Epilogue 7: First love

Rollercoaster of a Life time

Yoongi would never admit that he had a slight fear of walking through the malls alone even if it were a life or death situation.

He refused to admit it to himself even now as he walks through the mall alone after losing Jamie. His hands were sweaty and so he had automatically tucked them into his pockets after pulling his cap to cover is raven-black hair and his eyes so he could just about see as he walked.

He had an earphone in despite this and he found himself managing to carry himself well as he went from one shop to the next in search of the small girl he called a sister.

They'd decided to go out together today and he was going to help her pick out a present for Jungkook but clearly things had taken a turn for the worst as he even tried phoning only for it to go to voicemail.

As he checks the time, he sees that it's only about half an hour before they're supposed to meet the others in the food court and so he decides to look around instead.

He supposes Jamie is safe and if she wasn't, someone would have answered demanding some kind of ransom for her.. She still appeared as a child and so it could have easily been a mistake for them.

He finds himself entering the music store where he goes straight to the equipment, checking the prices to figure out what was the cheapest.

Sadly, the cheapest was way more than he could afford.

"You just taking a glance or are you actually interested?" he hears a voice from behind and he turns to see a girl that, in height, only took him up until his chin so all in all, she was still taller than Jamie. Her dyed bleach-blond hair sat until her shoulders in a bob-like cut and her eyes were a beautiful wide crystal green. She wore a various selection of bracelets along her right arm and a bracelet like item he identified as earphones wrapped around her left wrist.

Around her neck sat a set of black headphones and she wore an I'm in the band t-shirt quite similar to his. The sleeves of her checkered red and blue shirt were rolled up until her elbows and she wore a pair of black lace-up boots to match.

"Actually interested," he replies after a while, his chapped lips as he looked back to the object and away from her.

"So why don't you buy it?"

"Do you work here?" Yoongi asks in annoyance as he turns his gaze back to her, narrowing his eyes into what was supposed to be a terrifying glare but failed at it as she giggled and cooed.

"Yes, I do. You shouldn't glare just so by the way. It makes you look like an angry little teddy bear in need of some love."

Well, tough Yoongi didn't like being compared to a teddy bear, she wasn't wrong. He was in need of some love after his father just up and disappeared.

"I can't afford it, princess," he says with a glare directed at he once again, annoyed with th way she'd asked as if everyone in the world just happened to be able to walk with such a big amount.

He glances down at her before he looks to the store doors, "Anyway, I have to go."

"Wait!" She yells, stopping Yoongi in his tracks, eyes wide with confusion and surprise.

"Call me sometime," she says with a grin as she places a piece of paper in his hand before disappearing.

"We'll see," he says as he makes his way to the doors.

Exiting the store, he's met with Jamie who continues to pester him about what had just happened.

When they reach the food court, she immediately informs the others; Jimin standing the moment the words leave her lips before he grabs the paper from the elder's hand.

He looks down at the piece of paper with a beautiful calligraphy like hand writing sprawled out onto the page in black ink: a number with the name Sam below it.

"So Yoongi, first loves eventually come around, don't they?" Seokjin laughs.

"Oh, shut up."

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Vassilian #1
Chapter 32: well it sure is an interesting development! You should keep going !
(though you should be careful of mistakes you could easily avoid) the plot is really cute and catchy !
Seems like an interesting story, will surely read it!