Chapter 13

Metanoia | on hold
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Chapter 13

[A/N: Hey hey, I hope everyone is having a great day~ it's cold so be sure to wear warm clothes and enjoy reading :3]



Jihoon entered the company with still the thought of Soonyoung in his back head.

'How the heck could he mess with me like that? Is he crazy?'

He breathed out heavenly as he stood in the lobby. He had no clue where to go although he went here before many times.

The lobby seemed so big suddenly. He turned around a few times and saw a board with the letters 'Job applications' on it. He sighed in relieve, he was to nervous to talk to anyone at the moment.

He walked to the direction where the arrows pointed at.

He stepped the waiting room in and  there were many people. One by one they started to stare at the smaller. 

He flashed a smile before sitting at an empty seat. He looked around and noticed how many good looking and dressed people were in the room. Jihoon felt like he didn't belong here. But hey... he always could try.

"Are you nervous too?" 

Jihoon looked up from his paper when someone gave him a small tick(?) on the arm. 

He looked at the boy. He had black hair, he had a baby face but his handsome looks was seriously daebak.

Jihoon smiled. "Yeah kinda."

"I'm Hyunggu, Kang Hyunggu." His smile was the first thing Jihoon noticed.

[a/n: Hyunggu is a member of Pentagon! Better known as Kino.]

"Jihoon, nice to meet you." 

Hyunggu gave a toothy smile. "What was you motivation for joining?" He asked casually.

"Well... I had a tough breakup and I just want to try something new. And you?" 

"Uhm... I could say I didn't pass my college entrance exams and now my parents wants me to have a job instead." Hyunggu sighed as he looked down.

Jihoon chuckled. "Don't worry to much, you will get the job."

"Do you really think so? Ah thank you!" 

They talked for a bit until Jihoon was finally called.

"Good luck, Jihoon-shi!" Hyunggu gave him his two thumbs. 
Jihoon smiled as he shook his head. He really wants to see that guy again. 


Jihoon walked in the office. An older man sat behind the desk, focusing his eyes on the laptop.

"Welcome, sit down."

Jihoon gulped before sitting down.

Why was he doing this again?

"Ah yeah," Jihoon sat awkwardly down. He looked around in the room while the manager had his eyes glued on his screen. "Thank you for having me." Jihoon gave a smile.

The manager looked up and ree. "Well, we are in a rush searching new staff since many stopped. But you seem to fit in this job."

"Ah really? Thank you." Jihoon bowed.

"No need to bow kid. Let's start talking about your papers, shall we?"


Jihoon walked out of the office. A smile formed on his lips.

'I think we found our new staff member.'

Jihoon felt happy. He smiled as he looked around. He saw Hyunggu sitting in a corner, he looked at a piece of paper. 

"Ah hey, Jihoon!" Hyunggu placed his paper next to his chair and stood up.

Jihoons smile never left his face. "Hey! How did it went?"

"It went okay... and you? You seem very happy!" 

Jihoon grinned. "They told me I had the best CV!" 

Hyunggu placed a hand on the smallers shoulder. "Congrats hyung! They will take you. I'm sure" he smiled.

Jihoon sighed. "I really hope so. Let's hope we will see eachother again as co workers." 

"Yes let's see eachother again soon!" Hyunggu happy exclaimed.

"Well, I need to go now. I have something to take care of." Jihoon rolled his eyes.

"I wish you a lot of luck then." 

"Thanks," Jihoon stuck his hand out. "It was nice meeting you. We should hang out sometimes." 

"Yeah we should. Have a great day!" 

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kamoi_mac #1
Chapter 24: Didnt we all see that coming from Soonyoung uncle...
kpopfanfin #2
Chapter 20: Ending was so sweet! I love this story. And I got my SVT Going album today I'm so happy ^-^. PS. I like your Soonhoon videos a lot.
Chapter 18: wow... jihoon seems to be confused on who he likes.. xD
fighting, author~
rei_zha #4
Chapter 18: Why jihoon like that? he seems like a badboy/badgirl, poor soonyoung :(
Chapter 17: omo.. who sent that note? "You'll be mine"..???
gosh.. i'm anticipating for more chapters bcoz if that.. :D
fighting, author~ :D
iLawlix_ #6
Chapter 13: I legit screamed when he said he was fallin for his ex :DDDDD YASSSSS
Chapter 12: oooooo this is so interesting
Chapter 8: This, I love
witheraway #9
main pairing is still jicheol right?
Chapter 7: I need Cheol back to Ji..