Bring it ON

I LOVE YOU..r money


“Vic!” Donghae got up from his seat when he saw her walked in. She pasted on a smile and gave him a small wave but her arm didn’t even make it when Donghae gave her one of the bear hugs that tucked her head in the gap in his shoulder, fitting them perfectly together, like a jigsaw.

“Hi, oppa” she murmured. When they parted, Donghae couldn’t wipe the smile of his face.

“How have you been?” he asked. Victoria shrugged her shoulder. There was really, nothing to say. He left her when he should have fought for their ‘love’. Instead, he turned away.

“Good” Victoria held out her hand where the gold ring with a massive diamond in the centre sparkled like a disco ball against the light, in front of her. Giving him an answer. As soon as his eyes landed on the ring, his smiled dropped.

“Seems like it” he said tightly, she could see the effort when he tried to paste the smile back on but nothing about him could fool her. She knows him like the back of her hand.

“Yep. You left, I moved on, you know” she said, lying comfortably.

“I haven’t. But now that you’re married. I was hoping we could still keep the friendship intact. I can’t lose you that way as well” Vic wanted to bad to reach for his hand that was resting on the table, inches from her own.

“I don’t want to lose your friendship as well oppa” Victoria murmured. When she looked up from her plate, Donghae had that smile on him again. She couldn’t help but smile back this time. At least she didnt lose him all together.

“Now, with all the deep and meaningful talk out of the way, what have you been doing with yourself for the last 5 years?”

“Well...” Victoria started from graduation, how the balloon fell from the ceiling at the wrong time and the look on Luna’s face when she didnt win student excellence award. How she got scholarship for college. About her and Amber moving in together and her past birthdays, Amber found a boyfriend that lasted her 2 months before she dumped him because she believe she has more testosterone than him. Donghae laughed his head off and Victoria couldn’t help but laugh as well. It sounded so nice...familiar. she also told him about the time Amber decided to get a dog, only to give it to her mum a week later because it got and started humpy everything in sight. Donghae’s hand slowly came atop of hers, Victoria’s brain told her to move it away but her body didnt comply, she felt the warmth from his hand and smiled gently to herself.

Victoria caught a figure walking towards them, when she looked up, her lips parted in surprised. Nichkhun was coming at her with...something in his eyes. When Donghae turned around though, the something turned to rage. Victoria could feel Donghae tightened his grip on her hand.

“Funny seeing you here” Nichkhun said, resting a hand on Donghae’s shoulder with a painful thud. Donghae, however, didnt show that he felt any pain.

“I don’t think you remember me telling you something this morning. Something important” Nichkhun looked down meaningfully at Donghae.

“No, no. I can’t remember” Victoria looked at him innocently. Nichkhun shot her a look that could kill, lucky she's immune to killer gazes.

“Right, well. Let me remind you. When we get home” Nichkhun came over to her side of the table and took her hand, batting Donghae’s away. Victoria refused to move and shot Donghae an apology look. Nichkhun scold once before pulling her up, Victoria’s knee hit the table as she stood, tipping over the small flower vase.

“Hey, don’t have to hurt her” Donghae got up; taking Victoria’s other hand, sizing up to Nichkhun. Nichkhun scoffed, and pulled Victoria closer.

“In case you forgotten, she's my wife”

“She’s a person” Donghae fired back. Luckily there was hardly anyone in the store, or else, heads would turn and people would start to murmur.

“Get out of my way” Nichkhun said as he pushed Donghae out of the way.

“Vic’s not ready to leave” Donghae said, stopping Nichkhun’s in his track. Donghae got a hold of her hand again. God, it looked so cool in the movies, now I just feel like a frigging rag doll.

“Yes she is” Nichkhun gave a painful tug. Victoria couldn’t help but yelled. That seemed to be what did it for Donghae.

Donghae let go off Victoria’s hand and swung a right hook, getting Nichkhun in the jaw. Victoria thought she was the one who screamed when Nichkhun stumbled, but then she saw Luna coming out of the toilets.

She looked from Nichkhun to Donghae.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she yelled. Luna glared at Donghae. Donghae rolled his eyes and grabbed Victoria’s hand.

