First Fight

I LOVE YOU..r money


Nichkhun kicked the door, once, twice, the third time, it gave. The hinge flew off the door frame and the door opened hard. Nichkhun ran in and almost slipped himself. The floor was flooded with water, the shower was left running and Victoria clogged the shower, resulting to a flood. 

His heart drop for some reason when he saw Victoria lying still on the floor, face down in the water and an arm in a limp position on the bath’s edge. Please don’t cut yourself, Nichkhun prayed silently. Hurriedly, he went to Victoria and gathered her in his arms. For once, he wasn't wishing to see her body. He wasn't even interested in her parts like what he sometimes imagines. Instead, his eyes landed on the bruises and scars that's on her arms and waist. There was an old scar on her pelvis. It was a deep red slash, and there were more scars on her back. 

Holy, what if she's actually in a gang? He thought to himself. Nichkhun reached over and turned the shower off, his eyes widened when he saw blood on Vic’s leg. The blood was now mixing with the water. 

“, , ” he repeated. Carefully, he turned Vic’s leg around and felt sick to his stomach. Her shaving blade was halfway in her leg. 

“What the happened Vic?” he asked, picking Victoria up easily, Nichkhun carefully walked them out of the bathroom, blood trailing behind them. He placed Victoria on the bed and used a thin sheet to cover her up. Closing his eyes, Nichkhun took hold of her blade, took a deep breath and tuck it out. Her leg spasm involuntarily before becoming limp. 

“So much blood. ” Nichkhun threw the blade away and gathered towels and covered her leg, remembering first aid; Nichkhun elevated her leg to stop the bleeding. Nichkhun studied her face to see if there was anything out of the ordinary.

A lump started to form on the side of her head. She hit her head. Was the thought that came to him. Using the still frozen pea bag he used on his head, Nichkhun placed it on hers and wish the growing lump would disappear. 

Going back to the bathroom, he drained the water on the floor and sweep up all the blood. Sprayed some air freshener in the air and close the door. Throwing the dirty towels in the laundry chute, Nichkhun sat himself next to Victoria on the bed to check on the lump on her head when she started to mumble. 

“Oppa...” she murmured. Nichkhun found himself smiling before catching himself. Then his smile turned to a frown.


“You only met once, let's not go overboard with this” he muttered back at her. Her leg seems to stop bleeding, he got out some bandaids and disinfectant. Cleaning her wound, Nichkhun carefully wrapped it up, but leaving it levitated in case the would bleed again. 

“You owe me, Big time” he said to the unconscious  Victoria before walking out. 


When Victoria opened her eyes, the room was dark and cold. Looking at the clock, it glowed 2.32 am. Getting up as softly as she could, Victoria tried to remember what happened. But nothing came up. Wait...who am I?

She started to panic, no, I should know who I am! She thought to herself. Getting out of bed, a blinding pain came from her leg, making her stumble. Victoria caught herself on the varsity table and looked in the mirror. A girl looked back at her, her face bruised and red, a little swollen. 

“What are you doing?” someone startled her. Victoria turned around, twisting her leg and yelled in pain before feeling herself fall. The man caught her. God, he's like an angel. Even in his bed head and half asleep face. 

“Who are you?” his eyes widened and he almost dropped her.

“Don’t play with me Victoria” He my name is Victoria...

“What? Who are you? What are you doing in my house?” she asked, feeling panicky. The man got up and steadied her, making her sit on the bed.

“Its not funny. You know me, I'm your...husband” he said, annoyed displayed on his face. 

“I don’t remember you...what happened to my face? My leg?” she asked, her hand unconsciously went to her face.

“Omg, this isn’t happening. You are Victoria. I am Nichkhun. We got married.” Nichkhun got up and paced around the room.

“I don’t remember you?” she asked. Nichkhun stopped on the spot and turned to look at her. A little shock at the question.

“Uh, do” 

Victoria burst out laughing, Nichkhun’s face was even more shocked and confused at her sudden change in behaviour. She laughed and laughed. Her stomach was giving her stitches and her eyes were getting tearing, she couldn’t even breathe properly. 

“Omg, I got you! This is so funny!” Victoria sat up again, Nichkhun’s face now burned with anger. 

“You were faking?”

“Look nick. My head isn’t that sensitive to forget everything in a single knock. This isn’t a drama, even if you want to be in one” Victoria said after her laughing fit. 

“You are such a –” Nichkhun didn’t even finish the sentence, he grab the closest thing to him which is a lamp and threw it across the room, shocking Victoria.

“That’s one sick joke” he said to her in a low tone that made every hair in body stand up. 

“Sorry, I thought it would be fun” she muttered. He stormed over at her, stopping at the bed, inches from her.

“But I guess we’re even because I had a great time when you were asleep. You were when I got to you, so I couldn’t help myself but get some. You are truly a sweet girl Victoria” Nichkhun gave her a smirk before storming out of the room. 

Victoria felt herself turn red, from anger and embarrassment. He took advantage of her again. 


Its been a week since the stupid accident that Victoria pretend to forget who she was. From that day, they didn’t talk or even look at each other. Nichkhun slept in the guest room and Victoria had been out for almost every day. He wanted to ask where she’s going but he's not going to be the one to give in to her first. She was the one that started this fight. 

