02: A beautiful stranger who likes his looks

Rollercoaster of a Life time

It was currently lunch time and once again, I was lost.

I had been hoping that when the woman had given me my timetable, I had been expecting a map of the school along with it as I found myself walking down the same hallway for what must have been the third time for the last twenty minutes.

Since lunch was an hour and I checked my watch, I noticed that I only had about half and hour.

"Stupid oversized rich school!" I exclaimed, turning and kicking the closest thing to me. And unfortunately, as luck would have it, the closest thing to me in that moment had been an actual living, breathing person. 

Quickly holding my hands up in defence in fear that the person would try to seek revenge (you can never be too sure), I allowed countless apologies to escape my lips.

"It's quite all right. I was not paying attention to my surroundings so I didn't notice you," came a soft reply from a masculine yet beautiful sounding voice which made me debate upon opening my eyes or not. In the end, I lost the debate as I found myself looking at what appeared to be one of the most gorgeous human. Beings I had ever laid my eyes on. And I couldn't help but recall that this was my second encounter with a beautiful man. 

Averting my gaze to the ground as I asked, "What were you doing that you weren't paying attention to your surroundings?"

It was then that I noticed the item on the ground that must have dropped when we collided; I frowned as I picked it up, not recognizing the silver compact with pink outlining. 

Before I could do anything, a hand shot out and took it from my grasp earning a narrow eyed look from me to which I only received a sheepish smile in response before the boy before me explained (not that he really needed to), "I was making my hair right but I got distracted?"

"By what exactly?" I dared to ask.

"My reflection," he replied.

Neither of us said a word as we stared at each other then. I couldn't believe how obsessed this guy was with himself. I mean, who likes looking at their appearance? Nobody because nobody likes the way they look and then you get this beautiful stranger who actually enjoys looking at himself?

I'll give it to him though because gosh, he was so beautiful. 

Slowly closing the compact, his eyes shifted to me, but not a word slipped past his lips, creating an awkward silence in the process.

Shifting from foot to foot as I began to feel uncomfortable which only made me irritable, I decided to break the silence as I looked back up at him and asked maybe a bit too harshly, "What are you looking at me for like that?"

Surprise was evident in his brown eyes but instead of doing what any normall person would, a soft, apologetic smile graced his lips.

"I was just going to ask if my hair looked okay, but that's fine. I need to go to the cafeteria."

At this, my ears practically perked up and I swear that if I were a dog, my tail would be wagging as I looked at him and grabbed onto his arm ever so tightly as he was walking away which only meant that I had caught him in surprise.

The next thing I knew, I was facing the opposite direction while my arm was being held behind me in a lock.

When he finally realized that it was just me, however, he quickly released and apologised softly, bowing.

"It's okay, it's okay, I shouldn't have done that, I guess. I seemed to nerve you," I said to him as a frown made way to my features. My arm throbbed slightly at the pain from the lock he'd had me in and it made me wonder if he did secret street fighting at night like they did in the books I've been reading. But I quickly dismissed the thought when I realized that it could just be my imagination.

Nodding, he glanced at me before he finally decided to ask, "Did you want something?"

"Oh, yes! I have no clue as to where the cafeteria is. Could you help me, maybe?" I asked, voice going soft as I realized that I sounded silly to ask that. After all, what kind of student didn't know where the cafeteria was?

"Are you new?"

Whipping my head up to look at him (though I do regret it because it created a pain in my neck which I suppressed the urge to clutch), my reply was a quick and short, "Yes," with a nod to accompany it and emphasize the answer.

My eyes slowly lowered to the left side of his jersey where I found a badge reading Jin.

A beautiful name for a beautiful face, I guess.

I mentally cringed at my own cheesiness. Like, honestly, I could probably pass for a walking cheese stick right now.

Nodding in what I assumed to be understanding, he turned and proceeded to walk.

