Chapter 30

Because of You

Wooyoung would occasionally call Jieun or text her when he has time, always wanting to hear her voice. 

"Todays the day," Wooyoung whispered to himself. The last day of filming finally came around, all casts relunctant to leave the drama. Wooyoung decided this was the best time to confess to Jieun again before they go back to being awkward around each other.

As everyone continued to clean up, Wooyoung walked over to Jieun, catching her attention. When he was just about to say something, JYP called everyone over to him.

"I decided to have a dream high concert as celebration of how well dream high is." He started with a grin.

Cheers were heard, everyone happy about this idea. 

"I actually planned this a while back, but wasn't sure if I was going to do it. Now that i came to my decision, i will tell you guys about how the concert is planned."

JYP went to the nearby table, grabbing a whole stack of papers, then gave it out to the cast. It was the planning and schedule of the concert. When Jieun saw her name and Wooyoung's next to her song, Someday, she suddenly felt really nervous. It'll be hard for her to concentrate if Wooyoung is there, distracting her. 

Wooyoung saw it too and decided waiting another few days won't do any harm. After the concert, he will definitely confess to her. Everyone scattered when JYP was done explaining and discussing about the concert.

~Day of Concert~

The whole concert went by smoothly and it was Jieun's turn to sing Someday in another few minutes. She scurried around, practiced her tones, and singing the song. 

Meanwhile, Wooyoung was also getting ready for the show and rethought about how he should confess to Jieun. While he was walking back and forth in the waiting room, Taecyeon appeared with a solemn face expression.

"Did you hear Wooyoung?"

Wooyoung looked up at Taecyeon, wary of his face expression and shook his head.

"Jieun's going to move to America with her family and stop being an idol. She's going to leave after the concert tonight."

"Wait. What? Why are they moving to America?" Wooyoung sprang over to Taecyeon, shaking his shoulders.

"Her parents want her to become a doctor. Her grades are dropping tremendously ever since she became an idol. They decided to take her out of the entertainment business and go with her to America where she can be a normal student and continue her studies."

"Are yo-"

"Wooyoung! Up in two minutes. Be ready!" The staff interrupted Wooyoung, not giving him a chance to finish talking with Taecyeon.

Wooyoung slowly walked over to platform, got the umbrella from a staff member. Thoughts continued running through his head. Jieun and him were finally getting a move on in their relationship. Just when they stopped being awkward with each other, this had to happen.

The platform below Wooyoung slowly rose, and soon he was up on stage. He looked towards Jieun who had on a smile on her face, making him smile naturally. 

It took much effort on Wooyoung's part to not mess up the choreography, at the same time thinking about what Taecyeon said.

Now they were up to the highlight of the song. He walked over to her and opened the umbrella. He slowly leaned in, at the same time using the umbrella to cover them. 

Jieun who knew this was happening still got flustered. What she didn't expect was what happened next though. When the umbrella fully covered their face, Wooyoung leant in and kissed her, not removing his lips from her until both of them were back understage. 

Wooyoung dropped the umbrella then dragged Jieun to the waiting room, closing and locking the door so nobody can interrupt them. He then pulled her into a tight hug, burying his head in the crook of her neck, causing Jieun to be frozen in shock. 

After a few more moments, Jieun finally decides to say something.

"Erm. Wooyoung." She shook him lightly. 

Wooyoung took his head off her shoulder and stared into her eyes intensely.

"Don't go to America." He started.


"Don't go to America. I don't want you to go. I want you to stay here with me and be my girlfriend. I love you Jieun! " Wooyoung interrupts, not giving Jieun a change to question him. 


"Be my girlfriend, Jieun. I promise i'll take care of you a lot better than before when were in highschool. If you don't know if you love me, i'll make sure to show you that my love for you is enough." 

"But i-"

"I will do anything for you Jieun! Please. Just don't leave me again. It took us so much efforts to finally become somewhat friends again. I don't want to go back to strangers."

Jieun didn't get a chance to respond because the waiting room door popped open and a grinning Taecyeon stepped thorugh the doors, clapping his hands.

"Just say yes, Jieun-ah. Wooyoung really can't live without you."

"How did you get in here?" Wooyoung asks, forgetting about the confession for a few moments.

"I asked the staff for the room keys. Not that hard."

"Did you say something to him, Taecyeon oppa?" Jieun asked Taecyeon, only causing him to laugh out.

"I told him you were going to America and how you'll leave tonight. He got so flustered when he heard about it. I'm surprise he didn't mess up the dance."

"Yah! Taec-cat! How can you like to me like that?" Wooyoung whined and gave a pout.

"I was just helping you. So what do you say, Jieun?"


"Don't uh me." Wooyoung interrupted. "Its a yes or no question!"

"Yes." Jieun finally says after another few minutes of thinking. 

Just as Wooyoung was going to say something, the staff members came around and called them to get on stage again.

The trio got into position, and after they performed their last song, gave hugs to all the cast.

Wooyoung opened his arms wide, signaling Jieun who was standing a little further away to come. 

The lights dimmed, the duo still lost in their hug.


The two went through a lot together. They had their fights, their cute, loving moments.
They had ups and downs in their relationship but fate brought them back together again and again.
This time. Will they be able to cherish each other and have their happily ever after?
Thats up to them to find out and us to imagine.


If they didn't let go of the past and forget about the past people who tried to ruin their relationship, they probably would've never gained the courage to get back together.
"Some people think that its holding on that makes one strong;sometimes its letting go."

Well this story is finally finished! Hope you guys liked it, but i know the beginning was way better than the last few chapters.

Thanks for all my subscirbers and commenters!! 

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xxw00uxx #1
Chapter 31: done reading ... how cute story .... please make another wooU ff ... ;)
MilkyCouple4ever #2
Chapter 31: Ejajahahanskamanakaku overloading cuteness!!!! So sad the story ended!!
saihiro_09 #3
update soon!!!

i wish taecyeon didnt show up so woou will have longer moment together...kekeke
blue_angel_wings #4
Ommo!Love the chapter!
Update soon!
Ahhhhh kyaa~ they are not awkward to each Other anymore!!!!
Please go back to each other!! OMO!! the fans will be the obstacles now!!
misschinatown #6
Update soon!
Taecyeon why do you have to ruin everything!
MilkyCouple4ever #7
Thunder!!! Update soon!!!
filipinokoreanlover #8
please update soon I really really love this story!!! :)
misschinatown #9
Update soon!