Oops, He did it again

I LOVE YOU..r money


Nichkhun wanted to pull Victoria off the dance floor and out of this place as soon as he saw Donghae walked through the door. They made eye contact and Nichkhun was glad Victoria didn’t see him come in. 
The little incident a while ago still didn’t leave Nichkhun’s mind. Victoria crying might be the funniest thing on earth but she was still crying, so Donghae must’ve hurt her. when Donghae came up to them as ask Victoria to dance with him, Nichkhun prayed to every belief there was for her to say no.
“I have my arms full at the moment” Victoria said as she kept looking at Nichkhun. He wanted to kiss her there and then. He smiled brightly at her and pulled her closer.
“At least look at me Vic” Donghae said. Victoria shook her head, still locking her eyes to his. 
Nichkhun broke eye contact with Victoria to look back at Donghae, when he saw the way he was looking at Victoria; he wanted to knock Donghae out on the spot.
“Vic” Donghae asked again. Nichkhun wanted to hold her in place so she couldn’t turn around but he didn’t want to make a scene around this crowd. 
“What?” Victoria asked, her arms crossed over her chest. Nichkhun stepped in and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Victoria didn’t object and went along with him.
“Can we talk at a more private place? Please?” Donghae asked, his eyes darting from left to right. Victoria seems to get what he was saying and stepped forward.
“Wait for me here” she called over her shoulder as she paste a fake smile on her face before hooking her arm with Donghae’s. Nichkhun took a step forward but stopped when Victoria shot him a look. Exhaling, Nichkhun stepped back and watched Victoria walking away. She quickly disappeared behind the dancing crowd. 
“Oppa, I missed you...soo much” Luna said from behind him. “Now that she’s gone, let’s dance” Nichkhun turned around and took hold of Luna’s hand. The two swayed with the slow music but Nichkhun would step back every time Luna stepped forward. 
“Why are you being like this? Did that girl make you changed your mind?” Luna asked. Nichkhun wanted to say yes but that won’t be right. 
“no, I'm just not feeling it right now you know...my suit is tight” Nichkhun fixed his tight tie but made sure he doesn’t wipe some of Victoria’s concealer from his neck.
“Oppa, want to get out of here?” Luna asked him in a dreamy voice. Before Nichkhun could say anything, Luna was pulling off the dance floor, to god knows where.
The sky was sparkling with pretty glittering stars. Victoria braced her arms on the balcony and looked up at the sky. A shudder went through her body. Something warm came around her shoulders. Victoria looked back to see Donghae’s jacket. 
“I don’t want it” Victoria shook it off and hand it back to him. Donghae took it and stared hard at her. 
“Why are you being like this?” he asked.
“Well, if memory serves, you tried to kiss me when I don’t want to and you didn’t stop when I told you to. You basically just ruined this thing we have” Victoria pointed from herself then to him. 
“But...Vic...Don’t you love me anymore? Remember how crazy we in love we use to be? When you would sleepover at my house when your dad—”
“I know! I don’t need a reminder. And don’t bring that into this” Victoria said. Her hand went to her hip unconsciously, rubbing at the invisible scar. 
“What happened to them by the way?” Donghae asked, pushing the sensitive topic that he had never bought up once when they were dating.
“I don’t know. Amber took me in with her mum as my guardian a year after you left” Victoria explained. 
“Where are they...?” Donghae asked gently. Victoria felt her eyes welling up but she wiped it away before it fell in front of Donghae.
“The guy went to jail for 10 years for a homicide attempt and the girl went to rehab for overdosing on coke and meth”
“You’re dad tried to kill you?!” Donghae asked, disbelief and he said it....quiet loud. 
“He didn’t! Ok! Now please stop talking about it! If you don’t have anything to say...I’m going back inside” Victoria said, she waited for a few seconds...waiting for him to say something but when he didn’t, Victoria headed back inside when Donghae grab her hand.
“Give me one more chance, please Vic” Donghae whispered. 
“I really don’t feel like it...” Victoria said as she tugged her hand free. 
“please Qian” Victoria stop at the sound of that name. Turning slowly, Victoria shot Donghae a sharp look.
“that's not my name”
Back inside, Victoria walked away as fast as possible, weaving through the crowd while keeping a look out for Nichkhun to take her home. She really can’t take more of this high class . 
People smiled and talked to her, she smiled back and responded to their answer as enthusiastic as possible.  After talking to more than 10, Victoria bumped into Krystal, who was just sulking and holding a glass of champagne even though she’s clearly underage.
“um Krystal, have you seen your brother?” Krystal looked up to meet Victoria’s eyes lazily, she looked bored out of her mind. 
“yeah, he went upstairs with Luna. Really, Vic unni, you should keep a tight leash on Khun oppa when it comes to Luna. Shes like a flea that would never leave”
“um, I’ll keep that in mind” Victoria gave her a little smile which made Krystal roll her eyes.
Going up the slippery stairs was a challenge, Victoria felt herself slip for more than once. But she managed to her to the top without falling back and breaking her neck. 
Upstairs lights were dimmer and there were more rooms. Office after office for different business sectors. Victoria already know what she’s going to see if she opens one of these doors. Nichkhun and Luna would be all over each other and yadi-yada. 
Getting her phone out of her clutch, Victoria dialled Nichkhun and waited to see if she could hear anything. When there was nothing but silence and the soft hum of downstairs noise, Victoria went with her gut feeling and turned right into the business sector. She dialled Nichkhun again and a faint ringtone came out from one of the boss office. Victoria took her time and walked slowly from door to door, listening. The sound got louder and louder after the 3rd door. 