When he turned to glance back at me, he smirked ever so slightly, catching me off guard because honestly, all I have ever seen him do is smile and he already looked beautiful enough to kill me. So just imagine what his smirk could do. I could picture him now, standing on a mountain of people that he killed himself with that smirk that would freeze everyone. He'd look down at the hundreds of bodies, mouth an 'oops' to someone (most likely a friend) in the crowd and quickly erase the wipe the smirk off his face only to be replaced with a smile which earned the peoples forgiveness in a matter of seconds. And nobody would suspect him at all. Except for me, now that I knew-

"Are you coming or not?" he asked, voice breaking through my thought barrier like a knife cutting cake.

Nodding quickly, I jogged to catch up with him.

Once I was at his side, we proceeded to walk to the cafeteria, but of course, I walked about a good few centimetres away because one could never be too safe. For all I knew, he was a or even an alien sent down to abduct men and women to experiment on before they took over the world.

"Do you do this often?"

"Do what?" I asked, not bothering to hide the surprise in my voice due to him being the one who initiated conversation.

"Never mind then."

Opening my mouth to ask him to tell me, I was cut short when we stopped outside two huge front doors made of what appeared to be that of the finest wood. I scoffed as I thought to myself, 'Damn rich schools.'

"You can go first."

Looking at him to check if he was sure, I gently pushed against the doors once he nodded, forcing the doors to open and quickly slipping through the doors before it closed with a slight bang behind me.

Glancing up, I found a few pairs of eyes on me, but otherwise, everyone went about their own business.

My eyes scanned the room before finally finding the line for the food to which my eyes lit up.

Walking to it, I reached out to grab a tray only to be stopped and dragged away.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I yelled out, trying to see who it was abducting me. Instantly, my mind went to that beautiful boy that actually liked his looks and all I could think was, 'I knew he wasn't from here!'

But before I could think anything else, I was gently shoved into a seat.

Turning, I found myself face to face with the blonde and the red head from that morning. 

"The food there isn't any good. Pocky?" the blonde offered, holding out a box and when I checked to see what they'd gotten, I noticed they had three things of each.

"We were looking for you."

"She was looking for you," her friend corrected, glaring at her friend who smiled sheepishly in response.

Biting my lip, I nodded as a cola drink was pushed my way.

"I'm Emily and this is my friend Rebecca. Excuse her, she isn't one to welcome people easily," the blonde, Emily explained, smiling before gesturing to the snacks in front of me before explaining, "You should eat up because break ends in a few minutes."

Sure enough, as we sat and the two spoke (I didn't even get to introduce myself, but whatever), the bell rang for the end of break just as I finished the cola.

Standing up, I greeted the two a farewell before I walked off to the bin and tossed the empty can into the trash before adjusting my bag and walking along with the crowd, looking at my timetable before looking around and tapping the shoulder of the person closest to me.

Something I regret doing.

Turning to face me was none other than Salty Suga who, upon seeing me, glared at cursed aloud before asking, "What is it this time?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "It's okay. I'll ask someone else-"

"Just ask me before I'm late," he snapped and I resisted the urge to flinch back.

Showing him my timetable, I pointed to the class I had now and the room allocated to which he just nodded and gave me the directions.

"If you get lost again, don't bother asking me, 'kay?" 

But he didn't let me answer as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and stormed off in the opposite direction he'd told me to go.

Letting out a soft sigh, I did my best to follow the directions and gave myself a light pat on the back when I entered the correct class where the teacher greeted me with a raspy voice and a dead look in the eye.

My zombie alert went off, but I did my best to ignore it as I took my assigned seat only to groan.

My desk partner at yet to notice that I was there so I cleared my throat in hope he would hear. And when he finally looked away from his compact and to me, a knowing look crossed his features.

"Oh, it's you."

"Yeah. Desk partner," I lamely explained.

He nodded and smiled.

"Let's have a good year."

I simply nodded before turning my attention to the teacher who began with the simple introduction into the maths class.

Yeah...A good year. That's all I hope for.

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Vassilian #1
Chapter 32: well it sure is an interesting development! You should keep going !
(though you should be careful of mistakes you could easily avoid) the plot is really cute and catchy !
Seems like an interesting story, will surely read it!