34: Never gets old

Rollercoaster of a Life time

Jungkook's POV

We were seated in the waiting room, waiting for a doctor to come and tell us the news.

I couldn't get the sight out of my mind and so I sat with my head in my hands, desperately trying to get a grip on what happened.

I was between Mark and Taehyung while Yoongi, Jimin and Seokjin sat in front of us on the floor. They wanted to stay with me until I could finally process and accept but we weren't allowed to move chairs and so this was the next best option.

Namjoon was at the front desk along with Hoseok as they tried to find out updates.

It was terrible.

It was so terrible that I could feel a lump form in my throat as I fought back tears.

My heart pounded in my ears but it was dealable. I have experienced worse before.

"Hey, Kookie, let's get something to drink, yeah?" Taehyung offered in the hopes of getting a response. Unfortunately, he didn't.

I felt bad that I didn't respond but for once, I really could not help it.

My voice wouldn't come out.

No matter how many words formed on my tongue and willed me to speak, it didn't matter because it didn't work.

Taehyung only sighs.

Mark offers him a small, reassuring smile. He was scarily calm about this, almost as if it wasn't the first time Jamie experienced near death.

I wince as the memory pours out into a flashback.


We rushed in as quickly as possible once the others got a hold of her father and Jackson.

Mark had been the first to enter followed by Yoongi; I was the last and still in shock at the sight I saw. The boys say it makes sense.

There in a tub of water sat Jamie, restraint and fighting weakly.

Her skin as pale as snow which was highly unusual for her and her lips were turning a mix of blue-purple. Her eyes were unfocused and anyone could tell just by looking that she was completely out of it.
Her cheeks were gained pink; the only sign of colour on her at all and they were stained with her tear trails.

She was dressed in a shorts and tank top. I could not even imagine how cold she was getting.

Her teeth were chattering and finally her eyes found us.

However, it still didn't feel like she could actually see us. It was as if she were looking without seeing like when you read without processing.

"Jamie!" I call out as Mark reaches her first and begins to untie her.

We're all shouting her name even as the others enter and watch, Namjoon having restrained them as he called the police.

"Jamie!" I yell again and rush over, taking her into my arms just as the words 'I'm sorry' leave her lips.

We don't know why she's saying sorry and we can't find out as she falls unconscious.

Mark leans forward and adjusts her in my arms so she looked more comfortable but I knew better. Yoongi knew better too.

He was just doing this as he hoped she was okay.

He may have been calm as we rushed over, but he was Mark and Mark was good at hiding things.

"We need to get her to a h- hospital," I stutter out and the two nod.

Before I know it, Seokjin is beside me, urging me to stand with her before he removes his jacket and places it around her small frame.

I know now isn't the time, but I can't help but crack a smile.

She really was tiny.

Flashback end~

"Kookie?" Taehyung's voice calls again and this time, I'm able to look up at him. I'm able to actually look at him. Not like Jamie who looked without seeing; not like my brother who looked without seeing and certainly not my father who looked without seeing.

"Yeah?" I reply hoarsely.

But that seems to be enough as they all jump up and pull me into a hug (with the exception of Yoongi and Mark).

"We're here okay?" Seokjin says but it comes out as more of a question because he's checking if I really do know or not.

And I do so I nod.

"Thank you hyungs."

Hoseok grins, "Anything for our little maknae."

I cannot help but grin back.

It's because of Jamie that he continued to smile brightly.

It's because of Jamie that Taehyung no longer keeps everything to himself and now confides in us.

It's because of Jamie that Yoongi has softened and warmed up to us all.

It's because of Jamie that Jimin finally has jams.

It's because of Jamie that Seokjin feels confident as our mother.

It's because of Jamie that Namjoon finally feels like he's doing things right for a change.

And it'd because of Jamie that I've fallen in love all over again.

I don't think I could ever live or even imagine a world without her. She's one of the greatest and most amazing people pit on this planet and brought into our lives.

When I look at them, they all seem to he thinking the same.

And then it happens.

"Miss Samuels?"

We all stand.

"Family members?" The doctor asks as we surround him and Mark seems to want to put his hand up but he doesn't and instead lifts it to give Yoongi a small push forward.

"You're related to Miss Samuels?"

"Yes sir. I'm her half-brother."

The doctor nods and then he takes all of us in, eyeing us up and down as he tries to figure something out.

Finally he releases a sigh.

"All of you can follow me but please keep it down. I'm only meant to allow two in."

We nod eagerly before following after the doctor who opens the door and allows us to enter.

As we occupy the small hospital room, we all look at Jamie who looks around in confusion before looking over at us.

Her eyes are focused and their warm chocolate brown, her lips are pink once again and she no longer appears pale as snow.

"Where... Where am I?" She asks.

We hesitate. Well, most of us.

"Hospital," Mark replies instantly.

The next thing she does has us grinning as a wide smile makes way to her face and she looks at us before letting out a giggle.

"Never gets old, huh?"

We all agree.

It really never gets old.

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Vassilian #1
Chapter 32: well it sure is an interesting development! You should keep going !
(though you should be careful of mistakes you could easily avoid) the plot is really cute and catchy !
Seems like an interesting story, will surely read it!