“You ! You just got married yesterday. Now you’re all over him” Victoria opened to say something but Nichkhun got up from the ground and threw himself at Donghae. Donghae went down to the ground.

“You did this” Luna walked over, her heels clacked on the tiles. She lifted her hand to slap Victoria but she blocked it, glaring at Luna.

“If I was you, I’ll back away” she threatened. Luna rolled her eyes and used her other hand to grab a handful of Victoria’s hair, pulling it off her skull. Victoria screamed as she pushed Luna away, she could hear her hair ripping from its roots. Luna stumbled away with a smile on her face and strands of Vic hair in her hand.

“” Victoria growled as she punched Luna. Slapping is for . Luna stumbled back, this time, she landed on her . She let out a yelp in pain before covering it up.

“Let’s party” Victoria said as she straddled Luna and did the thing she dreamed of doing for 5 years. Beat the out of her.


Nichkhun was now on top, he didnt hesitate as he threw punch after punch. Bastard, god damn bastard.

Donghae’s head snapped back after one blow.

“Stay away from my wife” Nichkhun growled. Donghae did his annoying smirked before answering him. “You can try keeping her away” before he could finish the syllable, Nichkhun landed another punch. When Victoria screamed, Nichkhun looked over to see Luna with her claws in Vic’s hair. Nichkhun got up from Donghae and started over when Donghae got him from the back. Nichkhun turned around and got a punch in the jaw. His teeth slammed down on his tongue. Blood flooded his lips and pain exploded.

When Nichkhun looked back, Donghae pounded him with another punch. His face was red from the hits and there were cuts of his upper cheek and jaw from Nichkhun’s wedding ring. For once, he's happy he has the ring on.

“You son of a ” Nichkhun blocked Donghae’s blow and ree of his own. Donghae grabbed Nichkhun by his collar and slammed him against the wall. He felt his head hit against the corner of the picture frame and pain exploded. Dude, the phone mark.

With both his hands free, Nichkhun clapped them against Donghae’s ears before kneeing him in the balls. He went down on his knees, grabbing his jewels when Nichkhun kicked him in the chin, his head snapped up and blood leaked from Donghae’s lips.

Before he could land another punch, another scream echoed through the room. This time, it wasn't Victoria.


“You like that? HUH?” Victoria hissed while she pulled Luna’s hair from the root. Because its exactly the feeling I have to feel over and over again every time you got bored and start to beat me twice a day!, she wanted to say but restrain herself.

When Victoria was about to use her other hand to pull another bunch of Luna’s hair, a pair of arms went around her waist and pulled her off Luna. In her hand, there was hair dangling everywhere.

“Let go of me!” she struggled but he pulled harder, struggling to keep them both standing when Victoria started to do air kicks. Donghae, his face bloody and bruised went to Luna’s side, gingerly helping her that means...

“ing hell! Nick! Let go!” she scream as she reached behind her and tried to pinch him.

“Its Khun and we have to go”

“No, I'm not finish!” Victoria continued but Nichkhun was too strong for her, he lifted her easily over his shoulder and walked out of the store, luckily the staff cleared the shop so no one could see and it’s also likely that Nichkhun would come back and shove wards of money in everyone’s mouths to keep them from blabbing.

“Yes, you are. Crazy woman” he huffed as he kicked the store door open. When Victoria looked back into the store, Donghae was helping Luna from the ground, she looked pretty beat but her face was red from anger and there was an ugly bruise around her eye. Donghae’s gaze met hers and raised an eyebrow before smiling. His eyes said you did good. Victoria couldn’t help but smiled back before giving him a small wave.

“We’re going home, in my car. Its more tinted” Nichkhun said. Victoria just rolled her eyes and picked off bits of Luna’s hair still on her hand. Nichkhun caught her off guard, throwing her in the passenger without telling her, causing her head to knock against the roof.

“OW!” she exclaimed, Nichkhun smirked at her before going over to the passenger’s side.

“What happened back there?” Nichkhun asked as he started the car.

“well, since you were punching the life out of each other, I figured I wanted to join too but since you were both preoccupied, I decided to try out some moves on Luna, since she's the closest person around” Victoria tried to smile but flinched when her lips gave off a stinging sensation.

