23: The deal with Jungkook

Rollercoaster of a Life time

I didn't even know what the project was about.

Not that it mattered seeing as I was too shocked to even move. The boys had turned their heads the moment my name was said and they looked at me. I wanted to see their expressions, but I couldn't.

"Jin and Hoseok will take care of you. Jungkook too-" Jimin goes to whisper but flinches as a hand slams itself on his desk. All eyes follow their length of the arm connected until we found ourselves looking up at the maknae of the boys.

"Don't just assume things, Jin," he emphasises each word clearly, his eyes narrowing just as well.

Jimin gulps. It was unusual of Jungkook to act out like this.

As we stare at him as if seeing another head (which, ironically, was exactly what I was doing; picturing him with an extra head. Let's steer clear of this in the future because it's weird to see two Jungkooks') he takes this opportunity to stand up straight, reach for his bag and storm out of the classroom.

Taehyung jumps to follow, but of course, mother Jin stops him.

"On a totally unrelated note, could someone please explain the project to me?" I ask, my voice still recovering from the shock I'd felt upon seeing that side of Jungkook.

Smiling, Hoseok turns in his seat to face me properly, "We have a music assignment in which we have to compose and perform a song of your own. You are allowed to use any instruments of your choice but there must be a variety; vocals, guitar, keyboard, whatever works."

I nod as if I'm listening (which I totally am, but I also happen to be trying to figure out what was wrong with Jungkook and if I could obtain superpowers for a day just to help him out before returning to my normal ordinary self).

When my nodding doesn't stop, Hoseok rolls his eyes playfully and glances to Namjoon behind me who gets the message and starts poking my sides.

I don't mean to squeal, but I do, my entire body manoeuvring in a lame attempt at distancing us so that he couldn't reach my sides anymore. As I do this, I just so happen to bump into someone sitting across from me (we didn't have desks because who used desks in music?) who's arms automatically stretch out and curl around me.

"Got you," Yoongi grins.

He actually grins and I start wondering if maybe I haven't stepped into a parallel universe where Yoongi and Jungkook didn't switch personalities. After all, it really would make sense if you think about it; Yoongi, despite having warmed up to me, hardly smiles and can be grumpy when he wants to be (but the boys say otherwise. It's been said that he's loads of fun but just acts this way because he hates having to wake up early just to come for an education where you can't even express yourself freely) and Jungkook, despite having his moody days as if he were on his man's period or something, was a really adorable and goofy person who often offered his bunny smile to whomever he pleased.

So what the hell was up?

Ten minutes before the bell rang for the end of the period, the teacher requested that we sat in our groups. By now, Jungkook had returned and his excuse had been that he wasn't feeling too well and even had a pass but I still suspected him of lying.

Everybody aside from Seokjin, Hoseok, Jungkook and I moved leaving Jackson no choice but to come over to us himself.

As he seats himself in one of the chairs, his eyes scan the group before landing on me; his grimace immediately being replaced with a sharp smirk that had me screaming for help in my head (but for some reason, none of the little people who controlled everything would do as I asked. Yeah, I should stop watching Disney movies too).

I refused to admit that his golden brown eyes had me melting within myself or that the way his hair was hidden beneath his cap that was put on backwards to show off his beautiful forehead reminded me of our first encounter.

The scary thing was that I had this gut feeling he knew what he was doing to me. The knowing look in his eyes didn't help either.

It was as if the rest of the world around us no longer existed; we saw each other and only each other. His voice was like soft velvet, deep and melodic. It always brought me to peace before that day. Right now, it was like that.

It was if that day never happened and we had only grown apart.

But I knew better than to be fooled by my mind. If it couldn't believe that aliens were real (even though they really were), it would never believe that he was the same person I'd once loved.

So why did my chest and stomach do back flips together.

His pearly whites show as his lips part and he says to me, "I'm looking forward to this project, Jampop."


The screeching of the bell causes my heart to go into a little panic like beat as my eyes scan the crowd in the hopes that I could spot Jungkook before I officially lost him in the sea of people.

The moment he'd run out of class again, I'd gotten up and followed.

I wasn't about to lose him and I wasn't about to stay in the same seat and allow myself to miss Jackson because I simply couldn't do that.

I refused to.

Just as I'm about to give up, my eyes land on a familiar head of hair that has me squeezing through people as rush after it.

I follow it until the furthest wing of the school where I'm sure I've lost him until I feel a presence to my left. I turn and my eyes meet him.

I never noticed until now how his hair was in need of a cut; the thin black pieces falling neatly into his eyes and hiding his forehead in a messy-neat way if that even made sense. It shaped his face and made him look so much younger than when he styled it out of his face and showing off his forehead.

He had the bad boy side to him and the good boy side.

All in all, I think he would be classified as an in between. I didn't know much, but my gut told me that that one suited him perfectly.

When his eyes met mine, I couldn't stop the shiver that ran through my body.

There was something wrong.

"What do you want?" Jungkook asks, his tone anything but soft and sweet. I stare in disbelief, not sure what to do or say because I've never had to deal with Jungkook like this before. I may be repeating myself, but that's so you get the point.

"I want to know if you're okay. Why are you acting like-"

I can't even finish before he interrupts me with a loud, unsettling laugh that has my bones freezing from the hollow sound that escaped his lips.

His eye find me once again and a sneer wipes off the smirk.

"Jamie, get lost already."


"You're following me around, Jamie. Stop it, okay? Stop it all; speaking to me, looking at me, following me. Stop being some sort of amateur stalker because it's not working out."

Each word brings a new scar to my flesh.


"We're done here. See you around school, Jamie."

My heart shatters and it seems to echo, going on repeatedly. What I don't expect is my wrist to be grabbed and my body to be slammed into the wall. A crack sounds through my back, but I ignore it as I try to free myself. My eyes close out of instinct.

His lips are by my ear as he whispers, "Goodbye, Jamie."

I'm confused, but when I open my eyes, he's gone and I can only wonder what the deal with Jungkook was.

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Vassilian #1
Chapter 32: well it sure is an interesting development! You should keep going !
(though you should be careful of mistakes you could easily avoid) the plot is really cute and catchy !
Seems like an interesting story, will surely read it!