
I LOVE YOU..r money


“Hot Summer! Hot hot summer~~” Luna sang as she danced around her living room, holding a glass of chilled champagne. After the second glass, the alcohol started to work its way into her system, making her stumble and slur, acting a little crazy and free. 
In the midst of her song, the door to her apartment was being banged. Turning off the music, Luna shuffled over to the door, checked the eye hole and a big smile spread across her face. 
Unlocking her door, she swung the door open and threw herself at Nichkhun. He stiffens underneath her touch. 
“Don’t touch me” he hissed between his teeth. Luna froze at the frostiness of his tone and let go, stepping back.
“Oppa, anything wrong?” Luna asked, feeling confused, but at the same time, she had a feeling of why he was here. 
“Can I come in?” Nichkhun asked stiffly. Luna nodded wordlessly and took a step back, allowing him inside her apartment. Just when she went to close the door, another man walked in. He had a maw hawk and tattoos on almost every inch of him. 
“I'm with him” the guy said, gave her a smirk before following Nichkhun into the living room. Hesitantly, Luna closed the door to her apartment and followed her unexpected guest into her living room. 
Nichkhun was already sitting on one of her sofas, looking up at her with eyes that pierced her soul.
“Are you going to tell me or am I going to get it out of you?” Nichkhun said his voice distant. 
“Um, can I ask what you’re trying to get out of me?” Luna asked cautiously. 
“The club, the drinks, the bartender...ring any bells?” Nichkhun asked. Luna froze on the spot as she tried to control her breathing. Damn, that stupid bartender, she paid him good money for not spilling, her money and her body. Son of a .
“I don’t know—”
“Cut the crap Luna. Now tell me why you did it” Nichkhun demanded. No, I can’t tell you, he would kill me otherwise, Luna wanted to say.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about oppa” Luna stutter as she stepped back. Nichkhun sigh.
“You drugged me Luna. My friend here, he’s a police and my own detective. He does it all, that's how talented he is. He did some tests on me and as we suspected, we found some drugs in my system from the past 2-3 days. You want to know what kind of drugs I had in my system?”
Before Luna could interject, Nichkhun continued.
“I had this type of drug that makes me forget, makes me aroused, make me want what’s in front of me...you. It makes me want you, not once had Victoria, my wife crossed my mind. We also found a drug that makes me want to have . for , familiar Luna? It seemed the drug had been in my system more than once. Now, I want to hear from your mouth, did you or did you not drugged me that night and every other night we were together?”
The sight of her at that moment made him sick, he couldn’t believe she could so such thing to him. He thought she was...well, not exactly his friend but at least she was someone that cared for him. 
It seemed the bartender didn’t leave out one detail; his mouth was like diarrhoea, spilling out everything he knows by the sight of the 9mm gun Nichkhun placed in front of him when he asked questions.  
“I did not” Luna said shakily. Nichkhun got up violently, knocking over the champagne bottle and glass, letting crash onto the ground. Luna jump at the sound but stood her ground. 
“DON’T LIE TO ME!” Nichkhun yelled, going up to her, face to face. His breathing was harsh while hers came out as a whisper. 
“Ican’t!OPPA!Ican’ttellyouIhavetomakeyouandVictoriafight,havingyoutwofightingmakestheplanrun smoother,Ican’ttellyouIhavetomakeyoudrunksoVictoriawouldwalkinonyouandseeyouwithme.Ican’t tellyouVictoriahastobemadatyousoshecan’tinterfereandruinthings,havingheroutoftheplanmakesit betterformeandforyou.she’sjustahazard,youweresupposetobewithmenotwithher,shedoesn’tdeservetolive!” Luna spoke to fast, the words merged together. After her little spill, she realised what she did. Nichkhun felt his face drained of colour before flushing a deep red. 
“YOU PLANNED THIS! You planed for us to fight? HOW DARE YOU! You planned for her to get kidnap?” Nichkhun grabbed Luna by the shoulders and slammed her against the wall.
