BONUS 5 - NYE 8 years Ago....

Scrub Suits and Pillow Talks
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8 years ago…


New Year’s Eve

Yong-ganham Hospital

10:45 AM



“I don’t really understand why you and Doctor Liu are so allergic to each other!? Is it still about what happened at the Lounge months ago? I thought you and her are already okay?” I took a sip of my cold brew while listening to Luna about my war with Doctor Liu.


Hahaha… Luna… if you only knew…


I just got back doing my rounds to some of my patients and made a quick stop at her station to check the charts. Its New Year’s Eve and I decided to work later, turning down the offer of the Blue House to join in the celebrations. I told the President’s COS that I’m more needed at the hospital than clap my hands while watching the fireworks display.


Besides.... i have other plans.. 


“We are okay, don’t make a fuss guys. Its just our way of being friends.” I snickered at her and continued sipping my drink. Of course we need a cover… or else everyone in this hospital will know our secret.


After what happened 2 weeks ago inside the Call Room… ugghhh… all the hormones inside me woke up, making me ask for more.


I’m not a minor anymore, gosh…. I’m old enough to make a baby! I never knew can be that good… most especially with the person you love with all your heart. Giving myself to her was like a confirmation that it will only be her, she’s the only girl I will ever love and live my life with. The President can do what he wants but he can’t make me marry that Kang. Never.


“So your way of being good friends are tripping each other’s feet when you two meet in the hallway? Pushing each other at the elevator? Bumping each other? Nice… “


“Yah! What do you want us to do? Stop in the hallway and compliment each other’s hair, lip tint, and eyeshadow?”


“Silly. You don’t even wear eyeshadow, but your lips is noticeably brighter than before…” she gave my lips an inquisitive glance then a smirk on me “You’re wearing lipstick.”


I bit my lips then scowled at her with a pout “So what if I’m wearing a lipstick?! My sister bought it for me and I tried it on this morning!” its actually a lie. It was actually Amber who gave me the lipstick....


“Its not just this morning, you began wearing lipstick almost 2 weeks ago…” Luna’s eye is really good at observing. Doctor Liu and I should really be careful about her or we will be expose… “And you have been sleeping at the Call Room, I noticed…” she gave me a teasing smile that made me nervous. .


“Y-yah! Can’t I sleep on that room?! Its free for all so why can’t I use it!”


“Why are you suddenly blushing?”


“I am not blushing.” Holy . Why is blushing even invented?


“Just admit it, you like Doctor Liu. Its okay to admit it Doctor Jung. Just say, ‘I like Doctor Liu’ and I’ll give you my support. You always have my support… hehehe…”


Should I tell her now? Does she know something?


Tell her what? That you and Doctor Liu has been seeing each other inside that Call Room, fooling around? Kissing each other till the two of you succumbs to sleep? Who even fall asleep while kissing?!


Or banging each other inside that Call room then go home after to your apartment to continue where you left off until you two are exhausted, sheets are twisted, pillows are on the floor, Fluffy is sleeping in his corner because he had enough listening to our earthly moans and my screams of pleasure?


“Lun… ummm….” maybe I really need to say it now, even just to Luna. She’s one of my best friends…


“You like her but you are afraid for everyone to know, and you are afraid that Doctor Liu will not like you too because of what happened between the two of you before, am I right Soojung-ah?”


Probably not the right time to tell Luna… too early. She might get excited.


*Beep beep*


Thank God for beepers!


I took my beeper inside the pocket of my Doctor’s coat and read the message. It was an emergency and a Cardiothoracic Surgeon is needed…


“Hey Lun….ummm…. I need to go..” I looked at her with apology and she understood with a smile.


“Go, its an emergency. Save lives Doctor Jung! Fighting! I’ll see you later because this ain’t over!” I gave her a funny face and made my way to the elevators. I also checked my phone and found a message from my y idiot.



From: Idiot


I miss you and hugging you Forehead. How about a bearhug later?



I bit my lips with a smile while reading her simple message. Soojung…. you are one lucky nerd. All your hard work has paid off, its time to enjoy the life of having someone special beside you. The last two weeks has been rewarding…


Even though in front of all the people inside the hospital we act like to people who are always head to head with each other, always bickering and always bumping…. inside that Call Room its the total opposite.  


We have our own world inside that room, a world that the two of us made. Although it will be great to reveal our relationship to our friends because we know they will accept us for who we are, we are not ready for it to be known by my family and by the whole nation of Korea. Include the North too if needed because I’m sure the spies will report it back home there.


If I was a daughter of a regular family, it will be a bit easier. Easier in the sense that if my Dad doesn’t approve of my relationship with Amber he can disown me and we will live our life the way we want, without the whole nation knowing it. The problem is, I am the daughter of the man who is considered as the Father of the Korean Nation. One wrong move from me and my siblings, one wrong word, wrong crowd, it will all be a mud that his detractors can throw at him, I won’t let that… even if the two of us has this strained relationship.


Amber said it will be easy with her family, they will accept us. She also said her Mom is so excited to meet me and her Dad too but she hasn’t told them about who I am, all she told them is I am a fellow Doctor in the hospital. And her sister, her sister is still clueless she said.


When I arrived at the Operating Room, it was Yuri unnie inside doing an emergency operation on a man who got shot multiple times on his body, a bullet punctured the walls of his vena cava. The operation went on smoothly and I was able to take out the bullet and repair him. When we went out of the Operating Room, it was already past 7:00 in the evening.




I turned around taking of my mask to find Jessica unnie outside the OR smiling at me. “Unnie!” we gave each other tight hugs and went to the Lounge to have coffee.


“Aren’t you attending the party later unnie?” I asked her sipping water. She snorted at me while biting the straw of her Iced Coffee. “Nope, I told Dad’s COS that I’m on duty tonight. But the truth is, I’ll be spending New Year’s Eve at Yuri’s apartment. I was waiting for her to finish the surgery that’s why I’m there.” Hahaha… I thought she’s waiting for me!


We talked about the possible things happening now in the party, our Father probably hating us, our brother Yunho and Yuri’s brother Jaejoong sending us a message earlier wishing us a Happy New Year ahead. Yuri unnie arrived all ready to go, and beside her was the person I’m so excited to see and wrap my arms around with and pepper her face with kisses because I really miss her so much!!


“Hey guys, we are going now. Ddudungie, thanks for the help earlier as always.” Yuri unnie gave me a kiss on my cheeks and patted my head affectionately. I reciprocated it with a side hug and a

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Hello! I recently found out that Scrubs is being posted in Wattpad. Care to raise your hand if you are the one who posted it? A proper credit will be fine.


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2071 streak #1
Chapter 10: I think that perfume would suit Krystal too! Very good scent
immadi #2
my fav!
Chapter 37: among all ur fics this is my favs and idk why .. specially this chap
juuzouxiii #4
Chapter 1: after watching the drama dr. romantic 2, i suddenly miss these two adorable doctors so back here to read again and again
Adesta123 #5
Chapter 40: I love the idea of this episode ???? youre such a debakkkk author ❤?
bluesky2275 #6
Chapter 47: Re-read again while waiting for you to update your fiction.
Chapter 19: re-read this again, i miss Sulli
mmrmei #8
Hi! I'm a fan of your stories and I'm trying to read "PVC' but it seems is hidden or at least, it says it's unreachable link. Dd you erased it?
2071 streak #10
Chapter 20: Goddammit Fluffy you ruined the fun