05 : A stranger switching from English to Korean

Rollercoaster of a Life time

It was the last period of the day and I could already feel the eagerness of going home spreading through my body.

Ha. I wish.

For the first time in a long time, I wished I didn't have to go home. I wanted to stay away for as long as I could, but the moment that thought entered my mind, I immediately felt guilty. I mean, it wasn't my grandmother's fault that she was like this.

"Ms Samuels?" the teacher's voice called, pulling me out of my thoughts only to find both Jimin and J-Hope looking in my direction and frowning.

"Yes sir?" I finally asked as I gave him my full attention.

He raised the stack of paper that was in his hand before pointing to the door which, if I was guessing correctly, I assumed he wanted me to take to the office or something.

Nodding, I stood up and went to him, frowning when he dumped the paper in my waiting hands before he smiled and gave me what I honestly wished was a light push out the classroom door causing me to stumble a bit before I finally caught myself.

Glancing back, I noticed the door slam and I sighed.

I guess my history teacher already hated me.

Adjusting my posture, I walked ahead, deciding to make best of the situation at hand (not that you could, I mean, I was going to the office to hand over papers. I guess I was just trying to think more positively rather than negatively over the fact that a teacher hated me when they hardly knew me).

As I continued to make my way to the office, I realized somewhere along the line that I'd forgotten where the office was.

Looking around, I groaned when I realized that everyone was probably still in class.

"Come on, you can do this, Jamie," I mumbled to myself before going ahead. My grip on the papers tightened as I did so and I found myself walking on silently in the hopes of finding the office more quickly if I did that, even if it didn't work.

The corridors echoed as my sneakers squeaked against the tiled floors and I cringed a bit as it did so.

I was really tempted to remove my shoes and walk on my socks, but I managed to stop myself after letting my mind wander and I imagined little sock monsters coming out from everywhere and running after me because they needed more socks for their army.

When I looked again, I found myself in a corridor I swore was not the same and my eyes scanned each and every door which all ended up being classrooms.

"Not here," I mumbled to myself.

Turning around, I walked back and I promise you I walked around that entire school until I finally found the door that read office and a relieved grin spread to my lips.

Knocking on the door before entering, I glanced around before my eyes settled on the receptionist who wore such a provocative outfit that had me holding down my puke. When I first got there, she barely acknowledged me and no matter how many times I cleared my throat, she had yet to look up.

So instead, I decided to slam the stack of papers on the front desk and give her a tight smile when she looked up in shock before I walked out, slamming the door behind me.

As I proceeded walking, the bell rang and my eyes widened.

I tried rushing back to my the classroom however, I ended up failing as I continuously ended up getting knocked and bumped into and pushed around as others rushed to their classes and pretty soon, the hallways were empty and I had officially forgotten where the classroom had been.

A groan escaped my lips and I mentally noted to make sure I got a map of the school before the end of the week otherwise I'd have all the teachers hating me.

A small gasp escaped my lips as I collided with another being and fell to the floor, my glasses following after. As I slowly sat up, I heard a crack before a string of apologies that seemed to be said in English before the person switched back to Korean.

"I am terribly sorry!" the person exclaimed as I felt the familiar feeling of my glasses being placed on me.

When my eyes adjusted, it was quite impossible to not notice the large crack in my right lense.

More than ready to cuss at the person who even dared to break my glasses, but the moment my eyes settled on said person, the words disappeared from my mouth as the most beautiful boy stood before me with a worried look in his wide eyes as he continued to stare at me.

"It's... It's okay," I spoke, unable to stop myself from stuttering slightly.

"I can make it up to you. Do you need anything? Would you like anything?"

And I swear, if you paused that scene, you would be able to see the exact moment a light bulb appeared above my head.

"I need help to my next class."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but nevertheless, he nodded slowly before glancing down and helping me up. Once I was on my feet, his expression relaxed a bit before he grinned.

"Sure, what do you have next?"

"Music," I said confidently because in all honesty, this was the one class I had been looking forward to since the moment I glanced at my timetable days ago.

At this, his eyes widened before a grin spread to his lips.

"That's where I'm going," he explained before gripping my wrist gently and dragging me along in what I assumed was the direction of the music room.

Following silently, I listened as he spoke about the crazy, high spirited music teacher and how he'd really hope I would like her because the last time someone didn't like her, she refused to teach insisting she was a terrible teacher. And the person that didn't like her wasn't even in her class; in fact, it was another teacher.

Harsh life, I guess.

"Here we are," he announced before releasing my hand and walking into the class.

"Where have you been- Oh, we have a new student! We have a new student! This is just amazing!" the tiny, young woman with thin brown hair pulled into a messy bun and a smudge of paint on her right cheek exclaimed with a grin.

Before I had any time to respond, I was pulled into a hug before she released me and began analysing me.

"You are an amazing artist, I can already tell. Please, take a seat anywhere."

When these words left her lips, I was dragged along to one side of the room by the stranger from before who had a badge reading Rap Monster.

"Guys, this is the girl I-"

"Namjoon, please don't tell us you broke her glasses," a familiar voice sounded and when I looked up, I swear I froze.

Before me sat four familiar faces and two unfamiliar.

And I swear to the heavens above that they were all absolutely beautiful; even more so as they sat together.

Beside Rap Monster (or Namjoon, whatever) and myself sat Jin who was across from Suga who I found seated beside Jimin; J-Hope being the one between Jimin and one of the two unfamiliar strangers.

Namjoon looked at them before looking away to face the others and grinning as he spoke again.

"Guys, this is..."

"Jamie," I offered, tilting my head.

His head turned immediately and his grinned seemed to widen as he asked, "Could I call you Jamster?"

"Um, sure?"

And then, in unison, everyone spoke, "Jimin, you got no Jamster."

Confused, I looked to Jimin who looked beyond furious as he exclaimed, "That's unfair! I met her before you!"

"And I met her before you," Jin spoke.

"I met her before you," Suga muttered, looking away and inserting an earphone.

See what I mean?

"And we've never met her!" an unfamiliar voice called out, causing me to avert my eyes to the two boys across from me who sat quite closely together, the one seeming as though he were trying to hide behind the other.

When they noticed my gaze, they both smiled; the one in front giving me a box smile and the other giving me a shy, bunny tooth smile.

And Namjoon took it upon himself to introduce the two.

"Jamster, this is Taehyung and Jungkook, the ultimate and inseparable duo."

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Vassilian #1
Chapter 32: well it sure is an interesting development! You should keep going !
(though you should be careful of mistakes you could easily avoid) the plot is really cute and catchy !
Seems like an interesting story, will surely read it!