“OPPA! You’re hurting me!” Luna whimpered. 
“Dude, ease off. We got all we need” Jay grabbed Nichkhun by the arm. Reluctantly, Nichkhun released Luna and stalked out without a backward glance at Luna. 
“If anything happens” he mumbled before slamming the door to Luna’s apartment close. 
Her eyes snapped open; she was in a room, a white room with high walls with no windows, one large metal door and two beds. Another girl laid there, still as the dead, a dried pool around her pillow. She tested her arms, twitching her fingers one by one, making sure they work fine. Indeed they worked, relieved, she let out a breath. Testing both her feet, they work. 
Gently, she eased herself up from the ground; her body ached in protest, bones creaking as they’ve been stretched. Her wrists were red from the bounds; her arms were bruised from being man-handled. Tilting her head from side to side, her neck popped, relieving her some more. 
Sighing, she got up and went to inspect the girl on the bed. Her back was to her, the girl was wearing a blue jumpsuit, gladiator’s shoes and a gold cuff on her upper arm. Inching closer, she felt sick when she suddenly realised who was lying on the blood soaked pillow. 
“Krystal” Victoria gasped when she turned the girl around. 
“Nichkhun calm down!” Jay tried to catch up with him, Nichkhun was seeing red. He felt betrayed and angry, god help him, if he ever see Luna again, he’s going to crack it.
“I can’t! I need to find my wife!” Nichkhun shook off Jay’s hand on his shoulder and headed towards his car. 
Settled in his car, Nichkhun paused in mid sentence when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Looking silently at Jay, Nichkhun bring up the phone and looked at the ID. Anonymous. 
“Record the call” Jay said, Nichkhun nodded his head as he went to answer. 
“I know what you want, your sister and your wife. Tell me, who do you want first?” the voice asked, it was husky and deep, with an edge. Nothing Nichkhun was familiar with.
“What the do you want?!” Nichkhun hissed, his hand was going white from clutching the phone. 
“That’s not to be discussed over the phone; I will send you the information later tonight in your mailbox. Good doing business with you” he hung up. Nichkhun wanted to throw the phone out the window but he knew Jay would need it to track the call, so he settled on banging his steering wheel instead.
“What?” Jay asked, alarmed by his outburst.
“They want me to choose, it turns out they have both my girls” Nichkhun hissed. 
“Let’s get home, we need to get to work” Jay said, Nichkhun nodded as he stepped on the pedal. 
“Omg, Krystal” Victoria whispered as she gently shook the other girl. She came off worse than Victoria. Her arms were scratched and bruised. Nail marks were imprinted on her arms while a deep bruise started to form on her face.
“Umma” Krystal murmured, opening her eyes slowly. 
“No, it’s me. Victoria” Victoria said gently, trying not to alarm her. 
“Victoria” Krystal’s eyes filled with tears as she threw herself onto the older girl, crying and sobbing hard. Victoria tried her hardest not to cry, she has to be strong for Krystal, she can’t cry. With shaky hands, Victoria sooth Krystal by running her hand down the younger girl’s back. 
“I want to go home” she sobbed, her fragile frame shaking with each cry. 
“I’ll get us out of here, don’t worry okay? I’ll take care of you” Victoria murmured comforting words, calming the alarmed Krystal down.  
The sound of the lock clicking made Krystal stop crying mid-breath, her whole body stilled. Victoria manoeuvrer herself so she’s blocking Krystal with her own body. 
A hairy big guy came into the room, a smirk pasted on his face as he checked them out, looking at Victoria, his eyes travelling up and down her form, pausing at her chest. 
“What the are you looking at?” Victoria hissed her voice steady and cold. He smirked at her once again before throwing them a bag. Without another word, he walked out, not forgetting to lock the door. It locked with a loud click. 
“What is it?” Krystal asked, looking over her shoulder to the brown bag by the door. Victoria shook her head before inching closer. 
Grabbing it, carefully, she opened the bag and tip out the contents in the bag. 
