Chapter 2

Metanoia | on hold
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"I-I don't knew that." Jihoon stuttered. They looked at eachother, their eyes meeting for a moment.

"It's okay. But I still can't believe you left me like that." Soonyoung looked up to see Chan and Seungcheol with trays of food and drinks. Soonyoung kinda smiled and stood up to help them while Jihoon was looking at them.
Jihoon wanted to respond and explain everything but this didn't seems the good time for that.
Jihoon ofcourse felt bad but he must know that it was for the best for both of them.
"Did we missed something?" Chan asked as he sits down and takes a bite from a bagel. 

"N-no not really." Jihoon quickly responded before Soonyoung would say something stupid. "Uhmm... Seungcheol... I'm not feeling well so I'm going home. It was really fun meeting you guys. I hope to see you again soon." 

Seungcheol looked confused, knowing that there was something wrong. " yeah very soon." Soonyoung said with a smirk on his face. Jihoon looked disgusted by the face the older made. Jihoon quickly gave a peck on Seungcheols cheek before walking off.


"Stupid Soonyoung."  Jihoon mumbled the whole way home. 



It was a day before prom night. Jihoon and Soonyoung were shopping for some clothes they could wear. This prom was the 70th prom of SOPA so it was surely special. 

They went to more then 20 stores but nothing satisfies them. Just then they walked past a expensive but pretty store. Soonyoung held Jihoons hand as he stops.

"What about this store?" Soonyoung looked at the beautiful decorated window of the store.

"Honey... You know I can't pay such a expensive clothes." Jihoon carefully said. Both Jihoons parents didn't go to work since it was so hard to get a job in SEOUL so he live everyday with only 5,000 won. 

"I pay for it. The prom is a special day for both of us so this is a small present." Soonyoung faced the younger, smiling sweetly. Soonyoung was one of the rich people in Seoul. His parents have atleast 500 business' around the whole world. Soonyoung got everything he wants.

"N-no... Im going to wear something from my closet... We can search for something for you." Jihoon told him.

"Okay let's do that." Soonyoung walked the store while holding Jihoons hand. Jihoon looked around to see the beautiful decorations. He didn't seen such a beautiful and expensive store in his whole life.

"Can I help you?" A young men walked to them, slightly smiling. 

"Yes please. I'm searching for a black suit." Soonyoung said. The worker nodded his head and walked to the men section and pointed a whole reck of suits.

"Here is the whole new collection. I think this will suit you." He held a black suit with a white bow. Meanwhile by Jihoon, he stared at a white suit, it was the perfect suit ever. He hoped that he would have enough money but he didn't. 

"Found anything?" Soonyoung walked from behind with the black suit. 

"N-no... But isn't this pretty?" Jihoon pointed at the white suit Infront of him. Soonyoung nodded. "Go fit it then." Soonyoung took the suit and held it Infront of the younger. "Neh or else I want this suit more then I first wanted." Jihoon smiled. "So you want the suit?" 

"No! Just pay for you're suit already!" Jihoon pushed the older to the direction of the cash desk. "Alright! Stop pushing!" 

They laughed as Soonyoung walks to the paying desk. He looked behind to see Jihoon taking out his phone. 

"Soon? I need to go now! My mom needs me, I will see you later okay?" Jihoon hugged the older and gave him a quick peck before leaving the store. 

Soonyoung watches the younger leave and waved him off. Then he walked to the section where Jihoon was standing and took the white laced suit. He looked at it before taking it with him too. 

"So will it be these two suits?" The worker behind the cash desk asked.

"Yes. Can you wrap this one up?" He pointed at the white one.

"Yes sir." 

"Thank you. Have a great day." Soonyoung happily said as he walks out of the store. The worker friendly smiled in return.

Soonyoung walked out of the store with two bags. He rushed to Jihoons house, really can't wait to see his surprising and cute face. He walked to the oh so familiar street he walks everyday. Then he dropped the bags. The house was empty. Nothing was left in the house. He ran in the open house to Jihoons old room, checking if it was really their home. Yes it was. He looked at the wall, there was standing 'Soon+Hoon'. He felt tears starting to form. This couldn't happening right? He isn't gone... Right? 

The male walked to the front yard and sat down on the bright green grass. He declined Jihoons number.

"This number is not available. Please check the numbers."

''Damn it." He trew his new phone on the ground. 'He's gone.'

End flashback.


"Hey are you okay?" Seungcheol kicked off his shoes and looked at the younger who was sitting on the couch watching a drama. The younger looked up, kinda shocked that he was home this early. 

"Oh hey baby. Y-yeah. Why are you so early home?" Jihoon asked as he puts the bag of chips aside.

"Soonyoung didn't felt well either so they went home. But are you sure you're okay? You looked very pale just a while ago?" Seungcheol placed his hand on Jihoons forehead, Jihoon, who didn't liked at all, slapped his hand away. 

"I'm fine!" Jihoon exclaimed while looking back at the TV.

 "Okay then... I only want to check if you're really okay." Seungcheol looked a kinda hurt.

"Don't you believe me when I'm saying I'm fine or something?" Jihoon stood up and looked up since he was a lot smaller then the older.

"It's not like that, I'm just worried since you were really suspicious." Seungcheol crossed his arm.

"First you don't believe me and now you are suspicioning me? God." Jihoon plopped back on the couch.

"Never mind then." Seungcheol walked to their shared room and trew the door shut, the sound echoed trough the whole living room.

"Urgh I'm really f*** up." Jihoon ruffled his hair as he stares at the TV. It was a woman who left her boyfriend. Coincident? 


Jihoon woke up in their shared bed. Not remembering that he went to his own bed last night. He stood up, putting one his favorite hoodie before walking to the kitchen, Seungcheol was standing behind of the countertop while there were beautiful placed flowers on there. 

"I'm sorry." Was the first thing that escaped both mouths at the same time. The smiled sweetly at eachother. "I'm really sorry for yesterday." Seungcheol walked the the smaller and gave a tight hug. 

"No Seungcheol, I'm sorry. I'm just really confused by e

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kamoi_mac #1
Chapter 24: Didnt we all see that coming from Soonyoung uncle...
kpopfanfin #2
Chapter 20: Ending was so sweet! I love this story. And I got my SVT Going album today I'm so happy ^-^. PS. I like your Soonhoon videos a lot.
Chapter 18: wow... jihoon seems to be confused on who he likes.. xD
fighting, author~
rei_zha #4
Chapter 18: Why jihoon like that? he seems like a badboy/badgirl, poor soonyoung :(
Chapter 17: omo.. who sent that note? "You'll be mine"..???
gosh.. i'm anticipating for more chapters bcoz if that.. :D
fighting, author~ :D
iLawlix_ #6
Chapter 13: I legit screamed when he said he was fallin for his ex :DDDDD YASSSSS
Chapter 12: oooooo this is so interesting
Chapter 8: This, I love
witheraway #9
main pairing is still jicheol right?
Chapter 7: I need Cheol back to Ji..