her hands started to sweat when she saw that one of the offices has lights on under the door while others don’t. 
“Then why didn’t just look at the doors?” Victoria muttered to herself before giving her head a soft hit. 
“ow” she whispered, rubbing at her head. 
Placing a hand on the knob, Victoria started to turn it. Unlock. She felt her other hand shake but she steadied it as she threw the door open, startling an almost Luna up against the wall with Nichkhun pressing himself up against her. lipstick was smudge around his lips and Victoria felt disappointed that none of the concealer came off, that would really give Luna a fright, if only. 
Victoria wanted to throw up right there on the floor at the sight but she composed herself and paced a smile on her face, hiding her hands behind her back.
“you forgot to lock your door” she said before backing out. 
“WAIT! Victoria!” Nichkhun said as he dropped Luna on the floor with a thud with made Victoria smirk on the inside. Hope you break your .
Victoria closed the door in his face and let out a shaky breath before getting away from there as fast as she can. At the stairs, Victoria didn’t hesitate to take her heels off before running down the steps 2 at a time. At the landing, she slips her shoes back on. Like a boss.
Victoria could see Nichkhun running out of the room, fixing his tie and wiped his lips. Victoria felt disgusted to even look at him. 
“I thought we had something” she muttered to herself as she walked calmly through the crowd. When people called out to her, she declined politely and said she was tired and had to get home. 
Outside,  she was hit with a cold gush of wind, which made her in a breath. The guy who was taking care of the car asked what her number plate was. Victoria told him she doesn’t know and that she would go find it herself at the parking lot. Since she had a spare key in her clutch, there was no problem and the guy shouldn’t worry. He looked sceptical but let her go. 
The car park was cold and dark. Expensive car lined up in rows, and believe it or not, it was in brand and colour order. Her laughter echoed through the parking lot. Victoria stopped suddenly at how freaking the situation was. 
“imagine if I laugh and someone else started to laugh along” she muttered to herself. Goosebumps started on her arm at the creepiness of it. 
She started to laugh again when she saw a plushy toy dangling inside the windshield of one of a BMW car when she heard someone else joined in with her laughter. Victoria stopped suddenly and waited to see if she could hear it again. 
“, , ” Victoria muttered as she started to panic. Hurriedly, Victoria ran through the car park and found the Mercedes Benzes section. There were soo many cars. What was the colour of the car? She thought. 
“Black” she answered herself and got going with the search. dropped open when she saw how many cars where was in the parking lot. 
Walking slowly, Victoria pressed the unlock button on the key and waited to see the flash from the car. When there was nothing, she moved on. 
Her heels clicked loudly on the cement as she hugged herself. Another gush of wind hit her.
“ssshhhiitttttttt” she whined as her teeth started to clatter. 
Victoria pressed the key again and the flash came from the end of the parking lot. Hurriedly, Victoria ran to the car and threw the door opened and climbed in the car. Stuck the key in and blasted the heater. In the midst of the silent, Victoria phone rang which made her yelp from surprised. 
‘Avatar’ appears on the caller ID. 
“I don’t think so” she muttered as she threw the phone to the backseat of the car, it bounced on the seat, which made Victoria smile before it bounced to the ground. 
“cant you just stay on the seat?” she muttered. 
When the phone stopped ringing, Victoria leaned her head on the seat and closed her eyes, enjoying the silence for the shortest moment before the glass window from the backseat break. 
Victoria screamed as the side window was also smashed. The glass scattered everywhere, the man moved to the main wind screen and used the bat he has with him and hit the screen, sending shards of glass on her face and arms. It was raining glass and Victoria could do nothing but cover her face from the glass and out Nichkhun’s name.  
“Get out of the car!” 
Here it is!
I'm sorry it was a day late but with so much going on with school, i wasn't really into writing this chapter and the last thing i need is a crappy chapter for you awesome readers after you waited for a week. :D
hopefully it doesn't as much
i don't think i ever mentioned Vic's parents so here's a bit of her past.
i heart comments and subscribe <3
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I'll be out all day today so the update might be alittle late. Sorry guys(T_T)


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Indahry #1
Chapter 41: Waahh... Good job authornim
I like it ..
lynjosh04 #2
Chapter 26: I love this story....congrats authorim!!!
Chapter 41: i love this fanfic why do you write so well? i hope i could have the same imagination you have and that really cool and nice way to write... :) keep writing author-nim
Chapter 41: You know authornim? Im smiling like a crazy and hold my tears when I read ur AMAZING story >< ILYSM authornim <3
Chapter 41: Wow so nice story its just wow good job and i love ur story
Chapter 41: Finally I finished it..
This is great! I love your stories.. The plot was unpredictable, the end was breathtaking.. You are such a talented writer.. Thank you for the beautiful stories you've made..
Sorry cuz I just read it now.. After long time ago you've finished it.. Glad to find your story when I search for Khuntoria fanfics..
Again, thank you! I love it! :)
Chapter 23: She want to make Khun or something with that drinks I guess.. Just hate it everytime he did it..
Chapter 22: I watch the uninvited too.. I have the DVD.. The story was just so unpredictable.. I like it.

And I like this chapter too.. It gave me a lil creepy things..hehe