Come Back to Me

I LOVE YOU..r money


Victoria watched him go, drove away. She didn’t understand why they were being like this. Ok, well, it may be hr fault, just a little but it was him. He did everything. Victoria felt like an instant for blaming him. She was all over that other guy too, it wasn’t only him. 
Victoria hugged her bag close to her body as she leaned her head against the glass of the bus stop. She’ll wait a little, and then she would catch a bus home. Of all bus stops, they had to stop in front of a bus that goes around every hour. 
Victoria took out her sunglasses and wore them before letting herself being drifted to sleep. She woke up suddenly when the bus came to a stop...only it wasn’t a was a van. 
Not wasting time, Victoria dug out her phone and speed-dialled Nichkhun. It went straight to voicemail. She tried over 3 times but no answer. 
3 men got out of the van, all of them big and meaty. One of them smiled at her, not a friendly ‘I’m going to kill you and enjoy it’ smile. Victoria didn’t waste any time. Not taking her bag with her because it weighs a ton, she started to sprint down the road. The guys started to yell and heavy footsteps followed her. They were getting louder and louder as they got closer. 
As Victoria turned the corner, she ran into another man. He grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted her up like she’s a feather. Victoria opened and screamed but there was no one around. Something stung her arm, when she looked down, it was a needle. Victoria looked up at the person that injected her. Her eyes widened at the sight of her dad but she immediately felt dizzy and disoriented. 
“You...” she didn’t get to finish the sentence. Victoria body went limp in no time. The guy threw her over his shoulder and shoved her in the van. 
“I got her sir” victor said into the ear piece.
“Good, now the other” victor smiled as he hung up. 
As soon as he heard the voices, he wanted to say something but the line went dead.
 “JAY! TRACK THIS NUMBER! NOW!” he shouted at his friend. Jay came running over, took the phones off him and ran to the van where they kept all the equipment. Nichkhun took a shuttering breath before he sat back down. 
Whoever did it got both Krystal and Victoria; possibly hurting them and Nichkhun could do nothing but sit there, relying on his friend. 
“Dude, it’s none traceable, my guess is they bought a cheap sim card before cutting it up. I’m sorry” jay said as he sat down next to Nichkhun, who is now in a state that he couldn’t feel anything. 
“I can’t help them. They sounded...they’re hurt...I...” Nichkhun couldn’t put words together. His mind was spinning out of control. 
“Calm down alright. They definitely want something, they won’t hurt them, we’ll find a way” jay rested a hand on Nichkhun’s shoulder. He wished he could believe him but he didn’t. 
“I can’t relax...this is my family” Nichkhun answered, looking at the ground. 
“Then I’ll help you” before Nichkhun could understand what jay meant, jay injected him with a sleeping serum.
“3 hours bro, get some rest” Nichkhun wanted to punch his friend but before he could lift his hand, Nichkhun felt himself drifting off.
“Screw you jay...” he managed to murmur before falling asleep.
“Krystal, where are you! I am so tired of waiting” Sulli whined on the other side of the phone. 
“I told you I'm not going. I’m going home and sleep, so totally tired today” Krystal complained as she turned up her music in her car. She was at the park for a late night walk, but now she just wanted to go home and relax...gets a facial or something.
Krystal thought she saw a shadow from the corner of her eye. “Hey, I got to go, I’ll call you back” Krystal hung up and locked her doors. 
When she thought there was nothing out there, Krystal sighs as she leaned back on her seat. Krystal screamed when hands smashed through her driver’s side of the car, glass flew up at her face and she tried to avoid the hands but one got a hold of her arm.
“LET GO! HELP!” Krystal screamed as she tried to shake off the strong hold. Another pair of arms came through the door and unlocked the door. The driver’s door opened and Krystal saw 2 big guys in ski masks. 
“HELP!” she screamed as she was pulled out of the car. One of them got a hold on her waist while the other got into her car. Krystal was kicking and screaming.
“Shut the up!” the deep male voice demanded, when Krystal screamed even more, the man grabbed her head and smashed it on the car. Tears blurred her vision as the pain was too much as to scream out. She felt like she was floating, she could feel the blood dripping down her face. Kristal lightly brushed the blood away from her eyes. 
“Not so loud now huh?” the male laughed as he pulled her away. Krystal grabbed at anything she could find but her car was smooth so her bloody hands just slide along without grabbing anything. The sky was spinning and she felt like throwing up. 
“Help...” Krystal whispered before grey started to cloud her vision then everything was all black. 
Nichkhun woke up and cursed silently at his friend. He had now wasted 3 hours and in that time, something could happen to Victoria and Krystal. Nichkhun cursed again, this time loud and filled with anger. 
Getting off the bed, Nichkhun grabbed his shirt and tug it on roughly before throwing the door open and climb down the stairs 3 at a time. Fetching his phone, Nichkhun called Jay, who answered in 2 rings.
“Glad, you’re up” jay said, Nichkhun tried to contain his anger.
“I ing hate you at this moment” Nichkhun growled. Jay laughed on the other line, which made Nichkhun angrier. 
“Just come over to my house. There’s been good news” Nichkhun smiled despite being mad at Jay and hung up quickly. Grabbing his keys, Nichkhun headed towards the garage when his doorbell rang like crazy. 
Annoyed, Nichkhun quickly ran to the door and threw it open. He thought he was dreaming, but there she was, Victoria more alive than ever. She’s a little ruffled and shaken but other than that, she was fine.