In the week, Nichkhun just went to the office and kept himself busy by finishing  the work 3 weeks before schedule and went clubbing at night. Just drinking mainly and get home 1-2 in the morning, yet Victoria’s car was still out of the garage. He would sometimes wake up to hear her car park around 4-5 in the morning. How the hell is she walking with the stuffed leg? He wondered to himself. But if she's around screwing people, she doesn’t need her legs.

“Oppa, what are you going to do with your pathetic love life?” Krystal asked him. Its been another week and still, Victoria and Nichkhun isn’t talking. 

“I don’t care. I'm not going to talk first” he answered his little sister. Krystal rolled her eyes before taking a drink. They were sitting by the pool. Nichkhun had been spending time with his sister a lot more now, since he has no one else to annoy. 

“Well , its going to be like this for the rest of your life if one of you don’t start talking”


“I don’t want to, Amber. He took advantage of me...again!”

“What if he’s saying that from anger, Vic, even you got to admit you took it too far. Serve you right you hit the floor” amber said, they were lounging by the pool at Amber’s house. 

“I slipped. I just thought it would be fun”


“Its so not funny. Krys, I nearly died when she said she can’t remember. I mean who does that?” Nichkhun was getting fired up again. He always gets angry when he talks about the incident.

“Well, you got to sort it out. Its been two weeks Khun oppa. The opening for the new retail of our company is next week. You need to make up with her”


“He probably is going to Luna anyway. He drives me crazy Amber. God” Victoria said before finishing her third drink.

“Its been two weeks. I don’t want you to leave my house at 4-5 am every day. If you want to sleep here then stay the whole night”

“I don’t want to make up”


“Oppa, you going to have to. This can’t go for any longer. Mum is going to get suspicious” Krystal pointed out.

“I don’t know...she’s home” Nichkhun said, finishing his drink.

“Come on oppa. When has any girl rejected the Nichkhun?” Krystal said.

“This girl called Victoria”


“Say sorry and make up ok? Its both your faults. Get it over with.” Amber said.

“Fine, but if it doesn't go well...imp staying here” Victoria said, still feeling doubtful. Amber nodded her head in approval. Victoria let out a huge sigh before getting up and headed for her car...well, Nichkhun’s car. 

She prayed that he wasn't home but her hope deflated when she saw his car parked in the garage. Victoria slammed her hands on the steering wheel and let out a small whine before getting out of the car in a huff. 

She let herself in the house quietly and dropped the keys on the table near the door. The TV in the living room was and there sat Nichkhun, reading a book. Victoria tried to sneak up the stairs when her foot kicked over one of the small pot plants on the ground. At the sound, Nichkhun looked up. They made eye contact that lasted a second. Its now or never, Victoria thought to herself.

“I have something to say”

“I have to talk to you” they said at the same time. Victoria looked at him, there was an awkward silence, and Victoria shifted from foot to foot not knowing what to do. 

“Um, you go first” Victoria said. Nichkhun closed his book and turned his body towards her direction. 

“I just wanted to say sorry, for...taking advantage of you while you were unconscious”  Nichkhun got up and took a step towards her.

“Yea, its not the first time” Victoria mumbled. 

“Yeah, its fine...I guess.” Victoria said, feeling awkward in this atmosphere “I wanted to say sorry too, about the fake forgetting was’m sorry” 

“Don’t worry about it...its fine. I guess we’re even” Nichkhun said, rubbing the back of his neck. Victoria took a step forward, they were inches apart. Hesitantly, Victoria gave Nichkhun an awkward hug. Shocked at her reaction, Nichkhun patted her back a few times  before pulling back. God, this is sssuupperrr awkward, Victoria thought to herself.

“So you’ll sleep at home now? No coming late around 4-5 in the morning?” Nichkhun asked. Victoria smirked.

“Yeah, I guess I got to cut my clubbing short” Nichkhun rolled his eyes.

“Don’t worry, you didn’t miss out much” Victoria patted his shoulder before starting upstairs.

“Guess you’re making dinner?” Nichkhun called after her. 

“Not in a million years, Nick” she called over her shoulder. For once, Nichkhun was actually glad she called him Nick. Smiling like an idiot, Nichkhun shook his head and went to the kitchen to prepare food for two in 3 weeks. 


how many of you got fooled and thought Vic forgotten everything???

I made the font bigger and changed the font, hope its easier to read!, I've decided to make every Sunday to update, toon in next Sunday!

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I'll be out all day today so the update might be alittle late. Sorry guys(T_T)


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Indahry #1
Chapter 41: Waahh... Good job authornim
I like it ..
lynjosh04 #2
Chapter 26: I love this story....congrats authorim!!!
Chapter 41: i love this fanfic why do you write so well? i hope i could have the same imagination you have and that really cool and nice way to write... :) keep writing author-nim
Chapter 41: You know authornim? Im smiling like a crazy and hold my tears when I read ur AMAZING story >< ILYSM authornim <3
Chapter 41: Wow so nice story its just wow good job and i love ur story
Chapter 41: Finally I finished it..
This is great! I love your stories.. The plot was unpredictable, the end was breathtaking.. You are such a talented writer.. Thank you for the beautiful stories you've made..
Sorry cuz I just read it now.. After long time ago you've finished it.. Glad to find your story when I search for Khuntoria fanfics..
Again, thank you! I love it! :)
Chapter 23: She want to make Khun or something with that drinks I guess.. Just hate it everytime he did it..
Chapter 22: I watch the uninvited too.. I have the DVD.. The story was just so unpredictable.. I like it.

And I like this chapter too.. It gave me a lil creepy things..hehe