eyes because I was afraid to see the lightning. I overcame my fear and opened my eyes. To my surprise the person who was calling my name was Sunggyu-hyung. Relief came over me because somebody found me. I'm glad it was Sunggyu-hyung who found me because he will be able to be there for me. We just looked at each for a while, but then....

" BOOM!"

The sound of the thunder scared me, and I leapt from the ground onto Sunggyu who landed on his to the ground. I was hugging him, feeling scared to let go of him. The warmth of his body felt good against the coldness of mine. This feeling of warmth washed over, and I started crying. Luckily he wasn't able to see me since we were hugging, and my face was against his chest. We just stayed in this position for quite a while. I'm truly glad that it was Sunggyu-hyung who found me out here. I was about to separate the hug until everything went black, but there was still this warmth light that I felt before I passed out.


Sunggyu's POV:

Since Dongwoo went out with Hoya today, I decided to go out today by myself. The weather report said it was going to rain so I brought my umbrella just in case. When I got to park everybody seemed like they were having a good time to themselves or with somebody else. I continued to walk around until I felt a raind drop fall onto my head. Then it just suddenly started to pour, and everybody was running to someplace to get cover. I quickly took out my umbrella, and just continued to walk on since I would be fine. As I was walking I saw a figure sitting against a tree. I got closer and closer and finally found out who it was..............Woohyun.

Why is he here out in the rain? He should be getting somewhere getting cover from the rain. He is going to get a cold if he doesn't leave that spot! Maybe I will try to call out to him.

" Woohyun. Woohyun. Woohyun, is that you? Woohyun are you alright?"

He finally looked up at me. His eyes. His eyes. He has been crying out in the rain. He was shaking really badly, and I could tell that he was really cold. It pained me to see him in this kind of state. I just wanted to take him out of here, and drag him to a warmer place. He looks like he is in so much pain right now, I want to help him. I want to help him, but he feels so distant right now.

" BOOM!"

Woohyun leapt from his spot, and I landed onto the ground. He was embracing me, and I could feel his body shake. All I could do was just put my arms around his waist and tightly hold him. His breathing was getting calmer, and his was shaking less. I didn't want to let go of him though, but I could feel that he was loosening around me a little bit, but then he went limp on me. I lifted his face up, and noticed that he had fainted.


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696 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
696 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~