“Vic, god! Where have you been?” Nichkhun pulled her roughly to him and hugged her tight. Victoria sobbed against his chest, her whole body was convulsing under his touch. Nichkhun pulled her at arms length to examine her again, when she start to talk.
“Hurry! Go inside! I'm being chased! Nichkhun, go inside” Victoria pushed him in; Nichkhun grabbed her arms to steady her.
“Who, Vic? Speak slowly. Who’s after you?” Nichkhun looked into her eyes and it was filled with fear. 
Victoria opens to say something when a loud crack echoed through the air. Nichkhun looked behind her to the front lawn when he saw a man, middle age, holding a gun, pointing it their direction. 
Before Nichkhun could put the situation together, Victoria sagged against his arms. Nichkhun felt his eyes widened when he saw the red paint seeping through her clothes. 
“, Victoria” Nichkhun muttered, panicked. She looked at him, eyes wide and shaking. Tears were blurring her eyes. Her lips moved like she wanted to say something but nothing came out but small gasps. 
Anger and grieve flooded him. Nichkhun looked back to see if the man was still there, as expected he had disappear. 
“Victoria, Victoria. Look at me, look at me” Nichkhun murmured and muttered. He dropped to his knees and pulled Victoria to his chest. Her blood was pooling around them, there was so much blood. 
Grabbing his phone, Nichkhun called for an ambulance, he rushed the details of where they lived while keeping his eyes on Victoria. Her eyes were drooping close by the second. Nichkhun hung up and pulled her closer to him.
“Victoria, come on. I need you, baby” he whispered. Victoria reached up for him, she caressed his face softly. 
“I’m sorry” she mouthed. Nichkhun shook his head as he pulled her closer. Her hand dropped from his face and landed softly, limply, on her chest. 
“VICTORIA!” Nichkhun screamed, his eyes snapped opened and he bolted up right in bed. Sweat was soaked in his hair and he was tangled in his sheets. 
“It was just a dream” he whispered shakily, covering his face with his hands. “It was a dream”
It felt so real for him, Nichkhun got out of bed shakily. He washed his face hastily in the bathroom before going downstairs, where the chaos began. 
It felt almost like his house was the headquarters of the police or something. The dining room had been transformed into a table filled with 6 computers. Men in black spoke in hushed tones, murmuring between each other, ignoring Nichkhun’s present completely. 
“You woke up” jay said from behind him, Nichkhun turned around to his friend. Jay looked around apologetically at the intrusion.
“I thought you might want to get in touch with the I kinda...”
“Brought the whole thing here” Nichkhun finished the sentence for him.
“I hope you don’t mind” 
“Nah man, this is good. Thanks” Nichkhun placed a hand on Jay’s shoulder. 
“Feel any better now after the sleep” jay asked as he moved to the living room where 2 more computers were set up. 
“Yeah, any updates?” Nichkhun asked as he sat down on the couch. Jay joined him on the other side and opened a folder.
“I told you before that the number was untraceable, but I managed to trace the location where the call was being made. It’s in an isolated area outside of town. My guess is they went into hiding around there, but what I don’t understand is...why them?” jay looked at Nichkhun.
“I don’t know. It’s all my fault, none of this would have happened if I—” Nichkhun stopped abruptly when an idea stuck him.
“When you what?” jay prodded. 
“Jay, if you take a blood test from me now, would something I ate or drank in the past few days show up?” Nichkhun asked, Jay looked taken aback but recovered quickly.
“Yeah, if it’s not taken in small amounts, why?” 
“I need to clear something up” 
The club at the time of day was still quiet. Jay managed to get in because he has a badge, man, that guy can come so handy.
Nichkhun could spot the bartender as soon as they walked in. The guy made eye contact with Nichkhun and Nichkhun could see the shock registered on his face.
“We got our guy jay” Nichkhun murmured as they made their way to the bar. 
“I need to talk to you” Nichkhun said to the guy. 
“I don’t have to say anything to you” the bartender said in his defence.
“Oh, but you see, my friend here is a cop and with some persuasion, you could go jail for no reason, we don’t want that now do we?” Nichkhun threatened. 
“You can’t do that” the bartender said, his voice shook.
“yes I can buddy, yes I can”
I could already see how the story is going to end from here, so not long now. 
hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!
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I'll be out all day today so the update might be alittle late. Sorry guys(T_T)


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Indahry #1
Chapter 41: Waahh... Good job authornim
I like it ..
lynjosh04 #2
Chapter 26: I love this story....congrats authorim!!!
Chapter 41: i love this fanfic why do you write so well? i hope i could have the same imagination you have and that really cool and nice way to write... :) keep writing author-nim
Chapter 41: You know authornim? Im smiling like a crazy and hold my tears when I read ur AMAZING story >< ILYSM authornim <3
Chapter 41: Wow so nice story its just wow good job and i love ur story
Chapter 41: Finally I finished it..
This is great! I love your stories.. The plot was unpredictable, the end was breathtaking.. You are such a talented writer.. Thank you for the beautiful stories you've made..
Sorry cuz I just read it now.. After long time ago you've finished it.. Glad to find your story when I search for Khuntoria fanfics..
Again, thank you! I love it! :)
Chapter 23: She want to make Khun or something with that drinks I guess.. Just hate it everytime he did it..
Chapter 22: I watch the uninvited too.. I have the DVD.. The story was just so unpredictable.. I like it.

And I like this chapter too.. It gave me a lil creepy things..hehe