in fear and pain


i'm gonna say this one miiiight be a little triggery

would have been really triggery but i cut a good chunk of the chapter out

this one's short so im double posting.


Minseok rarely went out. It wasn’t a school night and his friend Hakyeon convinced him that it was ok to let loose sometimes. This was why he now found himself a bit tipsy, dancing to some really loud dubstep when the sober him would have wondered how it was even possible.

His friends motioned him toward the bar to buy him another round, but before he could get very far, he found that he was being bodily lifted by two men going the opposite direction.

    “Hey! put me down!” He shouted just before he was thrown onto the ground in the grimy alley out back of the bar. He looked like he’d be a bit sick after wiping his hands off on his pants. The alley stunk of piss, regurgitated alcohol and the thick cologne of the man slinking up to him.

    “You’ve been a bad boy Xiuxiu.” He said as he slithered up to Minseok.

    “I think you got the wrong guy, mister.” He said nervously as he started to back up. He looked over his shoulder when he realized he’d backed up into a large man. “S-sorry”

    “If we got the wrong guy, then who are you?”

    “Kim Minseok March 29, 1990, blood type B architecture major grade point average 3.14-” he was cut off by the large man covering his mouth with his hand. Tears were starting to gather in the corners of his eyes. There was no concealing his fear. The man who smelled strongly of cologne made a hand gesture and the next thing Minseok knew, he was thrown into the trunk of a rather expensive looking car and driven somewhere.

He searched in vain in the dark for a release lever of some sort. Before he knew it, the trunk was opened and Minseok had to shield his eyes from the bright light behind his attackers. He was hoisted over a large man’s shoulder and brought into what looked like a warehouse.

He was taken to a room with concrete walls and a stack of chairs. “Take off your clothes,” the large man said.


    “If you make me say it again, Rolf will undress you himself. He gestured to the largest man. He was shivering as he took his shirt off and he knew it wasn’t from the cold. He knew these men would do something terrible if he didn’t listen and he didn’t want to find out what.

Once his shirt came off the large man gestured toward the small man’s pants, “Keep going.”

Minseok pulled his jeans down his legs and sat on the chair to take off his boots. He wasn’t thinking clearly enough to take off his shoes first. The only thing running through his mind was sheer, blinding terror.

    “That’s good enough.” The man said as Minseok wrapped his arms around himself, not sure if it was to protect him from the cold or the gazes of the large men. They left the room with his clothes and Minseok shivered in the frigid room.

An hour or so must have passed and Minseok was shivering violently. His fingertips were starting to turn blue and his skin was getting pale. Someone snuck up behind him and covered his nose and mouth with a rag. The last thing he saw before his eyes shut was a needle pricking his skin.


Some time later, Minseok wasn’t entirely sure how long, he had been in and out of consciousness several times since he got there. He was in terrible, agonizing pain and was certain that it was a good thing that he couldn’t remember why certain body parts were hurting. Each moment of consciousness felt worse than the next. The men returned with a cart covered in different coloured vials and syringes of various sizes. Minseok winced because of a pain shooting up his lower back as Rolf held him down in the chair and the other man admired a syringe full of a milky liquid. Minseok tried his damnedest to get away. “If you squirm, the needle might break and I won’t be able to regulate the dose. Don't think I won't inject you with a broken needle either.” The man grinned as Minseok stilled. He never stopped whimpering. The man tied a length of rubber tubing around his arm before the needle tore through his skin. “Oops,” the man said without remorse as Minseok looked to see that he had injected the whole thing into his arm.

The effect was nearly instantaneous. Minseok’s stomach tightened and all of his muscles cramped up before he started wheezing.

    “Let’s give him another one shall we?” He chuckled. The man kept injecting Minseok full of whatever it was and he felt amazing and awful at the same time.

He begged in his mind for someone to take him away, for the darkness to take him. Anything.

Minseok stopped moving. He didn’t look like he was going to be breathing for long either.

Rolf let go and the small man slumped to the floor.

Minseok was dumped in an alley, miles away from where he started. He had been violated, filled with poison and as soon as the icy asphalt touched his skin, his eyes shot open and he gasped. He went into seizures as the drugs continued to hold him.

The large man’s lackeys just walked away, uncaring, knowing that nobody could get to him in time and if they could, he had so much of the junk in him, he was unrecoverable.

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Chapter 34: Well damn. But still, that time loop was no joke.
Chapter 33: How lucky to basically find an underground lost city fully stocked to what they needed. Or was it divine intervention?
Chapter 30: Also, I don't think I quite understand the feedback loop?
Chapter 30: I agree with Sungmin, that was hot.