“Why did they give us a pen and paper?” Krystal asked, looking confused.
“They want us to write to Nichkhun” Victoria answered.
“Are they going to read what we write?” Krystal asked, inching closer to the pen and paper.
“Of course” 
“Then I don’t think I'm going to write anything. Are you?” Krystal asked. 
Nodding her head, Victoria picked up the pen and wrote. 
“Anything yet?” Nichkhun looked over Jay’s shoulder at the computer, running scans and codes. Jay shook his head in disappointment and kept quiet as he focused on the screen. 
“I’ll go check the mail” Nichkhun murmured, wanting to be helpful. Jay nodded his head distractedly, not looking at him. 
The sun was on the verge of setting, day 3 and Victoria is nowhere to be seen. Nichkhun grind his teeth in frustration as he fisted his hands. As expected, there was an envelope in the mail. Holding his breath, Nichkhun opened it. 
Jay and Nichkhun sat around the table, staring at the paper like it contained the secret of the universe. 
“Got all the fingerprints?” Nichkhun asked his friend in a monotone voice. Jay nodded his head. There were 5 unidentified fingerprints. 8 all together including Nichkhun have and as it turned out, Krystal’s and Victoria’s. 
“Read out what's there again?”
Nichkhun took the first letter; it was typed up and carefully handled. 
“Personally, I would prefer to keep both of your women, but since I am so kind, I would give one of yours back. But at a price. $10 000 000 US dollars in cash deposit at the address below. Come alone with the money or you won’t be getting anyone of them back. If you think you could outplay me at my own games Nichkhun, you are wrong, so don’t play games.” 
Nichkhun dropped the letter on the table, his hands shook a little but it stilled it in time before anyone could see it. 
“The other one” Jay murmured. Nichkhun picked up the other one; hand written in Victoria’s rushed hand writing. 
“I don’t want to read it” Nichkhun muttered, folding the paper in half before tucking it in his pocket. 
“What about the picture?” Jay asked, holding up the picture. Nichkhun didn’t look at the picture but at Jay. He couldn’t bear to look at the photo again, Victoria looked vulnerable, asleep with her arms bounded, and a tape across , and her bang messed up. Krystal on the other half of the photo looked worse. There was blood on her forehead and her head was rested in an odd position. His little sister. 
“Burn it” Nichkhun got up from the seat and was about to head for the bedroom when one of the staff jump off his seat.
“I found it!” Jay got off his seat and rushed to the computer. Nichkhun waited at the base of the stairs, he felt sick when Jay’s face drained of colour.
“Dude, what?” Nichkhun asked, worried. 
“the call...it was made inside the house”
So we finally know why nichkhun got all everytime Luna is around, hope that clears it up for you!
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I'll be out all day today so the update might be alittle late. Sorry guys(T_T)


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Indahry #1
Chapter 41: Waahh... Good job authornim
I like it ..
lynjosh04 #2
Chapter 26: I love this story....congrats authorim!!!
Chapter 41: i love this fanfic why do you write so well? i hope i could have the same imagination you have and that really cool and nice way to write... :) keep writing author-nim
Chapter 41: You know authornim? Im smiling like a crazy and hold my tears when I read ur AMAZING story >< ILYSM authornim <3
Chapter 41: Wow so nice story its just wow good job and i love ur story
Chapter 41: Finally I finished it..
This is great! I love your stories.. The plot was unpredictable, the end was breathtaking.. You are such a talented writer.. Thank you for the beautiful stories you've made..
Sorry cuz I just read it now.. After long time ago you've finished it.. Glad to find your story when I search for Khuntoria fanfics..
Again, thank you! I love it! :)
Chapter 23: She want to make Khun or something with that drinks I guess.. Just hate it everytime he did it..
Chapter 22: I watch the uninvited too.. I have the DVD.. The story was just so unpredictable.. I like it.

And I like this chapter too.. It gave me a lil creepy things..hehe