Without realising, Nichkhun leaned over and caught her chin, tilting it up, he looked at her lips carefully, concern in his eyes and gently touch the split lip, Victoria flinched again.

“Sorry. Does it hurt much? Are you okay?” he murmured while he studied the rest of her face. There were scratches from nails here and there and dark bruises started to form around her jaw and eye area.

“Yeah, I'm fine” Victoria answered him in a hard tone, clearing . Nichkhun snapped out of it and cleared his throat as well.

“Good, I don’t want to drag a gang fighter of a wife to a hospital. It’ll wreak my reputation”

The rest of the car ride home was in silence, when they got home, Victoria went straight upstairs and took her clothes off, turned the water on and stepped in the shower. The pain from the fight earlier has started to catch up. Her head ached and her arms were full of scratches, her lip hurts and dark purple bruise was all over her face, still the satisfaction of knowing Luna got it worse made her smile. But the feeling disappeared quickly. Tears started to flow from her eyes; Donghae is never going to disappear from her heart. His smiles and the easy conversation they had made her remembered all the reasons why she loved him in the first place. Why can’t I forget you oppa


As soon as the car stopped, Victoria dashed out of the car and disappeared into the house. Nichkhun, however, stayed in the car for a while. Donghae, son of a , why doesn’t he just disappear from his world?  Nichkhun thought to himself. His face started to ache and he had a feeling his jewels won’t be at work for a long time.

In the kitchen, he grabs 2 bags of frozen peas and sat on the sofa, one of his crouch and another on his head. He could hear the shower going faintly from upstairs.

“Aish, she's going to waste all the water” Nichkhun grumbled as he got up painfully from the sofa and headed upstairs. Luckily his nose wasn't if it was....he’s screwed.

Clothes were all over the place in the bedroom, her top had blood tinted on it and her skirt was ripped a little. Nichkhun shook his head in amazement, she could kill him if she wanted to, he thought. She could cut his balls and put it in his mouth for real.

Nichkhun was cut from his thoughts when a soft sobbing came from the bathroom. Going over slowly, Nichkhun leaned against the door and listened. Sure enough, he could hear Victoria crying. Nichkhun swallowed and tried to think of what to do. He hated hearing or seeing girls cry, it makes him feel helpless. They look so venerable, helpless and for some reason, he has an urge to make them smile again.

“Vic...Are you ok?” he knocked on the door softly. The crying cut off instantly, and he could hear water splashing, almost like she's getting up.

“Yeah. I'll be out in 5” her voice was weird and croaky from all the crying.

“Take your time” he said. When he was about to turn around, a loud clatter came from the bathroom, followed by a loud thud.

“Ya! Victoria! Open up!” Nichkhun banged against the door before turning the knob, it was locked. He pressed his ear against the door to hear any movement but all he heard was a small exhale before the room turned completely silent.


There you go. I originally was only going to make Nichkhun & Donghae fight but i wanted Victoria to get some action :)

If you like the fights, more is on the way. between many people...who knows...what about a gang fight?

I wonder what happened to Vic in the bathroom???

I heart comments and subscribe <3

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I'll be out all day today so the update might be alittle late. Sorry guys(T_T)


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Indahry #1
Chapter 41: Waahh... Good job authornim
I like it ..
lynjosh04 #2
Chapter 26: I love this story....congrats authorim!!!
Chapter 41: i love this fanfic why do you write so well? i hope i could have the same imagination you have and that really cool and nice way to write... :) keep writing author-nim
Chapter 41: You know authornim? Im smiling like a crazy and hold my tears when I read ur AMAZING story >< ILYSM authornim <3
Chapter 41: Wow so nice story its just wow good job and i love ur story
Chapter 41: Finally I finished it..
This is great! I love your stories.. The plot was unpredictable, the end was breathtaking.. You are such a talented writer.. Thank you for the beautiful stories you've made..
Sorry cuz I just read it now.. After long time ago you've finished it.. Glad to find your story when I search for Khuntoria fanfics..
Again, thank you! I love it! :)
Chapter 23: She want to make Khun or something with that drinks I guess.. Just hate it everytime he did it..
Chapter 22: I watch the uninvited too.. I have the DVD.. The story was just so unpredictable.. I like it.

And I like this chapter too.. It gave me a lil creepy things..hehe